Add The vast majority of corporate and government technology is old. Do you bank with one of the big five banks in Canada? Your bank account is still run on a mainframe in an application generated in the early 1960s (early 1970s for Bank of Montreal). Likewise, in your home, who checks security on your Internet router and applies patches? (Probably no one.) Cars today are a mobile data centre, with dozens of processors: many are running an embedded copy of Windows XP (depreciated and no updates for several years now); the Presto system used on public transit uses a 15 year old version of Windows CE. Getting the picture? Old systems, with no responsible for updating them, or where the supplier stopped updating them, are an easy thing to be exploited. Customers, employees, and the organization's owners all expect that those hacks and incursions will be stopped. Here lies an ethical issue. So why don't organizations keep things up to date, applying patches and replacing technology and software as necessary? That's the subject of this project. The reason the major banks all still run ancient technology is because every time one of them has tried writing a replacement system it's cost tens to hundreds of millions, taken years, and the project was abandoned before completion. Why so much? Because systems that were built to be isolated and separate are now intertwined with hundreds of other systems - and to change one is to create changes for all. No wonder senior managers say "if it's working, leave it alone!". How do you change everything at once and keep the company running? Talk about that challenge, and how you might try to solve it. This is a think piece: take the point of view of management, not of the technical people