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Adaptation is necessary for survival. The same is true for organizations. Organizations that fail to adapt risk becoming obsolete. Rousseaudiscusses a paradox to this organizational

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Adaptation is necessary for survival. The same is true for organizations. Organizations that fail to adapt risk becoming obsolete. Rousseaudiscusses a paradox to this organizational reality: the consequence of change to the psychological contract.

Consider the case of Tribune Group (2008).When is adaptive change too dynamic? Which is the organization's greatest obligation: adapt to stay solvent or toremain steadfast in its commitments?Are these mutually exclusive goals?

Tribune Group, the newspaper and television chain that publishes The Los Angeles Times and The Chicago Tribune, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Part of the company's financial problems stemmed from a sharp drop in advertising revenue brought on by the recession as well as a general shift of advertising to the Internet. But Tribune's financial position worsened significantly by an attempt made by the company's CEO Sam Zell to take the company private and thus claim a tax-exempt status. The move resulted in an employee stock ownership plan, which was basically wiped out after the company declared bankruptcy.

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@ Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help zoom & () & Q B TueApri6 6:18PM eee M+ sychological contract. m}. PDF Full Text Executive Overview Companies are in danger of losing the voluntariness that makes possible much of a business's ability to compete. As whole industries undergo restructuring, =z Source: Academy of psychological contractsthose unwritten commitments made between workers oup (2008). When is adaptive change too dynamic\" Which is the L) and their employersneed to change in order to be kept. Service. quality. and innovation require higher contributions from people and, therefore, a new psychological contract involving commitment and trust. In high contribution work settings, that means changing the deal while keeping the people. Changes which violate a contract or fail to substitute another effective one in its place won't do. And, even though the psychological contract is not legally binding, today's executive must know how successful firms transform it. Management Executive Date: February 1, 1996 side this work v Full Text Contents in: adapt to stay solvent or to remain steadfast in its llly exclusive goals? nd television chain that publishes The Los Angeles Times and The 2r 11 bankruptcy protection. Part of the company's financial ) drop in advertising revenue brought on by the recession as well T & 1-5(6-10(11-15/> Effectively changing a psychological contract depends on two things: how similar is the proposed change to the current contract? and how good is the Redrawing the portra... # relationship between emplogee and em;)loyler? Asking people to use a new work to the Internet. But Tribune's financial position worsened Psst...The merger ma. 21 system or work a few extra hours can simply mean to modify, clarify, substitute, 0 i or expand an existing contract. However, asking people to redefine | by the company's CEO Sam Zell to take the company private and themselvesas professionals rather than job holders, customer service Executive Commentary. 37 providers rather than technicians, or as leaders rather than middle The move resulted in an employee stock ownership plan, which { is licated. i managersis far more complicated. 2 When teammates 40 9 2 > company declared bankruptcy. P raise... When a good-faith relationship exists, changes are more likely to be accepted E as part of the existing contract, because parties are not looking for contract | Changing the deal 50 violations and trust creates willingness to be flexible.? On the other hand, when wh... a relationship historically has been negative, changes are more likely to require more extensive overhaul in the employment relationship. In such situations, improving the employment relationship is a necessary first step in contract Choose Another Issue change. Changing the Contract There are two ways to change the psychological contract, accommodation and transformation. Accommodations modify, clarify, substitute, or expand terms within the context of the existing contract so that people feel the old deal continues despite changes. Isolated changes in performance criteria, benefit packages or work hours are frequent forms of accommodation. Because of this continuity, it is the change strategy of choice. However, to be effective, there must be a good relationship between the company and its members. Companies such as Hewlett Packard and Cummins Engine have introduced changes in employment conditions over the years that have been largely accepted by their empolyees based on a positive labor history. In contrast to accommodations, transformations are radical surgery. = Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help G zoom | ~ Q 8 Tue Apr 16 6:18 PM ... I V C Louisiana x | @ Module 5 1 x | E Changing x |+ Home - Welcome to Charter y! Yahoo! (2) Q Suggested Sites Free Hotmail / Web Slice Gallery / BingTM Traffic / MSN >> pm/tutors/homew... * Relaunch to update : LSU Louisiana State Unive https://moodle.Isu.ed... LSU Changing