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A research paper presents the results of the panel regression model with the dependent variable as the amount of ODA from Korea to 27 Asian

A research paper presents the results of the panel regression model with the dependent variable as the amount of ODA from Korea to 27 Asian countries from 2006 to 2015, with several independent variables and results as below.

1. Discuss the correlation table and multicollinearity test results. 2. Which panel regression model should be used (Pooled or FEM or REM and why)? 3. Explain the results of the diagnostic tests. 4. Explain the results with robust regression to answer the question: which variables affect ODA from Korea?

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This is quite long question, i will post the questions separately if you want, please note in the answer about your opinion. Thanks alot. It 'urgent.

Motivations Variables Definition Dependent Amount of ODA Korea ODA from Korea variable Gross Domestic GDP per Capita Production per Humanitarian person Infant Neonatal Rate Mortality rate Population Total amount of people Log (Japan Trade volume) Logarithm of amount of Export and Import Capitalist Independent (coal Log production) Logarithm of amount of annual coal production variables USA ODA Amount of US ODA Political Transparent Non corruption governance Existence of Korean cultural diplomatic center institution for Cultural and spreading culture diplomatic Log (North Korea Relationship with trade volume with North Korea in each recipients) economic field sum KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturec > enteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max KoreaODA 270 18.81674 33.22886 0 242.46 270 2936.049 2724.707 13890.9 272.6 3.9 270 20.12111 11.17829 52.5 GDPperCapita Neonatalmo-e Population logKortrade 270 133.2367 326.9933 .3 1375 5.371749 270 2.666247 1.215687 0 8 65 270 270 28.8 182.9247 10.40289 478.5334 .01 3319 Noncorrupten USODA Culturecen- logNorthKo-M logcoal .1555556 0 1 270 103 .3631065 .9852782 1.298617 0 3.836577 270 2.284456 2.09809 0 6.554459 pwcorr KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultu > recenteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal KoreaODA GDPper-a Neonat-e Popula-n logKor-e Noncor-n USODA KoreaODA 1.0000 GDPperCapita Neonatalmowe -0.2193 1.0000 -0.0330 -0.5868 1.0000 -0.0722 0.0154 0.0190 0.2002 -0.2250 1.0000 0.5760 0.2694 1.0000 -0.1302 0.3459 -0.3655 0.1716 0.0746 1.0000 Population logKortrade Noncorruptan USODA Culturecen logNorthKo-M logcoal 0.1838 -0.2241 0.4260 -0.0276 -0.0402 -0.2977 1.0000 0.3038 0.2494 -0.2949 0.4528 0.1628 -0.0724 -0.1798 -0.0770 -0.0164 0.7789 0.5657 0.6827 0.8217 0.1716 -0.0543 0.1542 -0.1187 0.0992 0.1691 -0.2109 0.6032 Cultur-n logNor-M logcoal 1.0000 Culturecen logNorthKo-M logcoal 0.4015 1.0000 0.5880 0.5419 1.0000 reg KoreaODA GDPpercapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturec > enteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal Source SS 103 7.86 50436.2387 Model Residual df MS Number of obs F19, 93) 95604.02653 Prob > ? 93 713.33981 R-squared Adj R-squared 102 1144.87099 Root MSE 0.0000 0.4319 66340.6023 0.3769 1111 Total 116776.841 26.708 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. t P>It! [957 Conf. Interval] -.0075863 -5.43 0.000 -.893975 .0013977 .416159 .0113934 -2.15 0.034 0.086 -.0198027 -1.74 -.0103618 - 0048107 -1.720384-.0675657 -.0424276 .0028223 5.343232 34.03328 -1.591499 .5250326 -.0316777 .0420585 19.68826 7.223794 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal 0.008 2.73 -1.00 -.5332332 .5329161 0.320 .0051904 .0185659 0.28 0.780 0.002 22.92837 7.306821 3.14 -12.36197 -2.45 5.054411 2.995536 0.016 0.135 8.418475 37.43827 -22.39903 -2.324914 -10.46792 1.429166 2092023 87.38533 -4.519375 -1.51 cons 43.79727 21.94986 2.00 0.049 vif Variable VIP 1/VIF 6.59 0.151843 4.70 4.67 0.212961 0.214092 4.16 0.240333 logKortrade Neonatalmowe logcoal Population logNorthKo-M USODA GDPperCapita Noncorrupton Culturecenon 0.281992 3.55 2.70 0.370729 2.54 0.393933 2.35 0.425022 0.616570 1.62 Mean VIF 3.65 reg KoreaODA GDPpercapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturec > enteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal Source SS 103 7.86 50436.2387 Model Residual df MS Number of obs F19, 93) 95604.02653 Prob > ? 93 713.33981 R-squared Adj R-squared 102 1144.87099 Root MSE 0.0000 0.4319 66340.6023 0.3769 1111 Total 116776.841 26.708 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. t P>It! [957 Conf. Interval] -.0075863 -5.43 0.000 -.893975 .0013977 .416159 .0113934 -2.15 0.034 0.086 -.0198027 -1.74 -.0103618 - 0048107 -1.720384-.0675657 -.0424276 .0028223 5.343232 34.03328 -1.591499 .5250326 -.0316777 .0420585 19.68826 7.223794 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal 0.008 2.73 -1.00 -.5332332 .5329161 0.320 .0051904 .0185659 0.28 0.780 0.002 22.92837 7.306821 3.14 -12.36197 -2.45 5.054411 2.995536 0.016 0.135 8.418475 37.43827 -22.39903 -2.324914 -10.46792 1.429166 2092023 87.38533 -4.519375 -1.51 cons 43.79727 21.94986 2.00 0.049 vif Variable VIP 1/VIF 6.59 0.151843 4.70 4.67 0.212961 0.214092 4.16 0.240333 logKortrade Neonatalmowe logcoal Population logNorthKo-M USODA GDPperCapita Noncorrupton Culturecenon 0.281992 3.55 2.70 0.370729 2.54 0.393933 2.35 0.425022 0.616570 1.62 Mean VIF 3.65 xtreg KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultur >ecenteropen logNorthKorea trade_M logcoal, fe Number of obs 103 Fixed-effects (within) regression Group variable: panel Number of groups 15 Obs per group: min = 1 R-sa: within = 0.3481 between = 0.1640 overall = 0.0524 avg = 6.9 max = 10 4.69 F19,79) Prob > F corr (u i, Xb) = -0.8695 0.0001 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. t P>It! [95% Conf. Interval] -.0042814 .0012819 -.0068329 -.0017298 -2.328752 .8829823 -4.086284-.5712196 -3.34 0.001 -2.64 0.010 -2.47 0.016 2.94 0.004 1.97 0.052 - 2510595 -.0269927 13.84542 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorthKoreatrade M logcoal 72.17781 -.0097825 1.790751 .0326114 1.33 0.189 -.0065298 -.1390261.0562855 43.01161 14.65307 .8904843 .452293 .0130408 .0098323 -4.079984 3.964521 1.354439 3.462834 8.91063 13.76153 -97.24949 78.51703 -1.03 0.307 -11.97117 3.811198 0.39 0.697 8.247038 -5.53816 -18.48101 0.65 0.519 36.30227 _cons -1.24 0.219 -253.5337 59.03475 66.646556 sigma u sigma e rho 9.594888 .97969444 (fraction of variance due to u_i) F test that all u i=0: F(14, 79) = 45.83 Prob > F = 0.0000 est sti fe subcommand estimates sti is unrecognized r(198); est sto fe Note: the rank of the differenced variance matrix 18) does not equal the number of coeficients being tested (9): be sure this is what you expecs, or there may be problems computing the test. Examine the output of your estimators for anything unexpected and possibly consider scaling your variables so that the coefficients are on a similar scale. -Coefficients b) (3) sort (diag1_b-TB) Difference -.0025727 .000556 -1.492902 .6040026 -.0042814 -2.228752 - 1890262 43.01161 -.0790844 36.32898 GDP per Capita Neonatalno-e Population LogFortrade Noncorrup USODA Culousecenn LogNorth- Logcoal --0007087 --8258496 -.0599417 6.672629 --0291475 - .0080304 -1.788559 .04692 7.587111 .8904842 .9296317 .0864745 0130400 .0160712 .0012376 -4.079984 .5199506 -2.341426 1.261978 1.354429 0924656 8.91063 -2.265922 11.17655 11.64664 b = consistent under Ho and Bla: obtained from streg B = inconsistent unde: Ba, efficient under Blo: obtained from