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(ANSWER q5-9 Please) Name: Noah Hagos Background: Ethiopian Age: 40 Gender: Male Education: High school diploma and military training Suburb: Braybrook Military Service Branch: Army

(ANSWER q5-9 Please)

Name: Noah Hagos

Background: Ethiopian

Age: 40

Gender: Male

Education: High school diploma and military training

Suburb: Braybrook

Military Service

Branch: Army

Rank: Sergeant

Years of Service: 15 years

Decorations: Awarded the Purple Heart for valour in combat


Disciplined: Noah possesses a level of discipline. Carries out instructions, with great precision.

Team Player: Noah, being a commissioned officer places great importance on the spirit of teamwork and effective leadership, within his squad.

Physical Fitness: He takes care of his body. Finds pleasure, in activities, like running and lifting weights.

Mentorship: Noah takes pleasure in guiding and supporting soldiers assisting them in acclimating to the demands of life.

Reading: During his time he enjoys delving into history and strategy books.

Family: Noah cherishes the moments he spends with his family while on leave. Maintains communication, through letters and video calls when he is away, on deployments.

Separation: Being deployed often involves spending extended periods of time away, from ones family and loved ones..

Post-Traumatic Stress: Noah, like individuals who have served in combat may face difficulties associated with traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and the various challenges that come along with it.

Career Advancement: Noah is putting in the effort to achieve the rank of platoon sergeant and make progress in his career.

Police department Name: Officer Alex Ferguson

Background: English

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Education: Bachelor's degree in criminal justice

Suburb: Coburg

Department: City Police Department

Years of Service: 8 years

Patient: Alex remains patient in stressful situations and de-escalates conflicts effectively.

Running: Alex enjoys running to stay physically fit and participates in charity runs.

Cooking: He loves experimenting with new recipes and hosting dinner parties for friends and family. Disability: Has a bad sight.

Career Advancement: Alex is working toward becoming a chief officer.

1.Prepare 2 detailed rational tables for each persona journey map

Prepare a detailed rationale for the selection of the channels for each persona touch point within the specific persona map. Included must be a discussion on how each strategy maintains integrity of the brand (i.e. consistent messaging) and develops trust with the audience in line with client requirements. This must adhere to organisational policy and clarify the responses to triggers, interventions and behaviours (as identified in Assessment Task 1). 1.1 Complete 2 rationale tables (can be combined) one for each persona journey map 1.2 Include at least 4 channels for each persona from which you can select from the range of channels available that meet the requirements of the organisation

Persona 1- Noah Hagos (Sergeant)

Channel Strategy to Maintain Brand Integrity Organizational Requirements Persona's Responses to Triggers, Interventions, and Behaviors Rationale (Reason)
Military Social Media Platforms Share authentic insights about military life and service, foster a sense of community. Adhere to military's social media guidelines and security protocols. Noah maintains an active presence on military social media platforms, sharing experiences and insights to showcase the military's values and camaraderie. Fosters a positive image, encourages recruitment, and supports the military's social media outreach efforts.
LinkedIn Establish a professional presence by sharing achievements and leadership within the military. Comply with LinkedIn's guidelines for professional networking. Noah uses LinkedIn to highlight his military achievements, leadership, and professional growth. Strengthens his professional image and connections within and outside the military.
Facebook Share personal experiences and engage with a broader audience, including family and friends. Maintain compliance with military guidelines on social media usage. On Facebook, Noah shares more personal experiences and connects with a wider audience, including family and friends. Strengthens personal relationships and allows for a more holistic representation of his life.
Personal Letters and Video Calls Strengthen family bonds and maintain emotional connections, especially during deployments. Allocate time for communication within deployment schedules. Noah cherishes personal letters and video calls, providing emotional support during deployments, enhancing his family connections. Essential for Noah's well-being and maintaining family relationships.
Military Strategy Books Enhance strategic thinking and leadership skills through reading military literature. Encourage continued self-improvement and knowledge development. Noah's regular reading of military strategy books supports his growth as a Sergeant and helps in developing his leadership and tactical skills. Contributes to his effectiveness within the organization and the military's mission.

