and for his contents. All students in the group will receive the same mark." The group will decide between them which fast food retail chain to study from the list below and the leader will communicate this to the Professor by October 14 as well. Each member of the group can visit the nearest location of that restaurant chain, all members of the group do not have to visit the same restaurant location as others in your group but it must be a restaurant in the same retail chain. It is not necessary to meet in person to complete this assignment but I strongly advise that you should meet in person. Visits to the restaurant near you can be done individually. You must include a minimum of 5 photos of yourselves inside the restaurant (one for each group member) to show you were in the store(s) you visited in the Appendix of your Report. Whether you do this assignment individually or as a group, each of you should visit the restaurant several times. Students residing outside of Canada should select an equivalent fast food restaurant near them to study and submit the name of that restaurant/chain to the Professor by October 14 for approval. Consider this project as a Formal Report you would submit to the Vice President of Marketing at your full-time employment hence it should written as such. You are to choose one of the following establishments to visit. The Burger's Priest South Street Burger Hero Certified Burgers Five Guys Burger & Fries Select one of the company's locations that is convenient for you. You should visit the location as many times as you require in order to properly complete the project per the grading. On each occasion you should purchase one ( or more if you wish) item(s). On every visit you should ask the person taking your order for information about one or more items pretending not to know what is in it or if it is healthy or what the price is etc. to see how knowledgeable/well trained and willing to help they are (you do not have to purchase this item). This will help you complete specific sections of the assignment. Your objective is to experience, observe and evaluate all aspects of the business, facilities and operations provided from a "customers" point of view from the moment you arrive to the moment you leave. You must also visit one direct competitor in the area so that you can make comparisons. Remember, in general service providers see the business as a 'process but customers see it as an 'experience'. In this project you will be evaluating both. Due Date for Written Report: Tuesday December 6. 2022 bv 6:30 om