streg Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic = chi2 model fisted on these ch:2 (0) = (b-31 '11V_b-1_3)*(-2)](6-3) - 41.21 data fails to meet the asymptotic assumption of the Hausman test: see quest for a generalised es - hausman te ze, igramoze Note: the rank of the differenced variance matrix 17) does not equal the number of coefficients being tested (9), be sure this is what you expecs, or there may be problems computing the test. Examine the output of your estimators for anything unexpected and possibly consider scaling your variables so that the coefficients are on a similar scale. Coefficients (3) b) fe so (diag1V_b-TB) Difference -.0042814 .0025727 0006224 -1.492902 -.0790844 GDP per Capita Neonatalno- Population log ortrade Noncorrups USODA Culturecen LogNorth- Logcoal -2.228752 - 1890262 43.01162 .8904842 .622978: .0485 -.0007087 -.8258496 - 0599417 6.672629 --0391475 --0020204 1012054 36.32898 .9296217 .0160713 -2.241426 .0120408 0025279 -4.079984 1.009189 1.254439 1.261978 -1.788558 0924656 11.17655 .7444527 3.91062 -2.265922 12.02729 b = consistent under Ho and Ba: obtained from streg B = inconsistent ande: Ba, efficient under Blo: obtained from streg Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic ch:2 (7) = (b-31 '11V_b-1_31*(-1)](-3) = 12.18 Probchi2 = stzeg Korea ODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultur >ecenteropen logNorth Koreatzade_M logcoal, re Number of obs 103 Randon-effects GLS regression Group variable: panel Number of groups = 15 Oos per group: R-se: within = 0.3297 between = 0.1864 overall = 0.0692 = ang 10 Wald chi2 (9) 38.30 corrui, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 0.0000 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. 3 1954 Cont. Intervall .0011552 -3.09 0.002 - 0058366 -.0035727 -2.492902 -.0013089 - 2305294 6440796 -2.32 0.020 -2.755275 - 0790844 .0310745 -2.54 0.012 1399893 -.0181795 60.90884 36.33898 12.53587 2.90 0.004 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logkortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorth Koreatrade M logcoal 11.76913 .0595067 9296317 .4439495 2.09 0.036 1.799757 -0160723 .0097409 1.65 .035163 -.0030205 -10.04463 -2.341426 3.930277 -0.60 5.361776 0.099 0.552 0.716 0.757 1.261973 3.465222 8.053684 -5.529738 -16.63335 -2.265923 7.330455 -0.31 12.1015 _cons -56.10277 44.36095 -1.26 0.206 -143.0486 30.8431 48.285765 signa_ signa 9.594888 Iho .96201405 (fraction of variance due to u_1) x testo Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian multiplier test for random effects Korea ODA (panel, t1 = b + u (panel] + e[panel, ti Estimated results: Var sd = sqrt(Var) KoreaODA 1144.871 33.83594 92.06188 9.594888 48.28577 2331.525 Test: Var (u) = 0 chibar2/01) - Prob > chibar2 = 18.20 0.0000 xtserial KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalnortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cul > turecenteropen logNorth Koreatrade_M logcoal Tooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data 10: no first-order autocorrelation F1, 6.786 10) = Prob > F 0.0263 Xtreg KoreaODA GDeperCapita Neonatainortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultur >ecenteropen logNorth Koreatrade_M logcoal, re vce (robust) Number of obs Randon-effects GLS regression Group variable: panel 103 15 Number of groups R-99: within = 0.3297 between = 0.1864 Obs per group: nin = avg = 6.9 overall = 0.0692 20 29.07 Wald chi2 (9) Prob > chi2 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (as guned) 0.0006 (Std. Err. adjusted for 15 clusters in panel) Robust Std. Err. KoreaODA Coef Z P2 [95Conf. Intervall .0015177 .7601565 -2.35 -1.96 -.0065474 -2.982782 0.019 0.050 0.003 0.018 .0265557 15.33812 .4204312 -2.98 2.37 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logWorthKoreatrade_M