the deal wh... Module 5 Resources:... LSU Changing the deal wh... Get homework help X LSU Changing the deal while keeping the people. > onnect with Tutor works on Receive your Libraries form This content may contain URLs/links that would redirect you to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not an expert your question solution endorse the accuracy or accessibility of these sites, nor of the content therein. Detailed Record ousseau discusses a paradox to this organizational reality: the contracts are changing at unprecedented rates. Shifts in job duties from psychological contract. PDF Full Text individual efforts to teamwork, from short-term financial results to customer satisfaction, or moving from offering "a job for life" to "employability" PE - Source: Academy of necessitate the rewriting of the psychological contract. Consider, for example, toup (2008). When is adaptive change too dynamic? Which is the .pdf Management Executive the transformation of the Bell System. When divestiture was ordered by the courts in the early 1980s, the process of breaking up a highly successful, in: adapt to stay solvent or to remain steadfast in its Date: February 1, 1996 regulated business and turning it into separate competitive enterprises rewrote the deep structure of the employment contract. Employees who for generations lly exclusive goals? Inside this work in many cases had "bell-shaped heads" never missed a day of work, and labored loyally for a secure job and retirement began coping with the need to Full Text Contents produce business results, and respond to market demands. A decade and a half nd television chain that publishes The Los Angeles Times and The urg of uncertainty, terminations, and movement of personnel from operating 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 >> companies to new high-technology business units radically changed the people er 11 bankruptcy protection. Part of the company's financial and their relationship to the many new organizations that the break-up created. drop in advertising revenue brought on by the recession as well Redrawing the portra... The purpose of contract transformation is the creation of a new contract that it is hoped engenders commitment. In some cases companies with a history of to the Internet. But Tribune's financial position worsened Psst... The merger ma... 21 serious labor/management conflict, such as those in the steel industry, have had no choice but transformation. However, contracts resist revision, and by the company's CEO Sam Zell to take the company private and Executive Commentary. 37 transformation goes against the grain. Therefore, how that change is attempted The move resulted in an employee stock ownership plan, which determines whether change occurs, whether it degenerates into contract al When teammates 40 violation, or successfully transforms the basis of the relationship. company declared bankruptcy. raise... The fact is that individuals are open to new contract information only at certain Changing the deal 50 times, a phenomenon psychologists refers to as "discontinuous information wh... processing." People often see what they expect to see, gather information only when they think they need it, and ignore a lot. Two circumstances in which Out Louisians * |@ Module 5 x | Changing * | + people become open to new information are when they are newcomers to the EX Bing" Traffic BY >> am/tutors/homew.. C # @ [ Relaunch to update organization or when a disruption occurs which they cannot ignore. Choose Another Issue Get homework help The easiest way to change a contract is to hire new people. Recruits ask a lot of Zannect with your question Receive your questions while they are newcomers and once they start getting the answers -EBSCO site. EBSCO does not they expect, they stop asking. Veterans may do little inquiring at all. Companies lousseau discusses a paradox to this organizational reality: the psychological contract. tell things to newcomers that they would never bother mentioning to an old adustries undergo restructuring. timer. Once norms and practices are internalized, however, the newcomer is no quality. and soup (2008). When is adaptive change too dynamic? Which is the n: adapt to stay solvent or to remain steadfast in its longer new. irene and trust. in high contribution ute another effective one in the place Ity exclusive goals? no Television chain that publishes The Los Angeles Times and The Significant disruptions make old mindsets tough to maintain. Several years into er 11 bankruptcy protection. Part of the company's financial ght on by the recession as well a major re-orientation focusing on customers, teamwork, and quality, a Xerox p in advertising revenue to the Internet. But Tribune's financial position worsened pring executive encountered a manager who mentioned that he had taken his team LHRD 3271 Wynde with him to go through a refresher training course. He asked why the course was needed given the company's sustained change efforts: It is quite com DOCX APR 16 4 zoom w XSafari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help G zoom | ~ Q 8 Tue Apr 16 6:18 PM ... I V C Louisiana x | @ Module 5 1 x | E Changing x |+ Home - Welcome to Charter y! Yahoo! (2) Q Suggested Sites Free Hotmail / Web Slice Gallery / BingTM Traffic / MSN >> pm/tutors/homew... * Relaunch to update : LSU Louisiana State Unive https://moodle.Isu.ed... LSU