add a balance method to the BST interface in cho07.lists of the provided source code. and class to bring the tree back in to balance. use one or more of the above methods to test this method. source codes can be found at
package ch07.trees;
import ch05.collections.CollectionInterface; import java.util.Iterator;
public interface BSTInterface extends CollectionInterface, Iterable { // Used to specify traversal order. public enum Traversal {Inorder, Preorder, Postorder};
T min(); // If this BST is empty, returns null; // otherwise returns the smallest element of the tree.
T max(); // If this BST is empty, returns null; // otherwise returns the largest element of the tree. public Iterator getIterator(Traversal orderType); // Creates and returns an Iterator providing a traversal of a "snapshot" // of the current tree in the order indicated by the argument. }
package ch07.trees;
import java.util.*; // Iterator, Comparator import java.math.*;
import ch02.stacks.LinkedStack; import ch04.queues.LinkedQueue; import support.BSTNode;
public class BinarySearchTree implements BSTInterface { protected BSTNode root; // reference to the root of this BST protected Comparator comp; // used for all comparisons
protected boolean found; // used by remove
public BinarySearchTree() // Precondition: T implements Comparable // Creates an empty BST object - uses the natural order of elements. { root = null; comp = new Comparator() { public int compare(T element1, T element2) { return ((Comparable)element1).compareTo(element2); } }; }
public BinarySearchTree(Comparator comp) // Creates an empty BST object - uses Comparator comp for order // of elements. { root = null; this.comp = comp; }
public boolean isFull() // Returns false; this link-based BST is never full. { return false; }
public boolean isEmpty() // Returns true if this BST is empty; otherwise, returns false. { return (root == null); }
public T min() // If this BST is empty, returns null; // otherwise returns the smallest element of the tree. { if (isEmpty()) return null; else { BSTNode node = root; while (node.getLeft() != null) node = node.getLeft(); return node.getInfo(); } public T max() // If this BST is empty, returns null; // otherwise returns the largest element of the tree. { if (isEmpty()) return null; else { BSTNode node = root; while (node.getRight() != null) node = node.getRight(); return node.getInfo(); } }
private int recSize(BSTNode node) // Returns the number of elements in subtree rooted at node. { if (node == null) return 0; else return 1 + recSize(node.getLeft()) + recSize(node.getRight()); }
public int size() { return recSize(root); } public int size2() // Returns the number of elements in this BST. { int count = 0; if (root != null) { LinkedStack> nodeStack = new LinkedStack>(); BSTNode currNode; nodeStack.push(root); while (!nodeStack.isEmpty()) { currNode =; nodeStack.pop(); count++; if (currNode.getLeft() != null) nodeStack.push(currNode.getLeft()); if (currNode.getRight() != null) nodeStack.push(currNode.getRight()); } } return count; }
private boolean recContains(T target, BSTNode node) // Returns true if the subtree rooted at node contains info i such that //, i) == 0; otherwise, returns false. { if (node == null) return false; // target is not found else if (, node.getInfo()) 0) return recContains(target, node.getRight()); // Search right subtree else return true; // target is found }
public boolean contains (T target) // Returns true if this BST contains a node with info i such that //, i) == 0; otherwise, returns false. { return recContains(target, root); }
private T recGet(T target, BSTNode node) // Returns info i from the subtree rooted at node such that //, i) == 0; if no such info exists, returns null. { if (node == null) return null; // target is not found else if (, node.getInfo()) 0) return recGet(target, node.getRight()); // get from right subtree else return node.getInfo(); // target is found }
public T get(T target) // Returns info i from node of this BST where, i) == 0; // if no such node exists, returns null. { return recGet(target, root); }
private BSTNode recAdd(T element, BSTNode node) // Adds element to tree rooted at node; tree retains its BST property. { if (node == null) // Addition place found node = new BSTNode(element); else if (, node.getInfo()) public boolean add (T element) // Adds element to this BST. The tree retains its BST property. { root = recAdd(element, root); return true; }
/* public boolean add (T element) // Adds element to this BST. The tree retains its BST property. { BSTNode newNode = new BSTNode(element); BSTNode prev = null, curr = null; if (root == null) root = newNode; else { curr = root; while (curr != null) { if (, curr.getInfo()) private T getPredecessor(BSTNode subtree) // Returns the information held in the rightmost node of subtree { BSTNode temp = subtree; while (temp.getRight() != null) temp = temp.getRight(); return temp.getInfo(); }
private BSTNode removeNode(BSTNode node) // Removes the information at node from the tree. { T data; if (node.getLeft() == null) return node.getRight(); else if (node.getRight() == null) return node.getLeft(); else { data = getPredecessor(node.getLeft()); node.setInfo(data); node.setLeft(recRemove(data, node.getLeft())); return node; } }
private BSTNode recRemove(T target, BSTNode node) // Removes element with info i from tree rooted at node such that //, i) == 0 and returns true; // if no such node exists, returns false. { if (node == null) found = false; else if (, node.getInfo()) 0) node.setRight(recRemove(target, node.getRight())); else { node = removeNode(node); found = true; } return node; }
public boolean remove (T target) // Removes a node with info i from tree such that,i) == 0 // and returns true; if no such node exists, returns false. { root = recRemove(target, root); return found; }
public Iterator getIterator(BSTInterface.Traversal orderType) // Creates and returns an Iterator providing a traversal of a "snapshot" // of the current tree in the order indicated by the argument. // Supports Preorder, Postorder, and Inorder traversal. { final LinkedQueue infoQueue = new LinkedQueue(); if (orderType == BSTInterface.Traversal.Preorder) preOrder(root, infoQueue); else if (orderType == BSTInterface.Traversal.Inorder) inOrder(root, infoQueue); else if (orderType == BSTInterface.Traversal.Postorder) postOrder(root, infoQueue);
return new Iterator() { public boolean hasNext() // Returns true if the iteration has more elements; otherwise returns false. { return !infoQueue.isEmpty(); } public T next() // Returns the next element in the iteration. // Throws NoSuchElementException - if the iteration has no more elements { if (!hasNext()) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("illegal invocation of next " + " in BinarySearchTree iterator. "); return infoQueue.dequeue(); }
public void remove() // Throws UnsupportedOperationException. // Not supported. Removal from snapshot iteration is meaningless. { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported remove attempted on " + "BinarySearchTree iterator. "); } }; }
private void preOrder(BSTNode node, LinkedQueue q) // Enqueues the elements from the subtree rooted at node into q in preOrder. { if (node != null) { q.enqueue(node.getInfo()); preOrder(node.getLeft(), q); preOrder(node.getRight(), q); } }
private void inOrder(BSTNode node, LinkedQueue q) // Enqueues the elements from the subtree rooted at node into q in inOrder. { if (node != null) { inOrder(node.getLeft(), q); q.enqueue(node.getInfo()); inOrder(node.getRight(), q); } }
private void postOrder(BSTNode node, LinkedQueue q) // Enqueues the elements from the subtree rooted at node into q in postOrder. { if (node != null) { postOrder(node.getLeft(), q); postOrder(node.getRight(), q); q.enqueue(node.getInfo()); } } public Iterator iterator() // InOrder is the default, "natural" order. { return getIterator(BSTInterface.Traversal.Inorder); }
3 3 3 3 3 24 37 our BSTInterface interface and BinarySearchTree class to include the 47. Revise a balance method. How can you test your revision? 3 3 3 3 3 24 37 our BSTInterface interface and BinarySearchTree class to include the 47. Revise a balance method. How can you test your revision