able Editing Note: Please type your solution in notepadotepad++ and save it as HWSYourName.sql", otherwise I won't grade it. This assignment is designed to let you have a hands-on experience writing advanced SQL query statements - subqueries and complex joins. Subqueries: one way to nest or a cascade query is to stick a query in the where clause, find the names of employees worked at the department Research. This is a powerful way to take advantage of the fact that any SQL query returns a table, which can then be the starting point of another SQL query . Complex Joins: the where' clause can become quite complex with many joins and related and' and or conditions. Consider the following database schema for Greepsboro Shop Items(itemlD string, name string, description string, qty inStock integer) DepartmentsdeptD string, name string. location string, telNumber string, badget real, manager string) Suppliers( Orders(ordD string.ordDate date, ship Address string) Employees(empD string, firntName string, lastName string, ssn string, telNumber strimg, salary rea) Carries(deptD string, itemID string) Supplie(itemID string, aupD string. price real) Includes(stemID string,grdiD string, gty integer) Worksln(deptlD string, emplD string) In this assignment, your task is to write SQL queries that answer the following questions based on the database GShop from Homework 4 in the ANSI-style JOIN. Each question should be answered by one SQL statement only. The result of each statement must not contain duplicates, but you should use the SQL keyword distinct only when necessary Please put your SQL query statements and their results into a SQL script file. Run your SQL statements on the MySQL Database Server. Make sure that your SQL script file loes not contain any syntax errors before submitting to the Assignment Link- s name along with its manager's name. Reference MySQL CONCATO to display the manager first name and last name in one column. Hints: the tables Employees and Departments should be included in the query statement 2. List the names of employees along with the IDs of departments that they work for