a. Sort the domestic gross income from smalest to largest. Find the median by averaging the two midde numbers. Interpret the median in contaxt. Put the domesic gross inpome (\$ milions) in order from smallest lo largest. Find the median by averaging the two middle fumbers. Interpres the modian in candaxt. Seloct the coctect choice below and fit in the answer box within your choich (Tyee an integer or a decimal. Do not tound) A. The eedan is mition dolars. This mesn that about 25% of these 6 Marvel movies made more than this much money. B. The mesan is mison dollars. This moans that abcut 50% of these 6 Marel movies made more than this much money. c. The medon is 0. The medars is milion dolars. This means that none of these 6 Marsel movies made more thes thit much money. b. Using the sarted data. find Q1 and g. Then fod the interquatid range and intepret it in coctext. Find 91 Qi = Ifilion dohans (tyse an inleger or it deomal Da not round) So movies based on Marvel cocric book characters for the U.S; box office as of fall 2017 are shown in the accompanying table, with domestic gross rounded fo the nearost millon. Comph a) through (c) bolow. b. Uing twe sorted data, fed 01 and 23 . Then find the interquartie range and interpeet it in context: Fend Q1 Qt = milion dolars (T)pe ah integer or a secimal. Do not round.) Find Q3 Q3 = milion dolars (Type an integer or a decimal. Do net round) Find the riterquarie ringe (109). 1QR= miton dolans (Simplyy your arwwer. Tyse an integer or a decinal. Do not round ) Furpet the interuantie rarge in wriect, Choose se coned antwer below. A. These 6 Mareie moves hod domente grossas that varied ty as much as fis vale C. The midse son of thave 6 Uorel movies had domeste goases that vated by as much at tha value Sox movies besod on Marvel comic book characters for the U.S. box office as of tall 2017 are shown in the accompanying tabie, with domestic gross founded to the nearest min (a) through (c) below. Interpret the intecquartle range in context. Choose the correct answer below: A. These 6 Marvel movies had domeste gresses that varied by as much as this value. B. This value is the dfference between the maximum and minimum domestic grosses of these 6 Marvel c. The midde so? of these 6 Marvel movies had domestic grosses that varied by as much as this value D. This value is the mean domestic gross of these 6 Marvel moves. Find tie fange of the data. Explain why be laR is pretared over ihe tange an a measure of variabicy. Fange: milion oolars (Simplify your answec. Type an integ( . a decimal. Do not round) Wyy is the IGR prefented over the range as a measure of variabiliy? A. The CA dependt on enly two observations, the largest and the imalest, and is therefore more reiatle: a. The igit depenas on a single observation, and is miertfore more telable c. The 12R degends on only two obserrations, the mean and pe mesin, and is theretore mere chlacie. 0. The icit depents ch mary observasons ard is therelore more telatin