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ABC Inc. repurchased 30 percent of its outstanding common stock from the open (secondary) market. What are the results from this activity? A decrease in
- ABC Inc. repurchased 30 percent of its outstanding common stock from the open (secondary) market. What are the results from this activity?
- A decrease in total assets.
- A decline in earnings per share.
- An increase in cash.
- The number of stockholders would remain the same as a result of the preemptive right.
- Hiral is considering the following AA rated bonds. Which of these has the most interest rate risk?
- A 10-year bond with a 4% coupon.
- A 10-year bond with a 3% coupon.
- A 15-year bond with a 3% coupon.
- A 20-year bond with a 3% coupon.
- Which of the following is correct regarding a bonds YTM?
- The YTM is higher than the coupon rate when the bond is trading below $1,000.
- The rate that equates the future cash flows to the price of the bond, assuming the coupon payments are reinvested at the coupon rate.
- The YTM will equal the coupon rate if the par value of the bond equals $1,000.
- The YTM is always higher than or equal to the coupon rate.
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