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After his father's death, our client (John Smith) started thinking about his own mortality so he has come to our office to draft a will

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After his father's death, our client (John Smith) started thinking about his own mortality so he has come to our office to draft a will for him. Once you draft a will for the client, I will review the will with the client and handle the execution. ) I have found a template that is along the lines of what Mr. Smith wants but it needs some adjustments. Please make the following adjustments to the will.

  1. It needs to reflect that Mr. Smith is married, as indicated in the intake sheet. Please modify the Marital Status clause.
  2. It needs to reflect that Mr. Smith has a son and a daughter and mention them by name.
  3. It needs to reflect that his brother (Daniel Smith) will be appointed independent executor of of his will and estate and trustee of all trusts (there is a clause in the template that has brackets that need to be adjusted to state this).
  4. Please fill in any blanks that we have information for such as testator name, date of execution (we plan on executing the will on October 27, 2022) and the two witnesses we have appointed to come in and witness are Mary Thompson and Simon Webb.
  5. Add a footer to the will as well that states "Last Will and Testament of John Smith" in the lower left-hand corner.
  6. Remember to make any formatting adjustments as needed (spacing, removing underlining, leaving signature lines as needed, removing brackets, etc.). Your finished document should look professional and polished. photos attached of template
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Will Ten plete - Google Docs X = FAZZ_ede_Midterm Wenda X * Fanemail. Felp - Design C X + Request edit ac help LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN SMITH I, of Texas, make this my Last Will and Testament, and I revoke all Wills and Codicils previously made by me. ARTICLE I. Identification A. Marital Status. I am not currently married. B. Children. I have two sons, All references in this Will to "my sons" are to them. In addition, all references in this Will to "my descendants" are to my sons (as defined above) and to all of their respective descendants. ARTICLE II. Memorandum I request that the beneficiaries of my estate and my Executor honor the provisions of any memorandum written by me directing the disposition of any portion of my personal and household effects. ARTICLE III.Fill Ter plate - Google Docs X = FA22_Wade_Midterm Weird X * Homework Help - CaA Tom C X + Reque ARTICLE III. Specific Bequests I give all of my interest in any motor vehicles, boats and personal watercraft, household goods, appliances, furniture and furnishings, pictures, silverware, china, glass, books, clothing, jewelry or other articles of personal use or ornament, and other tangible personal property of a nature, use or classification similar to the foregoing, except as may be provided in a memorandum authorized by Article II, to those of my descendants who survive me per stirpes, with particular items to be allocated as they may agree, or if they cannot agree, as my Executor shall decide. If any beneficiary hereunder is a minor, my Executor may distribute such minor's share to such minor or for such minor's use to any person with whom such minor is residing or who has the care or control of such minor without further responsibility, and the receipt of the person to whom such minor's share is distributed shall be a complete discharge of my Executor. The cost of packing and shipping such property to any such beneficiary shall be charged against MOWill Ten plate - Google Docs X = FAZZ_Wede_Midterm Memos X * Homework Help - CeA for C X + Request my estate as an expense of administration. ARTICLE IV. Residue I give all of the residue of my estate to those of my descendants who survive me per stirpes. If none of my descendants survives me, I give all of the residue of my estate to my heirs. ARTICLE V. Contingent Trusts A. Applicability. Any share of my estate that is to be distributed to a person who is under the age of 25 or who is incapacitated (referred to herein as the "Beneficiary") shall be held by my Trustee as a separate trust for the benefit of such Beneficiary. Alternatively, my Trustee, in my Trustee's discretion, may hold such property as custodian under the uniform transfers to minors act of any state, as it is my intention to ensure maximum flexibility in the administration of such property. B. Distributions. My Trustee shall distribute to the Beneficiary of each trust such amounts of the income and principal of such trust as my Trustee, in my Trustee's discretion, deems desirable from time to time to provide for such Beneficiary's health, support, maintenance of education, directly and without the interposition of any guardian or conservator. C. Termination. Each trust created by this Article for a Beneficiary who is under age 25 shall terminate when such Beneficiary attains that age. Each trust created by this ArticleWill Template - Google Docs X FAZ2_Wede_Midterm Nemo & X * Homework Help - Q&A Tom C X + Ip Request edit acc B. Bond; Independent Administration. To the extent permissible by law, no bond, N surety, or other security shall be required of my Executor or of my Trustee in any jurisdiction. No action shall be required in any court in relation to the settlement of my estate other than the probating and recording of my Will and, if required by law, the return of an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims of my estate. An affidavit in lieu of inventory may be substituted for an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims if permitted by law. C. Expenses and Compensation. Every Executor and Trustee shall be reimbursed for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such Executor's or such Trustee's duties. Every Executor and Trustee shall be entitled