Changing the deal wh... Module 5 Resources:... LSU Changing the deal wh... Get homework help X LSU Changing the deal while keeping the people > onnect with Tutor works on Receive your Libraries This content may contain URLs/links that would redirect you to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not an expert your question solution orm Detailed Record endorse the accuracy or accessibility of these sites, nor of the content therein. company declared bankruptcy. PDF Full Text Academy of Management Executive 200m 2 0 Q 2 Tve Apr 16 6:18 PM PE - Source: Academy of + Louisiana * | @ Module 5 x | Changing * | + .pdf Management Executive ce Gallery EV Bing" Traffic X MSN sm/tutors/homew.. C * @ [ Relaunch to update contracts or any other established mindset. People work hard on fitting Module S Re hanging the deal wh Date: February 1, 1996 experiences into them. It is quite common to find newcomers and veterans Get homework help working side by side holding different psychological contracts. ping the people iron-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not Cannect with your question deceive your Inside this work as, nor of the content therein, Transformation Stages tousseau discusses a paradox to this organizational reality: the Basic principles in transformation capitalize on how employees tend to process psychological contract. Full Text Contents * whole industries undergo restructuring. information by seeking to unfreeze old mindsets and create new ones, a process ritten commitments made between workers inge in order to be kept. Services quality, and soup (2008). When is adaptive change too dynamic? Which is the urg tions from people and therefore, a new characterized here in four stages (see Exhibit 1). ommitment and trust. in high contribution n: adapt to stay solvent or to remain steadfast in its s the deal while keeping the people. Changes substitute another effective one in its place lly exclusive goals? 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 >> ychological contract is not legally binding, nd television chain that publishes The Los Angeles Times and The STAGE INTERVENTION the current contracts and bow good is the Redrawing the portra... can simply mean to modify. clarity. substitutes to the internet. But Tribune's financial position worsened pwever. asking people to redefine by the company's CEO Sam Zell to take the company private and Challenging the old contract or as leaders rather than middle The move resulted in an employee stock ownership plan, which Psst... The merger ma... 21 -Stress . Provide new discrepant information (educate people). Why company declared bankruptcy. -Disruption do we need to change scause parties are not looking for contract gneas to be flexible. On the other hand, when Executive Commentary. 37 Preparation for change toship is a necessary first step in contract -Ending old contract When teammates 40 . Involve employees in information gathering (send them out ute. or expand terms a Reducing losses to talk with customers and benchmark successful firms) contract so that people feel the old deal raise... Bridging to new contract . Interpret new information (show videos of customers ent forms of accommodation. Because of this describing service and let employees react to it) en the company and its members. Companies to that have been largely accepted by their Changing the deal 50 . Acknowledge the end of the old contract (celebrate good features of old contract) wh... . Create transitional structures (cross-functional task forces to manage change) Contract generation Choose Another Issue -Sensemaking Evoke "new contract" script (have people sign on to "new com 2 0 -Veterans become "new" company") c Ou+ Louisiana * |@ Module S * | [El Changing * | + . Make contract makers (managers) readily available to Slice Gallery EX Bing Traffic EY MSN > pm/tutors/homew. C # @ Relaunch to update : share information was Changing the deal wh. Encourage active involvement in new contract creation Get homework help X Living the new contract sing the people. nect with -Reality checking . Be consistent in word and action (train everyone in new to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not your question solution tes, nor of the content therein. lousseau discusses a paradox to this organizational reality: the Follow through (align managers, human resources " short term financial results to customer practices, etc.) ichological contract. Consider, for example , oup (2008). When is adaptive change too dynamic? Which is the . Refresh (re-emphasize the mission and new contract of breaking up a highly successful n: adapt to stay solvent or to remain steadfast in its frequently) lly exclusive goals? pring Exhibit 1. Transforming the Psychological Contract LHRD 3271 Wynde DOCX APR 16 stv 4 zoom WSafari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help G zoom | ~ Q Tue Apr 16 6:19 PM ... I V C Louisiana x | @ Module 5 1 x | E Changing x |+ Home - Welcome to Charter y! Yahoo! (2) Q Suggested Sites Free Hotmail / Web Slice Gallery / BingTM Traffic / MSN >> pm/tutors/homew... * Relaunch to update : LSU Louisiana State Unive https://moodle.Isu.ed... LSU Changing the deal wh... Module 5 Resources:... LSU Changing the deal wh... Get homework help X LSU Changing the deal while keeping the people > onnect with Tutor works on Receive your Libraries This content may contain URLs/links that would