Accounting Information system
Purpose, description and tapics covered Assessment length Criteria to grade quality Submission method Purpose: The purpose of this assessment is to - identify and analyse a specic case of information systems from the industry. - Know the signicance of the case in relation to the industry. - DeveIOp and justify discipline Specific solution. - Provide recommendation that are feasible in all respects (e.g, economically, technically, legally, etc.). Description: This individual assignment requires you to demonstrate an ability to present a sound argument showing reasonable decision-making and evaluative skills based on the material learned and to demonstrate ability to research and use credible references to aid the decision-making process and the presentation of the argument. Assignments must be submitted online the anti-plagiarism software Tumitin. A link will be provided on Moodle on how to submit the assignment through Tumitin. The assignment description will be available to students in week 1. This assignment will be marked on the basis of the criteria provided along with the assignment in week 1. Late submission - it is IMC policy that assignments cannot be submitted late without prior approval of the unit coordinator and only in extenuating circumstances supported by evidence. Topics to be covered: - information systems - Significance of information systems - System development life cycle - Threats and controls in relation to information systems Detailed description of the assignment will be available on the course site on Moodle in week 1. The word length for this assignment is 3000 words, excluding executive summary, list of references and appendices. The specic marking criteriafrubric is provided along with the assignment description below. in general, ve criteria will be used to assess the project: Demonstrated links to appropriate readings ScOpe of analysis and links to theory Depth of analysis Presentation of a convincing argument Clear recommendations based on the analysis or argument Clarity of expression and error-free language P'P'PPPT' A soft copy of the assignment will be submitted online on the due date. A link, to submit assignment, will be provided on the course