Persona 2 - Officer Alex Ferguson (Police Officer)

Channel Strategy to Maintain Brand Integrity Organizational Requirements Persona's Responses to Triggers, Interventions, and Behaviors Rationale (Reason)
LinkedIn Share professional achievements and updates related to the City Police Department. Comply with LinkedIn's guidelines for professional networking. Alex regularly updates his LinkedIn profile with his professional achievements and activities within the police department. Strengthens his professional image and connections within and outside the police department.
TikTok Create short, engaging videos to educate and engage the community on various topics related to policing and safety. Follow departmental social media guidelines and maintain a positive image. Alex uses TikTok to produce informative and entertaining videos that cover policing and safety topics, reaching a broad and diverse audience. Connects with a younger, tech-savvy audience and educates the community on important safety issues, ultimately supporting community policing efforts.
Police Department Website Contribute to the department's website by providing content on safety tips, community outreach, and department news. Fulfill departmental responsibilities for community engagement and public information. Alex actively contributes to the department's website, sharing valuable information with the community. Enhances public perception and supports the department's mission of community service.
Running Community Participate in local running events, promoting community fitness and well-being. Maintain personal fitness standards and engage in community outreach. Alex's involvement in running events fosters a sense of community and promotes physical fitness. Demonstrates a commitment to community well-being and aligns with the department's mission of public safety.
Neighborhood Meetings Attend neighborhood meetings to address community concerns and build trust with residents. Fulfill the department's community policing and public engagement requirements. Alex actively participates in neighborhood meetings, listening to community concerns and offering solutions. Strengthens community relations and helps build trust in law enforcement.
Snapchat Share real-time updates and behind-the-scenes content related to police work and community engagement. Comply with departmental guidelines for social media usage, ensuring privacy and security. Alex uses Snapchat to provide real-time updates and glimpses into his work, community events, and daily life as a police officer. Connects with a younger and more mobile audience, fostering a sense of transparency and engagement in community policing.

2. Complete 2 rationale tables for each persona journey map

Provide an overview and explain what specific content will prove engaging for each of the personas and each of the touch points identified.

Touchpoint Content
Noah Hagos(Sargant)

Persona 1

Deployment Military strategy and leadership podcasts can serve as a valuable resource for Noah. Given his ambition to advance in his military career, such content can offer insights into effective leadership tactics and military strategies, allowing him to stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in the field. This knowledge can contribute to his professional development and increase his chances of achieving the rank of platoon sergeant.

Family Leave

Noah, maintaining effective communication with his family during deployments is crucial. Providing content that focuses on communication tools, such as tips for letter writing, effective video call strategies, and ways to manage the emotional challenges of separation, can help Noah stay connected with his family, fostering a sense of emotional well-being and support during his time away from home.

Post-Traumatic Stress

Noah's potential struggles with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) necessitate the provision of content that offers coping mechanisms and information about support groups for veterans. By providing resources and insights into managing PTSD, this content can assist Noah in understanding and addressing the challenges associated with traumatic experiences, enabling him to seek the necessary support and guidance for his mental well-being.

Alex Ferguson(Police)

Persona 2

Stressful Situation

Content focusing on stress management techniques can benefit Alex, considering his patient and composed demeanor during high-pressure situations. Providing resources that offer effective stress management strategies, such as mindfulness exercises and conflict de-escalation tactics, can enhance Alex's ability to handle stress, ensuring successful conflict resolution and maintaining a safe and secure environment within the community.

Physical Fitness

Given Alex's passion for running and maintaining physical fitness, content related to running apps and tailored workout routines for individuals with disabilities can serve as a source of motivation and guidance for him. Such content can provide Alex with access to various fitness resources and success stories of individuals with similar challenges, inspiring him to continue pursuing his fitness goals and leading a healthy lifestyle despite his visual impairment.

Career Advancement

Alex's goal of becoming a chief officer highlights his ambition and commitment to professional growth within the police department. Offering content on leadership and management training courses, along with tips for career progression and success stories of accomplished police officers, can provide Alex with the necessary guidance and inspiration to pursue career advancement opportunities actively. This content can empower Alex to acquire the essential skills and knowledge required for leadership roles, thereby supporting his journey toward achieving his career objectives.

3. Produce organic content

3.1 Produce 2 pieces of organic content for persona1.

Ensure that all content is user ready, meets any organisational policy requirements, and adheres to the relevant legal and regulatory requirements for content in their chosen channels/platforms.

