a] Develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the 5-year average return given the type of fund. At the (1.05 level of significance. test for a signicant relationship b] Did the estimated regression equation developed in part (a) provide a good fit to the data '3 Explain c} Develop the estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the 5-year average return given the type of fundI the net asset valueI and the expense ratio. At the [1.05 level of significance, test for a significant relationship. Do you think any variables should be deleted from the estimated regression equation 1' Explain . d] Morningstar Rank is a categorical variable. The data set contains only funds with tour ranks {2Star t3 Star :4 StartsStar }. Using the following dummy variables EStar Rank = 1 for a 3Star fund 1 I] otherwise 45tarFtank 1 for a 4-Star fund 1 I] otherwise and SStarRank l for a 5-Star fund , D otherwise develop an estimated regression equation that can be used to predict the 5year average return given the type of fund1 the expense ratioI and the Morningstar Rank. Using n = CLUE. remove any independent variables that are not significant e} Use the estimated regression equation developed in part (d) to predict the 5year average return for a domestic equity fund with an expense ratio of -% and a 3Star Morningstar Rank . Fall: The Tyre Rack maintains an independent consumer survey to help drivers help each other by sharing their longterm tyre experiences. The data contained in the file named TyreRatings show survey results for t! allseason tyres. Performance traits are rated using the following it] -point scale. WWW-mm" mm The values for the variable labelled Wet are the average of the ratings for each tyre's wet traction performance and the values for the variable labelled Noise are the average of the ratings for the noise level generated by each tire. Respondents were also asked whether they would buy the tyre again using the following 10 point scale