Applicable (2020) T1 forms and schedules must be used to case. Ted Jacobs (SIN: 123 456 789; date of birth: August 2, 1992). He is
Applicable (2020) T1 forms and schedules must be used to case.
Ted Jacobs (SIN: 123 456 789; date of birth: August 2, 1992). He is married to Holly (SIN 987 654 321). Both are English speaking Canadians, newly married and live at 123 Main Street, Toronto Ontario M1X 0X0. Ted approached you and asked your help to prepare his Individual T-1 tax return for 2020.
Ted Jacobs provided you with additional information for the period ending December 31, 2019 as given below:
A. This year (2020), Ted Jacobs, started a job as a graphic artist at Grand Designs Corp. During the year 2020, he earned $50,000 and his employer sent him a T4 information slip(Please refer to the T4 Slip for details).
B. During the year, Ted contributed $5,000 to a registered retirement savings plan (RRSP) at his local bank. Ted has determined that he has the RRSP deduction limit to claim the full amount on his tax return. He has a $15,000 RRSP deduction limit.
C. Holly's only income for the year is the withdrawal of $9,000 from her own RRSP.
D. Ted also received $40 interest from his savings account at the CIBC bank. He did not receive a T5 information slip for this amount (Note: Bank does not issue information slip for an amount less than $50).
E. Ted Jacobs paid Property Tax of $2,800 in 2020 for his principal residence.
F. Ted rented his mortgage-free condo (he solely owns) located at 606-99 Princess Street in Kingston to a student for $600 per month.His expense was the monthly maintenance fee of $180.00 and the Property Tax for 2020 was $1,500.
G. As a side business, he creates greeting cards (after office hours at work) and sells them to Shoppers Drug Mart.For the year 2020, his sales amounted to $14,000 and the materials cost him $7,260.00.He had no other direct or indirect expenses that he could attribute to his side-business.
To this return, the following information slips received for 2020 are providedherewith
? T4 slip from Grand Designs Corp.
I. Based on the information given below, prepare Mr. Ted Jacob's 2020 Income Tax and Benefit return.
II. The relevant T1 forms /schedules should be completed and numbers extracted from the completed return.
III. Enter online, the relevant amounts as described below and from the specified line from the Tax Return
You will see the marks allocation as you progress through the questions.
To this return, the following information slip received for 2020 is provided herewith:
- T4 slip from Grand Designs. (excerpts from T4 slip shown below)
Box 14 Gross Pay
Box 16 CPP
T4Statement of Remuneration Paid
Box 18 EI
Year 2020
Box 22 Tax Deducted
Clear Data Employer's name - Nom de l'employeur Canada Revenue Agence du revenu Agency Grand Designs Corp lu Canada T4 Year 2020 Statement of Remuneration Paid Annee Etat de la remuneration payee employment income - line 10100 Income tax deducted - line 43700 Revenus d'emploi - ligne 10100 Impot sur le revenue retenu - ligne 43700 14 50000.00 6900.00 4 | Employer's account number / Numero de compte de l'employeur Province of employment Employee's CPP contributions - see over El insurable earnings Province d'emploi Cotisations de l'employe au RPC - voir au verso Gains assurables 10 16 24 Social insurance number Exempt - Exemption 495.00 50000.00 Numero d'assurance sociale CPP/OPP EI PPIP Employment code Employee's OPP contributions - see over 12 CPP/QPP pensionable earnings 28 Code d'emploi Cotisations de l'employe au RRQ - voir au verso Gains ouvrant droit a pension - RPC/RRQ 29 RPC/RRQ AE RPAP 60000.p0 Employee's El premiums - line 31200 Union dues - line 21200 Employee's name and address - Nom et adresse de l'employe otisations de l'employe a l'AE - ligne 31200 Cotisations syndicales - ligne 21200 Last name (in capital letters) - Nom de famille (en lettres moulees) First name - Prenom Initial- Initiale 756.00 44 Ted Jacobs RPP contributions - line 20700 Charitable donations - line 34900 Cotisations a un RPA - ligne 20700 Dons de bienfaisance - ligne 34900 Protected B when completed / Protege B une fois rempli 20 46 Pension adjustment - line 20600 RPP or DPSP registration number Facteur d'equivalence - ligne 20600 agrement d'un RPA ou d'un RPDB 52 50 Employee's PPIP premiums - see over PPIP insurable earnings Cotisations de l'employe au RPAP - voir au verso ains assurables du RP AP 56 Box - Case Amount - Montant Box - Case Amount - Montant Box - Case Amount - Montant Other information (see over) A Autres Box - Case Amount - Montan Box - Case Amount - Montant Box - Case Amount - Montant T4 (20) renseignements (voir au verso) Employer's name - Nom de l'employeur Canada Revenue Agence du revenu Agency du Canada T4 Year Statement of Remuneration Paid Annee Etat de la remuneration payee Employment income - line 1010 Income tax deducted - line 43700 Revenus d'emploi - ligne 10100 mpot sur le revenuretenu - ligne 43700 14 54 | Employer's account number / Numero de compte de l'employeur Province of employment Employee's CPP contributions - see over El insurable earnings Province d'emploi Cotisations de l'employe au RPC - voir au verso Gains assurables d'AE 10 16 24 Social insurance number Exempt - Exemption Numero d'assurance