logcoal -1311325 6.276824 2.21 .1056017 -.0035727 -1.492902 -.0790844 36.33899 .9296317 .01607.3 -2.341426 1.261973 -2.265923 -56.10277 .000598 -.003023 -.0270363 66.40114 1.753662 .0273386 4.089311 7.135499 12.1188 1.565426 2.80 -0.71 0.027 0.005 0.475 0.674 0.758 0.057 .0057489 3.28.048 2.996752 7.339277 .0048039 -8.772162 -4.611551 -16.65064 0.42 -0.31 cons 29.42309 -1.91 -113.771 signa_u siga e Tha 48.285765 9.594889 .96201405 (fraction of variance due to u_1) est sto kor Motivations Variables Definition Dependent Amount of ODA Korea ODA from Korea variable Gross Domestic GDP per Capita Production per Humanitarian person Infant Neonatal Rate Mortality rate Population Total amount of people Log (Japan Trade volume) Logarithm of amount of Export and Import Capitalist Independent (coal Log production) Logarithm of amount of annual coal production variables USA ODA Amount of US ODA Political Transparent Non corruption governance Existence of Korean cultural diplomatic center institution for Cultural and spreading culture diplomatic Log (North Korea Relationship with trade volume with North Korea in each recipients) economic field sum KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturec > enteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max KoreaODA 270 18.81674 33.22886 0 242.46 270 2936.049 2724.707 13890.9 272.6 3.9 270 20.12111 11.17829 52.5 GDPperCapita Neonatalmo-e Population logKortrade 270 133.2367 326.9933 .3 1375 5.371749 270 2.666247 1.215687 0 8 65 270 270 28.8 182.9247 10.40289 478.5334 .01 3319 Noncorrupten USODA Culturecen- logNorthKo-M logcoal .1555556 0 1 270 103 .3631065 .9852782 1.298617 0 3.836577 270 2.284456 2.09809 0 6.554459 pwcorr KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultu > recenteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal KoreaODA GDPper-a Neonat-e Popula-n logKor-e Noncor-n USODA KoreaODA 1.0000 GDPperCapita Neonatalmowe -0.2193 1.0000 -0.0330 -0.5868 1.0000 -0.0722 0.0154 0.0190 0.2002 -0.2250 1.0000 0.5760 0.2694 1.0000 -0.1302 0.3459 -0.3655 0.1716 0.0746 1.0000 Population logKortrade Noncorruptan USODA Culturecen logNorthKo-M logcoal 0.1838 -0.2241 0.4260 -0.0276 -0.0402 -0.2977 1.0000 0.3038 0.2494 -0.2949 0.4528 0.1628 -0.0724 -0.1798 -0.0770 -0.0164 0.7789 0.5657 0.6827 0.8217 0.1716 -0.0543 0.1542 -0.1187 0.0992 0.1691 -0.2109 0.6032 Cultur-n logNor-M logcoal 1.0000 Culturecen logNorthKo-M logcoal 0.4015 1.0000 0.5880 0.5419 1.0000 reg KoreaODA GDPpercapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturec > enteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal Source SS 103 7.86 50436.2387 Model Residual df MS Number of obs F19, 93) 95604.02653 Prob > ? 93 713.33981 R-squared Adj R-squared 102 1144.87099 Root MSE 0.0000 0.4319 66340.6023 0.3769 1111 Total 116776.841 26.708 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. t P>It! [957 Conf. Interval] -.0075863 -5.43 0.000 -.893975 .0013977 .416159 .0113934 -2.15 0.034 0.086 -.0198027 -1.74 -.0103618 - 0048107 -1.720384-.0675657 -.0424276 .0028223 5.343232 34.03328 -1.591499 .5250326 -.0316777 .0420585 19.68826 7.223794 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal 0.008 2.73 -1.00 -.5332332 .5329161 0.320 .0051904 .0185659 0.28 0.780 0.002 22.92837 7.306821 3.14 -12.36197 -2.45 5.054411 2.995536 0.016 0.135 8.418475 37.43827 -22.39903 -2.324914 -10.46792 1.429166 2092023 87.38533 -4.519375 -1.51 cons 43.79727 21.94986 2.00 0.049 vif Variable VIP 1/VIF 6.59 0.151843 4.70 4.67 0.212961 0.214092 4.16 0.240333 logKortrade Neonatalmowe logcoal Population logNorthKo-M USODA GDPperCapita Noncorrupton Culturecenon 0.281992 3.55 2.70 0.370729 2.54 0.393933 2.35 0.425022 0.616570 1.62 Mean VIF 3.65 reg KoreaODA GDPpercapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturec > enteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal Source SS 103 7.86 50436.2387 Model Residual df MS Number of obs F19, 93) 95604.02653 Prob > ? 