to fair and reasonable compensation for services rendered by such Executor or such Trustee in an amount not exceeding the customary and prevailing charges for services of a similar character at the time and place such services are performed. D. Ancillary Executors and Trustees. If my estate or any trust created by this WillWill Template - Google Docs X FAZ2_Wede_Midterm Nemo & X * Homework Help - Q&A Tom C X + Ip Request edit acc B. Bond; Independent Administration. To the extent permissible by law, no bond, N surety, or other security shall be required of my Executor or of my Trustee in any jurisdiction. No action shall be required in any court in relation to the settlement of my estate other than the probating and recording of my Will and, if required by law, the return of an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims of my estate. An affidavit in lieu of inventory may be substituted for an inventory, appraisement, and list of claims if permitted by law. C. Expenses and Compensation. Every Executor and Trustee shall be reimbursed for the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with such Executor's or such Trustee's duties. Every Executor and Trustee shall be entitled to fair and reasonable compensation for services rendered by such Executor or such Trustee in an amount not exceeding the customary and prevailing charges for services of a similar character at the time and place such services are performed. D. Ancillary Executors and Trustees. If my estate or any trust created by this WillWill Ter plate . Google Docs X FAZZ_Wade_Midtem News X + Request e valid and effective for all purposes as if signed by all such Executors or Trustees. ARTICLE VII. Executor and Trustee Powers Each Executor and Trustee shall, to the extent permitted by law, act independently and free from the control of any court as to my estate and as to every trust established under this Will (and as to all of the property of my estate and all of the property of every trust created under this Will). Each Executor and Trustee shall have and possess all powers and authorities conferred by statute or common law in any jurisdiction in which such Executor and Trustee may act, including 3 all powers and authorities conferred by the Texas Estates Code and the Texas Trust Code, and by any future amendments thereto, except for any instance in which such powers and authorities may conflict with the express provisions of this Will, in which case the express provisions of this Will shall control In addition to such powers and authorities. each Executor and Trustee shall Ce - Google Docs X FA22_Wade_Midterm Nemo o X Homework Help - Q&A Tom C X beneficiary's behalf, subject to the beneficiary's continuing right to withdraw the distribution; and the written receipts of the persons receiving such distributions shall be full and complete acquittances to my Executor or Trustee; (5) To access, control, use, cancel, deactivate, or delete my Digital Accounts and Digital Assets, and to access, control, use, deactivate, or dispose of my Digital Devices. "Digital Accounts" are electronic systems for creating, generating, sending, sharing, communicating, receiving, storing, displaying, or processing information which provides access to a Digital Asset which is stored on any type of Digital Device, regardless of the ownership of the Digital Device upon which the Digital Asset is stored. "Digital Assets" mean data, files, text messages, emails, documents, audio, video, images, sounds, social media content, social networking content, apps, codes, health care records, health insurance records, credit card points, travel-related miles and points, computer source codes, computer programs, software, software licenses, databases, or the like, including access credential such as usernames, passwords and answers to secret questions, which are created, generated, sent, communicated, shared, received, or stored by electronic means on a Digital Device. "Digital Devices" are electronic devices that can create, generate, send, share, communicate, receive, store, display, or process information: (6) To make divisions, partitions, or distributions in money or in kind, or partly in each. whenever required or permitted to divide, partition, or distribute all or any part of my estate or of any trusts and, in making any such divisions. partitions, or distributions, the judgment of my Executor or Trustee in the selection and valuation of the assets to be so divided, partitioned, or distributed shall be binding and conclusive; and, further, my Executor shall be authorized to make distributions from my estate in divided or undivided interests and on a promoogle Docs X = FA22_Wede_Midterm Nemo o X * Homework Help - Q&A Tom C process information; (6) To make divisions, partitions, or distributions in money or in kind, or partly in each, whenever required or permitted to divide, partition, or distribute all or any part of my estate or of any trust; and, in making any such divisions, partitions, or distributions, the judgment of my Executor or Trustee in the selection and valuation of the assets to be so divided, partitioned, or distributed shall be binding and conclusive; and, further, my Executor shall be authorized to make distributions from my estate in divided or undivided interests and on a pro rata or non-pro rata basis and to adjust distributions for resulting differences in valuation; (7) To invest and reinvest the properties of my estate or of any trust in any kind of property whatsoever, real or personal (including oil, gas and other mineral leases, royalties, overriding royalties and other interests), whether or not productive of income, and such investments and reinvestments may be made without regard to the proportion that such property or property of a similar character held may bear to my entire estate, or to the entire trust, if my Executor or Trustee determines that, because of the circumstances involved, my estate or such trust would be better served by not diversifying such