According to Janzen's theory of planned behavior, an individual _ is the best predictor of behavior. value subjective norm attitude intention ability You are unlikely to say anything to someone using their cell phone in a restaurant if you believe cell use helps people manage their busy lives. Your belief reflects the _ component of your attitude toward people using cell phones in restaurants. behavioral objective cognitive normative affective Lesley's attribution model suggests that people attribute behavior to interval causes when they perceive _, _, and _. high consensus; low distinctiveness; low consistency low consensus; high distinctiveness; high consistency high consensus; high distinctiveness; low consistency low consensus; low distinctiveness; high consistency high consensus; low distinctiveness; high consistency Which of the following is true regarding motivation? All individuals have the same level of motivation. To foster motivation, valid performance appraisals should be used to evaluate performance. Motivation and performance are identical. Subjective performance appraisals foster motivation. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn when comparing Maslow's of needs theory to Alderfer's ERG theory ? ERG theory recognizes individuals are motivated by different needs at different times in their lives. Maslow's theory recognizes that more than one need may operate at one time. ERG theory is based upon observations of individuals in clinical setting. Maslow's theory suggests that individuals who are frustrated in their attempts to satisfy one need may regress to another one. Which of the following statements about work attitude causes is most accurate? Job satisfaction is purely environmental. Person/job fit is positively related to job satisfaction. Psychological contract breach leads to high job satisfaction. Organizational justice results in psychological contract breach. The relationship between job satisfaction and job performance is very weak. The primary objective of the job model is to increase_ Extrinsic motivation Intrinsic Motivation Job Satisfaction Organizational commitment