93 713.33981 R-squared Adj R-squared 102 1144.87099 Root MSE 0.0000 0.4319 66340.6023 0.3769 1111 Total 116776.841 26.708 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. t P>It! [957 Conf. Interval] -.0075863 -5.43 0.000 -.893975 .0013977 .416159 .0113934 -2.15 0.034 0.086 -.0198027 -1.74 -.0103618 - 0048107 -1.720384-.0675657 -.0424276 .0028223 5.343232 34.03328 -1.591499 .5250326 -.0316777 .0420585 19.68826 7.223794 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorthKoreatrade_M logcoal 0.008 2.73 -1.00 -.5332332 .5329161 0.320 .0051904 .0185659 0.28 0.780 0.002 22.92837 7.306821 3.14 -12.36197 -2.45 5.054411 2.995536 0.016 0.135 8.418475 37.43827 -22.39903 -2.324914 -10.46792 1.429166 2092023 87.38533 -4.519375 -1.51 cons 43.79727 21.94986 2.00 0.049 vif Variable VIP 1/VIF 6.59 0.151843 4.70 4.67 0.212961 0.214092 4.16 0.240333 logKortrade Neonatalmowe logcoal Population logNorthKo-M USODA GDPperCapita Noncorrupton Culturecenon 0.281992 3.55 2.70 0.370729 2.54 0.393933 2.35 0.425022 0.616570 1.62 Mean VIF 3.65 xtreg KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultur >ecenteropen logNorthKorea trade_M logcoal, fe Number of obs 103 Fixed-effects (within) regression Group variable: panel Number of groups 15 Obs per group: min = 1 R-sa: within = 0.3481 between = 0.1640 overall = 0.0524 avg = 6.9 max = 10 4.69 F19,79) Prob > F corr (u i, Xb) = -0.8695 0.0001 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. t P>It! [95% Conf. Interval] -.0042814 .0012819 -.0068329 -.0017298 -2.328752 .8829823 -4.086284-.5712196 -3.34 0.001 -2.64 0.010 -2.47 0.016 2.94 0.004 1.97 0.052 - 2510595 -.0269927 13.84542 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorthKoreatrade M logcoal 72.17781 -.0097825 1.790751 .0326114 1.33 0.189 -.0065298 -.1390261.0562855 43.01161 14.65307 .8904843 .452293 .0130408 .0098323 -4.079984 3.964521 1.354439 3.462834 8.91063 13.76153 -97.24949 78.51703 -1.03 0.307 -11.97117 3.811198 0.39 0.697 8.247038 -5.53816 -18.48101 0.65 0.519 36.30227 _cons -1.24 0.219 -253.5337 59.03475 66.646556 sigma u sigma e rho 9.594888 .97969444 (fraction of variance due to u_i) F test that all u i=0: F(14, 79) = 45.83 Prob > F = 0.0000 est sti fe subcommand estimates sti is unrecognized r(198); est sto fe Note: the rank of the differenced variance matrix 18) does not equal the number of coeficients being tested (9): be sure this is what you expecs, or there may be problems computing the test. Examine the output of your estimators for anything unexpected and possibly consider scaling your variables so that the coefficients are on a similar scale. -Coefficients b) (3) sort (diag1_b-TB) Difference -.0025727 .000556 -1.492902 .6040026 -.0042814 -2.228752 - 1890262 43.01161 -.0790844 36.32898 GDP per Capita Neonatalno-e Population LogFortrade Noncorrup USODA Culousecenn LogNorth- Logcoal --0007087 --8258496 -.0599417 6.672629 --0291475 - .0080304 -1.788559 .04692 7.587111 .8904842 .9296317 .0864745 0130400 .0160712 .0012376 -4.079984 .5199506 -2.341426 1.261978 1.354429 0924656 8.91063 -2.265922 11.17655 11.64664 b = consistent under Ho and Bla: obtained from streg B = inconsistent unde: Ba, efficient under Blo: obtained from streg Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic = chi2 model fisted on these ch:2 (0) = (b-31 '11V_b-1_3)*(-2)](6-3) - 41.21 data fails to meet the asymptotic assumption of the Hausman test: see quest for a generalised es - hausman te ze, igramoze Note: the rank of the differenced variance matrix 17) does not equal the number of coefficients being tested (9), be sure this is what you expecs, or there may be problems computing the