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A. There are three persons, A, B, and C that work with two ways of painting the building walls. The first way, they separately

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A. There are three persons, A, B, and C that work with two ways of painting the building walls. The first way, they separately work alone. "A" is able to complete the task himself in 1 week (6 days), B in 5 days, and C in 5 days. The second way, they work together to complete the task by starting from A, then B and then completed by C. In the second way, A completes 35% of the task, B also 35%, and the rest is completed by C. What is their capacity when working together (second way)? B. The process flow of each production facility for manufacturing products (except for the Flexible Manufacturing System) can always be either intermittent flow (process focus) or line flow (product focus). However, there are always some differences even though the two types of process flow can be used to achieve the same sales target. Explain the differences in terms of: a. Investment b. The flow of product c. Flexibility to satisfy the customer requirements d. Operator e. Inventory raw materials

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