Please choose the social media platforms and provide 2 pieces of organic content.

Content 1 (LinkedIn): Caption: Honoured to have led my squad in today's training exercise. Teamwork and dedication are the foundations of our success. #MilitaryLeadership

Following today's training exercise Noah expressed a sense of honour for the privilege to lead their squad. This sentiment highlights their dedication to his role. Acknowledges the immense responsibility and trust placed in his hands. He also emphasized the importance of teamwork recognizing that success, in the military relies on the efforts of every squad member, who each bring their skills and strengths. Additionally, he mentioned dedication as an aspect emphasizing the commitment required from both the leader and squad as he undergo rigorous training and prepare for challenging missions. Noah values improvement through training exercises seeing it as essential for striving towards excellence in service. The statement includes the hashtag #MilitaryLeadership to emphasize sharing these principles and values, on social media platforms connecting with an audience and reinforcing the ideals that govern life.

Content 2 (Facebook): Caption: Family is everything. Grateful for the precious moments I get to share with my loved ones. Their support keeps me going, especially during deployments. #FamilyFirst #MilitaryLife #Gratitude

In a post, on Facebook Noah reflects on how important families in his life. He expresses gratitude for the moments he has shared with his loved ones emphasizing how priceless these connections are. The post also acknowledges the support they receive from their family during deployments, which can be a challenging time due to separation and the demands of military service. By using hashtags like #FamilyFirst and #Gratitude Noah expresses the bond he has with his family but also highlights the significance of family, within military life. This resonates with others who understand the dynamics of balancing service and personal relationships.

3.2. Produce 2 pieces of organic content for persona2.

Ensure that all content is user ready, meets any organisational policy requirements, and adheres to the relevant legal and regulatory requirements for content in their chosen channels/platforms.

Please choose the social media platforms and provide 2 pieces of organic content.

Content 1 (TikTok Video): Video Description: In today's SafetyTipTuesday, let's talk about pedestrian safety. Always use crosswalks, be aware of your surroundings, and remember, we're here to keep our community safe! #CommunitySafety #PoliceTips

In Alex's video, as part of SafetyTipTuesday he talks about an important issue; pedestrian safety. He emphasizes the significance of using crosswalks and being aware of ones surroundings. Alex strongly believes in community safety. Highlights the role of law enforcement in ensuring the well-being of community members. By using hashtags like #CommunitySafety and #PoliceTips Alex educates and informs the public about safety precautions but also emphasizes the effort between law enforcement and the community to create a safer environment, for everyone.

Content 2 (Police Department Website Article): Article Title: Community Outreach: Engaging for a Safer Tomorrow

Article Body: Officer Alex Ferguson is prominently featured in an article, on the police departments website emphasizing the departments unwavering dedication to keeping the community safe. Officer Ferguson discusses the importance of neighbourhood watch programs and initiatives that engage with the community shedding light on efforts aimed at creating an environment. The article highlights the departments commitment to community policing and public safety expressed through hashtags like #CommunityPolicing and #PublicSafety. It serves as a resource for the public providing insights into measures taken by law enforcement in partnership with the community to ensure a secure and harmonious future, for all residents.

4. Choose a topic of your choice and produce one Blog article

For your persona or segment (from your target audience) touch-point, write an article (Blog) that is relevant to your business, andappeals to the target audience. (Write your brief BLOG below)

Blog Post

Subject: The Value of Local Law Enforcement

Target Audience:Braybrook Locals

Persona: Police Officer Alex Ferguson

The. Implementation of "community policing" place an emphasis, on the importance of building connections between law enforcement and the communities they serve. It is an approach to ensuring safety and preventing crime that focuses on collaborating with community members to identify and address issues.

There are benefits to community policing. It can lead to a reduction in crime, an improvement in safety and an increase in trust between the police and the community. Additionally, community policing can help identify and tackle the root causes of crime such as unemployment, poverty, and illiteracy.

For example, the Coburg Police Department has implemented community policing programs like school resource officers, neighbourhood watch initiatives and community events. These initiatives offer residents opportunities to learn about public safety measures while fostering partnerships between law enforcement agencies and the community.

In order for a community to be safe and thriving it is crucial to implement community policing. It is a strategy, for preventing crime that empowers residents to actively participate in maintaining the security of their neighbourhoods.

