Ace Paints is a national paint manufactunor and rotaler. The company is segmented into five dvisions: Paint Stores forandod tetal focations). Consumer fosint sold through horne improvernent stans), Automotive (sales to auto manufactururs), Intemational, and Administration Read the moinments The followng is solocted divisional information for its two largest divisions. Paint Stores and Consumer (Click the icon fo vew the inloriation) Management has spacifiod a 19% tanget fafe of retum Requirement 1 Calcutate each dvisioris FOI. Found all of your armwers to four docinel placos. and enfier your arswer as a porcert rounded to two decimal places, XX\%) Requirement 2 . Colculate each divisionis profit margin rabe, Inkerpet your nesuls Ace Paints is a national paint manufactures and retailes. The company is segmented into five divisions Paint Stores (foranded retail locations), Consumet (paint sold through home improvement stores), Automotive (sales to auto marufacturers), International, and Administration. Read the mopuirenents mindind tin twe decimal olaces. % ) The division is more protitable on each doliar of steles Requifoment 3, Calculate each divisionis asset turnover natio Interpret your results Begin by selecting the formula to calculate asset tumover ratio, and then enter the amounts to caiculate each division's asset turnover tatio (Round your anumes to four diccimal Ace Paints is a national paint manufacturet and retailer. The compary is segnented into frve divisions: Paint Stores (foranded retall locetions), Consumer (paint sold through home improvement stores). Automotive (sales to auto manufacturers). Imernational, and Administration Read the regriments The following is selocted divisional information for its two livgest divi Stores and Consumer (Click the icon to view the information) Management has specified a 19% targot nate of return. The division is more elficient in generating sales with its average total assets Requirement 4. Use the expanded ROH formula to confirm your results from Roquirement 1, Interpret your resuls First, selvct the expanded Rol formula. Now calculate ROI for each division using the expanded ROA formula (Enter your antwers as a percent rounded to two decimal iplaces, X56 ) Ace Paints is a national paint manulacturet and retaler The company is segmented into five divisions: Paint Stores (taranded retail locations). Coneumer focint nold through horthe improvement stores), Automotive (sales to auto manufacturers), International, and Administration Read the requirements The following is selected dvisiond information for its two largest divisions: Paunt Stores and Consurnet. (Click the icon to view the information) Masagernent has specified a 19% target rate of retum. First, select the expanded ROI formula. Using the expanded formula, the ROr for the Paint Stores division is Using the expinded formuta, the Rot for the Consumer division is The Consumer division's prolitabilty on each doliar of net sales revenue is thun the Pain Stores drvision's profitablity, Howevet, the Pant Stores divsion's efficiency is signeficantly than the Consumer division's etficiency. These results ca se the Park Stores divisionis ROA to be the Consumer dovision's Roi. Reouirement 5 . Calculate each division's RI Irterpret your resulta, and offer a recommendation for any divsion wet negative Pal: Ace Paints is a national paint manutacturer and wotalet. The compary is segmented into five dyisions Paint Stores (oranded rotail locatons). Consumer (pairt sold through thome improvement stores), Ausomotive (sales to acito manulacturors), Intemational, and Administration. Rosd the gonaments The following is selected divisional informacion for is ton lappest divisions. Paint Stores and Consimer (Cick the icon to vinw the informibon) Maragornert has specified a 19% target ate of rotum Hirst, setect the tomula to catcuste residua income (yo) The Ri for the Pant Stoes divion is The Pd for the Consumer division is Mirnowhen for the calculatens and whether is should be inet of Requirements 1. Calculate each division's ROI. Round all of your answers to four decimal places. 2. Calculate each division's profit margin ratio. Interpret your results. 3. Calculate each division's asset turnover ratio. Interpret your results. 4. Use the expanded ROI formula to confirm your results from Requirement 1. Interpret your results. 5. Calculate each division's RI. Interpret your results, and offer a recommendation for any division with negative RI. 6. Describe some of the factors that management considers when setting its minimum target rate of return. Data table different minimum target rates for different divisions. For example, management ironment. Management will need to decide