redirect you to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not an expert your question solution orm Detailed Record endorse the accuracy or accessibility of these sites, nor of the content therein. to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO do s, nor of the content therein. Academy of Management Executive of people to japan Is jud new address PDF Full Text in a thorough manner. It examined all the Going out in left bold. We weren't preplutely PE - Source: Academy of commitments. Absence of commitments undercuts the contractual nature of the ad and a near get married six to eight times .pdf is manufacturing cost was two thirds that of Management Executive new arrangement, generating compliance only until a better job opportunity these insights was a strategy to of ath two underpinning concepta: employee comes along. But when top management makes a clear statement of new terms rategie changement to Date: February 1, 1996 and solicits commitment to these terms, the supplanting of one contract by itity necessary new mindsets. Involvement another can occur. The terms Jack Welch posted on the wall at GE are an mindsets Challenging the contract requires reasons why change is necessary. Inside this work exemplar of a contract-making statement. But, since even strong statements by The goal of this stage is to unfreeze or take ing the parties for the next stage, creating the Understanding new top managers can be incomplete reflections of a new deal, employees must still hange, reducing losse Full Text Contents contract terms inquire, observe, and monitor to understand the scope of the new contract. Brian if this time. Critical winkle Credible requires employees to mittment to follow through on the challenge itment to matesettings for the earlier contract urg in different organization sht other contract. act like newcomers 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 >> During transformation, many earlier contract makers are still intact. credible signal. in a company whose top regardless of how Compensation systems and senior managers may continue sending the old ango through may be the necessary signal. long they have been contract message into the new era. Old and new contract messages have to be Redrawing the portra... with the organization. sorted out by employees. Getting the right message out can mean having top management, not the training department, do the training. When Jerre Stedd Psst... The merger ma... 21 initiated a globally integrated manufacturing and sales strategy for Square D he created both Vision Mission, a statement of the Square D's values and goals Executive Commentary. 37 and Vision College, a corporation-wide program where he, his managers, and employees from all levels acted as trainers to help veterans and newcomers When teammates 40 understand the new mission. The result was rapid dissemination and broad pal raise... awareness of the new mission. Changing the deal 50 Understanding new contract terms requires employees to act like newcomers. regardless of how long they have been with the organization. New contract wh... acceptance by veterans is aided by evoking a "new contract script;" for example, by signing a contract, recruiting for a new job within one's current company, or attending a "new employee" orientation. RR Donnelly, in the midst Choose Another Issue of a major culture shift, transferred veteran employees from its traditional core publishing business to its high-tech information services division, but required ht them to be treated like a new employee in the process. Veterans submitted a resume, underwent interviews, testing, and a new employee orientation before actually signing a new employment contract that stressed the importance of teamwork, innovation and customer service. Signing a new contract signifies the reader's assent to the deal, especially if the hat is difficult to type signature follows a statement that the employee has read and understands the provisions. Acceptance of new contract terms is also enhanced by having employees: pring LHRD 3271 Wynde . adopt a new frame of reference-transfer them to a new job or new organization within the same parent company aactively evpress a choice-have them hid for a new inh fill out an DOCX APR 16 :tv 4 zoom WSafari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help G zoom | ~ Q Tue Apr 16 6:19 PM ... I V C Louisiana x | @ Module 5 1 x | E Changing x |+ Home - Welcome to Charter y! Yahoo! (2) Q Suggested Sites Free Hotmail / Web Slice Gallery / BingTM Traffic / MSN >> pm/tutors/homew... * Relaunch to update : LSU Louisiana State Unive https://moodle.Isu.ed... LSU Changing the deal wh... Module 5 Resources:... LSU Changing the deal wh... Get homework help X LSU Changing the deal while keeping the people > onnect with Tutor works on Receive your Libraries This content may contain URLs/links that would redirect you to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not an expert your question solution orm Detailed Record endorse the accuracy or accessibility of these sites, nor of the content therein. to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO do es, nor of the content therein. Rousseau PDF Full Text pliance only until a better job opportunity Welch posted on the wall at GE. are an Hement. But since even strong statements by allactions of a new deal employees must still PE - Source: Academy of Navy women