test. Examine the output of your estimators for anything unexpected and possibly consider scaling your variables so that the coefficients are on a similar scale. Coefficients (3) b) fe so (diag1V_b-TB) Difference -.0042814 .0025727 0006224 -1.492902 -.0790844 GDP per Capita Neonatalno- Population log ortrade Noncorrups USODA Culturecen LogNorth- Logcoal -2.228752 - 1890262 43.01162 .8904842 .622978: .0485 -.0007087 -.8258496 - 0599417 6.672629 --0391475 --0020204 1012054 36.32898 .9296217 .0160713 -2.241426 .0120408 0025279 -4.079984 1.009189 1.254439 1.261978 -1.788558 0924656 11.17655 .7444527 3.91062 -2.265922 12.02729 b = consistent under Ho and Ba: obtained from streg B = inconsistent ande: Ba, efficient under Blo: obtained from streg Test: Ho: difference in coefficients not systematic ch:2 (7) = (b-31 '11V_b-1_31*(-1)](-3) = 12.18 Probchi2 = stzeg Korea ODA GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultur >ecenteropen logNorth Koreatzade_M logcoal, re Number of obs 103 Randon-effects GLS regression Group variable: panel Number of groups = 15 Oos per group: R-se: within = 0.3297 between = 0.1864 overall = 0.0692 = ang 10 Wald chi2 (9) 38.30 corrui, X) = 0 (assumed) Prob > chi2 0.0000 KoreaODA Coef. Std. Err. 3 1954 Cont. Intervall .0011552 -3.09 0.002 - 0058366 -.0035727 -2.492902 -.0013089 - 2305294 6440796 -2.32 0.020 -2.755275 - 0790844 .0310745 -2.54 0.012 1399893 -.0181795 60.90884 36.33898 12.53587 2.90 0.004 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logkortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logNorth Koreatrade M logcoal 11.76913 .0595067 9296317 .4439495 2.09 0.036 1.799757 -0160723 .0097409 1.65 .035163 -.0030205 -10.04463 -2.341426 3.930277 -0.60 5.361776 0.099 0.552 0.716 0.757 1.261973 3.465222 8.053684 -5.529738 -16.63335 -2.265923 7.330455 -0.31 12.1015 _cons -56.10277 44.36095 -1.26 0.206 -143.0486 30.8431 48.285765 signa_ signa 9.594888 Iho .96201405 (fraction of variance due to u_1) x testo Breusch and Pagan Lagrangian multiplier test for random effects Korea ODA (panel, t1 = b + u (panel] + e[panel, ti Estimated results: Var sd = sqrt(Var) KoreaODA 1144.871 33.83594 92.06188 9.594888 48.28577 2331.525 Test: Var (u) = 0 chibar2/01) - Prob > chibar2 = 18.20 0.0000 xtserial KoreaODA GDPperCapita Neonatalnortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cul > turecenteropen logNorth Koreatrade_M logcoal Tooldridge test for autocorrelation in panel data 10: no first-order autocorrelation F1, 6.786 10) = Prob > F 0.0263 Xtreg KoreaODA GDeperCapita Neonatainortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Cultur >ecenteropen logNorth Koreatrade_M logcoal, re vce (robust) Number of obs Randon-effects GLS regression Group variable: panel 103 15 Number of groups R-99: within = 0.3297 between = 0.1864 Obs per group: nin = avg = 6.9 overall = 0.0692 20 29.07 Wald chi2 (9) Prob > chi2 corr(u_i, X) = 0 (as guned) 0.0006 (Std. Err. adjusted for 15 clusters in panel) Robust Std. Err. KoreaODA Coef Z P2 [95Conf. Intervall .0015177 .7601565 -2.35 -1.96 -.0065474 -2.982782 0.019 0.050 0.003 0.018 .0265557 15.33812 .4204312 -2.98 2.37 GDPperCapita Neonatalmortalityrate Population logKortrade Noncorruption USODA Culturecenteropen logWorthKoreatrade_M logcoal -1311325 6.276824 2.21 .1056017 -.0035727 -1.492902 -.0790844 36.33899 .9296317 .01607.3 -2.341426 1.261973 -2.265923 -56.10277 .000598 -.003023 -.0270363 66.40114 1.753662 .0273386 4.089311 7.135499 12.1188 1.565426 2.80 -0.71 0.027 0.005 0.475 0.674 0.758 0.057 .0057489 3.28.048 2.996752 7.339277 .0048039 -8.772162 -4.611551 -16.65064 0.42 -0.31 cons 29.42309 -1.91 -113.771 signa_u siga e Tha 48.285765 9.594889 .96201405 (fraction of variance due to u_1) est sto kor

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