Andrea is ordering supplies for summer camp and notice the supplier has a special offer on four items on her list caps, T-shirts, rocks, and shoes. The supplier packed them for some special orders, and a number were returned that the supplier would like to move. There are three types of packages, 1, 11, m. I contains 5 caps, 10 pairs of sodio, 2 T shirts, and pairs of shoes Il contains 5 caps, 6 pairs of sacks, shit and pair of shoes III contains caps, 5 pairs of socks, 6 T shirts, and shoes Andrea estimates they will need up to 200 caps up to 100 pairs of socks, up to 250 T-shirts, and up to to pairs of shots Based on the special price and the published camp fees, the camp can make a profiter 16 on eath packages on each pedict 11, and i on each package. How many of it package should Andrea order to achieve makmum prote) A maximum profit of posse Andrea onders 15 of package and of package 20 of package and of papel de achieve um profit from any integer ordinate on the inestetween these two solutions MINO Andrea is ordering supplies for summer camp and notices the supplier has a special offer on fout items on her list caps, T-shirts, socks, and the Thester packaged these terms for orders, and a number were returned that the supplier would like to move. There are three types of packages, I, 1, III. 1 contains 5 caps, 10 pairs of socks, 2.shits, and pairs of shoes 11 contains 5 caps, 6 pairs of socks, 3Tshirts, and 3 pairs of shoes It contains 4 caps, 5 pairs of socks, 6 T shirts, and no shoes Andrea estimates they will need up to 200 cas, up to 300 pairs of socks, up to 210 Thirts, and up to core of shoe Based on the special price and their pushed cafes, the como can make a profit of lontach package 1. 515 sach pagell, and 56 on cachace. How many of each type of package should Andre order to achieve maximum profit A maximum profit of is possible if Andre orders 15 of package and of package it, or 20 fackage 11 ant of rackage III. Andreas achieve maximum profit from any integer coordinate on the line segment between these two solutions