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Sandy is a perwonal financial planeer at Pro-Future, Inc. Pro-Future is a financial company that focuses on personal and business financiag. When potential customers come to Sandy foe financial advice, ahe firit aceumblate the amount of money that they secd, Alvice about risk is given to all of Sandy's cirents. Sandy also makes strategic financial plans for each of her costomers, which helps them to track and achiere their finandal foak. What is a posstble suggestion Sandy might give ber clients in order to meet their retirnwent goals? a Frunce your credit cards trst. b. Aicate ensugh money to meet al of your needs. c. Do not partionate in 40t(t) or 403,6) peograms. E Take athamage of iny enploger sporsored retrement plans: accuenulare the amount of money that they beed. Alvice about risk is given to all of Sandy's clients. Sabdy also makes strategic financial plans for each of her castomers, which belpe them fo track and actieve their financial goals. Which of the following would Sandy explain in order to match her elients' powithle investinent plans with thrir investment poals? a. Hick and safety b. liseresmentrations c. Himery tounteyatis d. Perwondity ans temper eseconderymariat Sensonal Aecents, toc, (PA) is a publicly held company that specializes in selling a variety of skin- and hair-care products. The contpany owas specialty stores that appeal to both men and womem. PAI recently crotis that cas be obtained from this type of investanent. Charlotte usadlly prefers moderately riaky investments so she can obtain a profit; but if something goes wour, whe will not lose ererything. Fearing the potentis ass of moery in high-risk investrents, she has invested in PAL. She feels that the company is established and has maintaised stable profits over the years. She is well aware of the different bpes of high-rink investmentis, but she chooses to invest more conservatively. Which of the following was required of PAI when it first issued publicly traded stock for the compaay? a. It had to offer the account exccuoves name to potential imestors ti iz had to otter dividends. cit had to provide a prospectus. A. it has to other a seourty inder to the public. 2. thad to provide the compary budget to potential investors Perroeal Aceents, Inc, (PPI) is a problicly held coempany that specializes in selling a variety of skin- and hair-care products. The oxmpary owns specialty stares that appeal to boch men and women. RAI recentily obeained financing through the sale of bonds which have been rated as AAA by Standard \&. Poor's. Charlotte is an investor nho pays very dose attention to high-risk iavestments because she's iaterested in the huge profits that can be obtained from this type of investment. Charlotie usually prefers moderately risky investments so she can obtain a profit but if something goes sour, she will not lose eventhing. Featiog the potential loss of money in high-titk investments, sbe has imested in PAI. She feels that the company is established and has maintained sable profits over the yrars. She is well anare of the different types of high.risk imvestments, but abe chooses to invest more conservatively. Charlotie recently chose an account esecutive for her investment and finaseial evects. Whisch of the following best deseribes an account executive? a Afinasial ad eretitive E. Ar indvidual who gets free money for dients C An indivisual who sellsmanufattured products tor ctents is A decount agent. e. Arindivdual who buss and selt securibes for clients Tersotsal Accents, Inc, (PAI) is a publidy held compury that specializes in selling a variety of skin- and hair-care products. The company owns secialty stores that appeal to both men and women. PA recently bbained financing through the sale of boeds which have been rated as AMA by Standard \& Poor's. Charlotte is an investor who puys very close attention to high-risk investments because she's interested in the huge profits that can be obeained from this type of ievestment. Charlotte usually prefers moderately risky investmeats so she can obtain a profit but if something goes soar, she will not lose everything. Featiag the jotential foss of moeey in hesh-risk investments, she has invested in PAL. She feels that the company is established asd has maintained stable profits over the years. She is well aware of the different types of high -risk Coarlotte as a PAI investor? a. Bying PN stodis D. Selline PAi shock wart c. Buying PA bonds a selling mutwal funds that hald pA stock C. Dugres nistual funts that hold PAr stook It fritule then hesme for a sestife geriod a colvina their lases terim dise e. Exilla their eipensei foc a soecifc perisd Personal Accents, Inc., (PAJ) is a publidy held company that specialises in selling a variety of skin- and hair-care products. The company owns specialty stores that appeal to beth mea and women. PAI recently profits that ean be obtained from this type of investment. Charlote usually prefers moderately risky investerents so she can obtain a profit: but if something goes sour, she will not lose everthing. Fearing the potental loss of thoney in high-risk investuseats, she bas invested in FA1. She feels that the company is estalliahed and has maintained stable profits over the years. She is well aware of the different types of high-rick purchase it at the corrent market price, what would this be called? a. Matched oede th. Limit orde: c Maket order d Manty order Sirecificerdet Which of the following statements is false? a. The sooner you start an investment program, the more time your investments have to work for you. b. It is important to balance your budget so that your income is equal to the money you spend or invest each month. c. A budget is a specific plan for spending your income for a specific period of time. d. Unfortunately, many individuals spend more than they make. e. A personal income statement lists your assets and liabilities. Sandy is a personal financial planner at Pro-Future, Inc. Pro-Future is a financial company that focuses on personal asd business finabcing. Whea potential castomers come to Sandy for financial advice, she fast accumulate the amount of money that they beed. Advice about risk is given to all of Sandy/s clieats. Sandy also makes strategic financial plans for each of her cuitomens which belps them to track and achieve their financial goals, Which of the followieg best describes a financial planser like Sandy? t. Aperson who has passed a national but not rate examinstion a. A person who han a colirze degree in piannirg Which of the following is something that would be listed on a personal income statement? a. Assets b. Budgeted amounts c. Liabilities d. Expensies e. Net worth Penwal Accents, Inc, (PAD) is a publicly held company that specializes in selling a variety of skin- and haireare prodocts. The company oms specialty stores that appeal to both men and women. PA recenty obtained financing through the wale of bonds which have been rated as AAA by Standard \& Poor's. Charlotle is an investar who pays very clase attention to high-risk investments beeause ahe's interested is the hoge profits that can be obtained from this type of ievestment. Charlotte useally prefers moderately risky investmests so she can obtain a peofit; but if something goes sour, she will not lose everything Fearing the potmti paymentsiz a. Every moneh b. When the bondsmature C. Once a yeat A tierysumenem E. tyery cyant Debby Martin has assets valued at $120,000 and liabilities that total $50,000. Based on this information, what is Debby's net worth? a. $50,000 b. $170,000 c. $70,000 d. $120,000 e. $0