Answer each of the following: a. Define the term acholarahip as it is used in Sec. 117. b. If a scholarahip covers room and board, is it exoludable? c. If an employer provides a scholanship to an employee who is on leave of absonce, is that schelanthip tuxable? d. is the amount poid by a university to students for semices excludable fren the students' pross incone? Define the toem scholarnhip as it is used in Sec117. A. A scholnehip is an award given to an undergradualn dogree candidale in exchange for senvices performed while attending the university. B. A scholanhip is an amount paid or alowed is e degree candidate to aid the individuel in pursung his or her atudies. D. A scholarshe is a state mandaled set amount of money that is given so degree candidatios who are attending state universities. b. If a scholarship covens roen and board, is if excludable? aternatively, the scholarstip is specified as being for nonqualifying expenses, the schotarship will be at loast partialy tixable. scholarship is specified as being for nonqualitying expenses, the scholarnip will become fully tacable. altemativey, the scholarship is specfied as being for nonqualifying expenses, the scholarstip wil still be nontaxable. D. The exclusion is timited to any college expenses, Including, tution, books, fees, supples, equipment, and room and board. As a result, if scholarship income is used on non-educational purposes, that arrount wit bocome taxablo. e. If an empleyer provides a scholarship to an employee who is on leave of absence, is that schalarship taxable? A. Scholarthip monoy provided by an employer to an employee is rever taxable to an employee, fegardess of whather the employed is on leave of absence or stit working. The secholars money is never considered compenisason. Antrwer each of the following: a. Dethe the term scholarahip as it is used in Sec. 117. b. If a scholarnhip covers room and board, is iz exchudable? c. If an employer provides a scholarship to an employoe who is on leave of absence, is that scholarship taxable? d. Is the amount paid by a university to students for services excludable from the stusents' gross incorne? purposes, that amount will bocome touble. c. If an empabyer provides a scholarship to an employes who is on leave of absence, is that scholarship tarmble? money is never considered compensation. employee is contruing to work for the employer while obtaining the degree, the scholarship money wil be nontaxable to the employe. expenses. in doing a better job for the employer. d. Is the amount paid by a unlinersity to stidents for services exeludable from the students' gross income? B. No. the amounts wil nomaly be iavable compenaation. C. Yos. The amounts are considered on tor educational purposes. D. No. At least 85% of the amounts wal be included as taxable inoome under dxdend income