as combat pilots and aircraft carrier personnel are signs of change intract makers are still intact. .pdf Management Executive since these roles were previously forbidden by both custom and act of Congress. managers may continue sending the old Old and new contract messages have to be When Lieutenant Sally Fountain, 31-year-old electronic warfare officer on a the right message out can mean having top justment do the training. When Jerre Stedd nafacturing and sales strategy for Square D. Hatement of the Square D's values and goals Date: February 1, 1996 radar-jamming plane, telephoned a repair office on the carrier USS Eisenhower. wide program where he. his managers, and trainers to help veterans and newcomers I male sailor answered and called to his boss, "Hey there is a lieutenant chick on with the organization Inside this work on the phone for you." Minutes later, the sailor's angry supervisor hauled the ization. New contract evoking a "new contract script" for young man before Lieutenant Fountain to formally apologize. Such events are uiting for a new job within one's current ployee orientation. RR Donnelly, in the midst a veteran employees from its traditional core part of the reality check that occurs when work roles, norms, and contract terms ah information services division, but required loyee in the process. Veterans submitted a Full Text Contents ting, and s new employes orientation before change. All contract makers, executives, managers, staff, and employees must urg be vigilant to reinforce the new contract terms so these can then become part of it is difficult to type 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 >> Fract Therehas good and understands the" the taken-for-granted reality of the new contract. Carerender them to a new job or new Redrawing the portra... Until employees know Solidifying the new contract means that for a while the organization has to with certainty that the strive to be incredibly consistent. Until employees know with certainty that the Psst... The merger ma... 21 "old deal is over," the "old deal is over," the new contract is not reality. Managers, senior executives, new contract is not interviewers, co-workers, and human resource practices (e.g., performance Executive Commentary. 37 reality reviews and promotions), all must be on the same page, sending consisten messages in line with the new contract. Focus groups and informal networks pal When teammates 40 can help test whether the new contract is well understood. Until the new deal is taken for granted, the organization cannot afford to send mixed messages. raise... Training all contract makers, from senior managers and recruiters, to co-workers Changing the deal 50 and staff, is critical to contract change. Refreshing and reinforcing that training is important to sustaining a new reality. wh... Toward Continuous Change Today's new contracts feature active, ongoing renegotiation by both employee Choose Another Issue and employer." A more diverse workforce needs flexibility in working conditions, prompting employee-driven renegotiations of the contract. At the ht same time, a more competitive marketplace demands frequent change in the deliverables required (e.g., shorter cycle times, high quality) and the way they are produced (e.g., worldwide, customized), and drives organizations to reformulate contract terms. Sustained performance and strategic focus require psychological contracts that balance and join the interests of people and organizations. hat is difficult to type But there is a problem. Restructurings in the 1980s led to an era of "no guarantees," an employment relationship involving no contract at all. pring Organizations in the throes of change over several years, downsizing frequently, LHRD 3271 Wynde and changing strategy often (which effectively means having no strategy at all) can undermine their ability to successfully manage and motivate a workforce. Though uncertainty may be necessary in the transition to a new contract more DOCX APR 16 tv 4 zoom WSafari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help G zoom | ~ Q Tue Apr 16 6:19 PM ... I V C Louisiana x | @ Module 5 1 x | E Changing x |+ Home - Welcome to Charter y! Yahoo! (2) Q Suggested Sites Free Hotmail / Web Slice Gallery / BingTM Traffic / MSN >> pm/tutors/homew... * Relaunch to update : LSU Louisiana State Unive https://moodle.Isu.ed... LSU Changing the deal wh... Module 5 Resources:... LSU Changing the deal wh... Get homework help X LSU Changing the deal while keeping the people. > onnect with Tutor works on Receive your Libraries This content may contain URLs/links that would redirect you to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not solution orm an expert X your question Detailed Record endorse the accuracy or accessibility of these sites, nor of the content therein. to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO do es, nor of the content therein. PDF Full Text pliance only until a better job opportunity financial indicators. Change cannot be legitimated if people don't understand Welch posted on the wall at GE. are an Rement. But, since even strong statements by the reasons for it, nor can they effectively participate in crafting appropriate allactions of a new deal. employees must still PE - Source: Academy of new terms. The same holds true for employee-initiated changes where ontract makers are still intact. .pdf managers may