And please give me some example for that.Thanks a lot
Assessment task Kotler, P. and Armstrong, G. dene marketing as the process by which companies engage customers, build strong customer relationships, and create customer value in order to capture value from customers in return. Expound this denition (i.e. elaborate every dimensions in the denition with appropriate examples) and explain how does marketing 3' 6' disciplines such as \"relationship marketing , social marketing ,9 6' , digital marketing\" and \"services marketing\" compliment or achieve the abovementioned dimensions of marketing. Assignment marking guide (/100%) The following assessment criteria and marking guide applies to all assignments. 1. Scope & structure 20% 2. Synthesis (Critical analysis and creative synthesis) 30% 3. Summary (Conclusion) 10% 0-9% Topic not covered, discussion too brief, copied, unreective, little explanation, no or confused layout. 0-14% Little or no analysis of theory, and trying to put things back together, and add individual value. Assignment has too many significant faults to be regarded as a University standard piece of work. 04% Weak conclusions. Do not follow from discussion. 10-12 % Balanced summary of the issues, main issues agged up front, logical ow of ideas. 15-19 % Some analysis of theory., with explanation, and illustration, and some attempt to put things back together, and add individual value. Assignment is adequate but still has signicant faults and your are advised to make sure that you understand what they are and if necessary get help to improve in your weakest areas. 5 9/0 Weak conclusions. Do not follow from discussion. 13-14% Fuller and more systematic treatment of the topic. 20-23% Analysis lacks a convincing argument. Need to justify more. Greater attempt put things back together, and add individual value. Assignment is without serious faults but without conviction. The lecturer can follow your argument but hefshe is not convinced by it; OK it may be written with some conviction but with too many faults! 6% Adequate attempt to bring it all together. 15-16% Comprehensive treatment of the topic. 24-26 Good attempt to analyze critical issues. Some conviction but could do with more. Sound attempt to put things back together, and add individual value. Assignment is almost faultless and has some conviction -the lecturer may well be persuaded to agree with your position. 7% Sound conclusions. Well brought together. 17-2 0% Well structured description. Sets the scene in an outstanding and sophisticated way. 27-30% Excellent critical analysis of the theory. Well argued case. Excellent attempt put things back together, and add individual value. Assignment is faultless and has conviction, and is based on extensive research. It builds a sound argument using analysis, explanation and interpretation. It includes some original thinking based on clearly evaluated evidence and clearly explained logic. 8-10% Strong conclusion and excellently presented