investment or reinvestments; and in addition to make loans to any beneficiary of any trust with adequate security and at an adequate interest rate; provided further, the standard for assessing the investment performance of a Trustee who is an individual shall be the prudent investor rule in Section 117.003 of the Texas Uniform Prudent Investor Act, and such rule shall be applied to the investment performance of the entire portfolio, taking into account the purposes, terms and provisions statedplete - Google Docs X FAZ2_Wede_Midterm Memo c X * Homework Help - CeA Tom C herein, and not the investment performance of any single investment considered apart from the rest of the portfolio; and (8) To enter into any transaction on behalf of my estate or of any trust (including loans to beneficiaries for adequate security and adequate interest) despite the fact that another party to any such transaction may be (i) a trust of which any Executor or Trustee under this Will is also a trustee, including any trust established by this Will; (ii) an estate of which any Executor or Trustee under this Will is also an executor, personal representative or administrator, including my estate; (iii) a business or trust controlled by any Executor or Trustee under this Will or of which any such Executor or Trustee, or any director, officer or employee of any such corporate Executor or corporate Trustee is also a director, officer or employee; or (iv) any beneficiary, Trustee, or Executor under this Will acting individually. ARTICLE VIII. Miscellaneous A. Spendthrift Provisions. Each trust created by this Will shall be a spendthrift trust to the fullest extent allowed by law. Prior to the actual receipt of property by any beneficiary, no property (income or principal) distributable under this Will or under any trust created by this Will shall, voluntarily or involuntarily, be subject to anticipation or assignment by any beneficiary, or to attachment by or to the interference or control of any creditor or assignee of any beneficiary, or taken or reached by any legal or equitable process in satisfaction of any debt or liability of any beneficiary, and any attempted transfer or encumbrance of any interest in such property by any beneficiary hereunder prior to distribution shall be void. B. Accounting. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all properties, books ofplate - Google Docs X FAZ2_Wade_Midterm Nemo o X * Homework Help - Q&A Tom C X Re beneficiary, and any attempted transfer or encumbrance of any interest in such property by any beneficiary hereunder prior to distribution shall be void. B. Accounting. Except as otherwise provided in this Section, all properties, books of account, and records of my estate and of each trust created by my Will shall be made available for inspection at all times during normal business hours by any beneficiary of my estate or such trust who is entitled thereto, or by any person designated by such beneficiary. Furthermore, except as otherwise provided in this Section, within 60 days of receiving a written request from a beneficiary of a trust created by my Will who is entitled to receive an accounting, my Trustee shall furnish an accounting to such beneficiary. Any such accounting shall comply with the requirements of the Texas Trust Code and shall be deemed correct and binding one year after receipt by the requesting beneficiary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with regard to each beneficiary of a trust who is under 25 years of age, my Trustee shall be relieved of the duty to keep such beneficiary reasonably informed concerning the administration of such trust and the material facts necessary for such beneficiary to protect such beneficiary's interest, and my Trustee shall have no duty to respond to a demand for an accounting. Mem plate - Google Docs X FA22_Wade_Midterm Nemoo * * HomeworkHelp - Q&ATom C X C. Survivorship Provisions. No person shall be deemed to have survived me if such person shall die within 30 days after my death; however, my Executor may make distributions from my estate within that period for the support of my sons. Any person who is prohibited by law from inheriting property from me shall be treated as having failed to survive me. D. Descendants. References to "descendant" or "descendants" (except as provided in Article I, Section B) mean lineal blood descendants of the first, second or any other degree of the ancestor designated; provided, however, such references shall include, with respect to any provision of this Will, descendants who have been conceived at any specific point in time relevant to such provision and who thereafter survive birth; and provided, further, an adopted child and such adopted child's lineal descendants by blood or adoption shall be considered under my Will as lineal blood descendants of the adopting parent or parents and of anyone who is by blood or adoption a lineal ancestor of the adopting parent or of either of the adopting parents. E. Discretion. Whenever in this Will an action is authorized in the discretion of my Executor or Trustee, the term "discretion" shall mean the absolute and uncontrolled discretion of such Executor or Trustee. F . Incapacitated. A beneficiary shall be deemed "incapacitated" if my Executor or Trustee, in my Executor's or Trustee's discretion, determines that such beneficiary lacks the ability, due to a physical or mental condition, to manage his or her own personal and financial affairs. My Executor or Trustee shall be deemed "incapacitated" if and for as long as (i) a court of competent jurisdiction has made a finding to that effect, (ii) a guardian or conservator of such Executor's or Trustee's person or estate has been appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction and is serving as such, or (ill) two physicians (licensed to practice medicine in the state where my Executor or Trustee is domiciled at the time of the certification, and one of whom shall be

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