continue sending the old Management Executive managers need perspective on matters outside their own experience. Improving Old and new contract messages have to be the right message out can mean having top partment do the training. When Jerre Stedd the capacity to contract effectively involves acquiring relevant information and andfacturing and sales strategy for Square D. statement of the Square D's values and goals Date: February 1, 1996 wide program where he. his managers, and the skills to use it while working to make the relationship stronger. trainers to help veterans and newcomers en with the organization, New contract Inside this work The present and future psychological contract is increasingly a balanced one evoking a "new contract script:" for rutting for a new job within one's current ployee- orientation. RR Donnelly, in the midst where adjustments are inevitable on both sides. The most powerful contracts of a veteran employees from its traditional core ah information services division, but required loyee in the process. Veterans submitted a Full Text Contents all are those that can be both changed and kept at contract that stressed the importance of urg it is difficult to type 1 - 5 6 - 10 11 - 15 >> food and understands the . . ........... Sartransfer them to a new job or new Redrawing the portra... Endnotes This article is adapted from D.M. Rousseau, 1979)) were introduced to address declining Psychological Contracts in Organizations: productivity. However, there is ample evidence Understanding Written and Unwritten that the threat of foreign competition-in Psst... The merger ma... 21 Agreements (Sage, 1995). An earlier version was n Japan-was not perceived by particular from Japan- presented at the International Consortium for many managers and employees in large companies such as General Motors and IBM. Executive Commentary. 37 Executive Development Research, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 1994. QWL efforts in the late 1970s were frequently Out Louisians * | @ Modules * | : Changing * | + 2 The willingness to be flexible in a well- disbanded. A turning point in organizational Slice Gallery EX Bing" Traffic BY new. C * 0 0 Relaunch to upda When teammates 40 founded relationship has been referred to as change efforts came with the total quality was Changing the deal wh. al he "zone of acceptance." Herbert A. Simon movement of the 1980s in which the popular use Get homework help raise... [Administrative Behavior, 3rd edition, (New of benchmarking made it more likely that York, NY: Macmillan, 1976)] used this termhit organization members would look at their firm's ng the people. Changing the deal 50 refer to the range of duties and responsibilities n for information on the firm's to a non-EBSCO site. EBSCO does not an expert your question solution in a job that employees believe to be under the relative health and look to other firms es, nor of the content therein. wh... retion of their employer. So for example. unrelated industries for best practices and whether a secretary sends a letter first class or innovations. In investigating the history of by overnight delivery matters little to that organizational development and change, a Burst personnel are alone of change person since both can be thought of as part of amework suggests that it is ar-eld electronic warfare offer on a Choose Another Issue mailing correspondence. This zone of mportant to ask how the change process was the sellers chary lapse vigor hauled the acceptance is quite elastic, being broad and legitimated and whether externally anchored when work roles, aorras and contract terms open in more relational forms of employment or reasons were offered (as in the case of tract terms to these can then because pull of narrow and rigid in more transactional ones changing one's business from house painting to Rousseau, 1995). mowing lawns or from defense contractor to products). not reality. Managers, senior executives, 3 The distinction between systematic and on the same page , seoding consistent automatic information processing is detailed by Kearns and Nadler, op.cit., 236. set is well understood. Until the new deal is H. Sims and D. Gioia in The Thinking Described in both the 1992 GE Annual inlor managers and recruiters, to co workers Organization (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. eport to Shareholders and in Robert Slater'S, Get Better or Get Beaten: 31 Leadership Secrets ' D.T. Kearns and D.A. Nadler, Prophets in the rom GE's Jack Welch (Burr Ridge, IL: Irwin, needs flexibility in working At the Park: How Xerox Re-Invented Itself and Beat 1994), this famous statement specifies th Back the Japanese (New York, NY: Harper, 1992). scenarios for GE employees depending on 'D. Kahneman, J. Knetsch and R.H. Thaler, whether they meet commitments and share GE " and join the interests of people and ess and the Assum values. pring ournal of Business, 59, 1986, $285-$300. "Navy won en bringing new era on carriers." LHRD 3271 Wynde The slow adoption and in many cases ew York Times, February 21, 1994. rustrating failures of the quality of work life 10 New psychological contracts increasingly QWL) movement in the United States can be ake the form of "balanced contracts" in which attributed to a lack of any understood both employee and employer (and often also DOCX APR 16 stv 4 zoom W

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