Automated Communications

Statement 1:

Hey "Commenter",

I appreciate your input. I agree that creating a secure and healthy community requires community policing. Being a member of the Coburg Police Department, which is dedicated to community policing, makes me proud. Numerous community policing efforts are in place, and we're always searching for ways to make them better.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any queries or recommendations.

Regards, Alex Ferguson Police Department of Coburg

2nd Message:

Hey "Commenter",

I'm sorry to hear that your interaction with the cops was not positive. I would want to reassure you that the Coburg Police Department is dedicated to treating every person equally and fairly.

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you want to talk more about your experience. I'd be pleased to hear about your worries and try to fix the problem.

Regards, Ingrid Ferguson Police Department of Coburg

3. Message

Hey "Commenter",

I appreciate your input. That you value the Coburg Police Department's dedication to community policing makes me happy.

We're always searching for methods to make our offerings better. Please do not hesitate to share any ideas you may have with us.

Regards, Alex Ferguson Police Department of Coburg

5. Prepare content for an email campaign that supports one of the social media contents identified in Q3.

Prepare an email for your target audience to promote one of your social media content.

6. Using appropriate planning templates and tools provided in class, prepare for a schedule for release for maximising target audience attention.

6.1 A weekly schedule for each proposed channel and content (both personas combined) including potential daily themes to optimise reach and spread/potential to go viral.

6.2 Daily time recommendations.

6.3 A model of engagement

Please fill the table in Appendix 1 Weekly Schedule, to answer Q6.

Appendix 1-Weekly Schedule

(Ensure you include 4 different channels from Part A, question 1)

Social media Channel Date Content Type Topic Caption Notes
Week 1 Monday
E.g. Facebook 10:00 NEW POST Latest Release of Stingray LT Are you optimizing your social video for viewing without sound? You should be #Video editing
13:00 LIVE VIDEO Marios Christos giving a demonstration of video editing with Adobe Premiere
17:00 EVERGREEN BLOG POST 5 Tips to become an Influencer
TikTok 12:00 SHORT VIDEO Sports
16:00 SHORT VIDEO Latest Techniques
Instagram 14:00 STORY One day with Stingray Laptop
20:00 ORIGINAL IMAGE New design of headphone
Week 1 Tuesday
Twitter 'X'
Week 1 Wednesday
Twitter 'X'
Week 1 Thursday
Twitter 'X'
Week 1 Friday
Twitter 'X'

7.Prepare a summary table and discussion on social media management metrics toexplain what should be considered for monitoring and evaluation.

Include details of the analytics software to be used to track and measure how users will interact with their content which includes metrics for posts, responses, updates. Which social media analytics service would be suitable for this?

Metrics Reason Analytics Service/ Software
E.g., pageviews It shows the number of pages that were viewed within a period of time. Google Analytics/ Hootsuite

8.Prepare a social media engagement plan

This should include: (As listed in the headings in Appendix 2)

  • Also, please provide key recommendations for consistent messaging (3-5 points) to ensure all of the content developed is designed for automated engagement.
  • And explain what methods of monitoring and evaluation you will consider for the plan and which social media analytics service will be used.

Please fill in the provided - Social Media Engagement Plan" in Appendix 2 (add at least 4 SM channels for distribution in the table - (fill in as per example in appendix 2)

(Or you can create and design your own template and upload a copy to canvas, and ensure you identify the name of the file that has your content)

9.Demonstrate the following strategies and outcomes to meet organisational requirements

9.1How gaps in performance will be identified and monitored. Include examples of these gaps such posts, responses and updates and suggest suitable adjustments for each.

Develop a Gap analysis plan.

Area Current state Target State Action Priority
E.g., responses Only 5% website enquiries are answered 90% website enquires need to be addressed within 48 hours Allocate one marketing staff to manage the website enquires daily High

9.2Ensure contingencies for the risks have been identified to ensure brand and message integrity and trust of target audience.

Develop a contingency plan for managing the potential risks relevant to the brand and target audience. You may use the risks identified in Assessment one.

Risk Strategy Responsible Personal Time-frame
E.g., customer information system gets hacked

1.Form an incident response team and implement cyber security protocols

2.Check backups in cloud

3.Inform users to change password immediately

IT manager Within 48 hours

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