sociale CPP/OPP Employee's QPP contributions - see over 12 100 Employment code 28 Code d'emploi CPP/QPP pensionable earnings Cotisations de l'employe au RRQ - voir au verso Gains ouvrant droit a pension - RPC/RRQ 29 26 RPC/RRQ AE RPAP Employee's El premiums - line 31200 Employee's name and address - Nom et adresse de l'employe Cotisations de l'employe a l'AE - Union dues - line 21200 - ligne 31200 Cotisations syndicales - ligne 21200 Last name (in capital letters) - Nom de famille (en lettres moulees) First name - Prenom Initial- Initiale 18 44 RPP contributions - line 20700 Charitable donations - line 34900 Cotisations a ons de bienfaisance - ligne 34900 Protected B when completed / Protege B une fois rempli 20 46 Pension adjustment - line 20600 RPP or DPSP registration number acteur d'equivalence - ligne 20600 " d'agrement d'un RPA ou d'un RPDB 52 50 Employee's PPIP premiums - see over PPIP insurable earnings otisations de l'employe au RPAP - voir au verso Gains assurables du RPA 55 56 Box - Case Amount - Montant Box - Case Amount - Montant Box - Case Amount - Montant Other information (see over) Autres Box - Case Amount - Montant Box - Case Amount - Montan Box - Case Amount - Montant renseignements T4 (20) (voir au verso)Clear Data Report these amounts on your tax return. 14 - Employment income - Enter on line 10100. 66 - Eligible retiring allowances - See line 13000 in your tax guide. 16- Employee's CPP contributions - See lines 30800 and 22215 in your 67 - Non-eligible retiring allowances - See line 13000 in your tax guide. tax guide. 17 - Employee's QPP contributions - See lines 30800 and 22215 in your 74 - Past service contributions for 1989 or earlier years while a contributor tax guide. 75 - Past service contributions for 1989 or earlier years while not a 18 - Employee's El premiums - See line 31200 in your tax guide. contributor - See line 20700 in your tax guide. 20 - RPP contributions - Includes past service contributions. 77 - Workers' compensation benefits repaid to the employer - Enter on line 22900. See line 20700 in your tax guide. 78 - Fishers - Gross income 22 - Income tax deducted - Enter on line 43700 79 - Fishers - Net partnership amount See Form T2121. 39 - Security options deduction 110(1)(d) - Enter on line 24900. Do not enter on line 10100. 30 - Fishers - Shareperson amount 41 - Security options deduction 110(1)(d.1) - Enter on line 24900. 42 - Employment commissions - Enter on line 10120. 81 - Placement or employment agency This amount is already included in box 14. workers Gross income 43 - Canadian Armed Forces personnel and police deduction - Enter on 82 - Taxi drivers and drivers of other See Form T2125 line 24400. This amount is already included in box 14. passenger-carrying vehicles Do not enter on line 10100. 44 - Union dues - Enter on line 21200. 83 - Barbers or hairdressers 46 - Charitable donations. 85 - Employee-paid premiums for private health services plans - See line 52 - Pension adjustment - Enter on line 20600. 33099 in your tax guide. 55 - Provincial parental insurance plan (PPIP) - Residents of Quebec, see 87 - Emergency services volunteer exempt amount - See "Emergency line 31205 in your tax guide. Residents of provinces or territories other services volunteers" at line 10100, and the information at lines 31220 and than Quebec, see line 31200 in your tax guide. 31240 in your tax guide. Do not report these amounts on your tax return. For Canada Revenue Agency use only. (Amounts in boxes 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 57, 58, 59, 60, and 86 are already included in box 14.) 30 - Board and lodging 57 - Employment Income - March 15 to May 9 31 - Special work site 58 - Employment Income - May 10 to July 4 32 - Travel in a prescribed zone 59 - Employment Income - July 5 to August 29 33 - Medical travel assistance 50 - Employment Income - August 30 to September 26 34 - Personal use of employer's automobile or motor vehicle 69 - Indian (exempt income) - Non-eligible retiring allowances 36 - Interest-free and low-interest loans 71 - Indian (exempt income) - Employment 38 - Security options benefits 86 - Security options election 40 - Other taxable allowances and benefits 38 - Indian (exempt income) - Self-employment Privacy Act, personal information bank numbers CRA PPU 005 and CRA PPU 047 Veuillez declarer ces montants dans votre declaration de revenus. 14- Revenus d'emploi - Inscrivez a la ligne 10100. 66 - Allocations de retraite admissibles - Lisez la ligne 13000 de votre guide d'impot 16 - Cotisations de l'employe au RPC - Lisez les lignes 30800 et 22215 de votre 67 - Allocations de retraite non admissibles - Lisez la ligne 13000 de votre guide d'impot. guide d'impot. 74 - Services passes pour 1989 et les annees precedentes pendant que l'employe cotisait 17 - Cotisations de l'employe au RRQ - Lisez les lignes 30800 et 22215 de votre guide d'impot. 75 - Services passes pour 1989 et les annees precedentes pendant que l'employe ne cotisait pas - Lisez la ligne 20700 de votre guide d'impot. 18 - Cotisations de l'employe a l'AE - Lisez la ligne 31200 de votre guide d'impot. 77 -Indemnites pour accidents du travail remboursees a l'employeur - Inscrivez a la ligne 22900. 20 - Cotisations a un RPA - Comprend les cotisations pour services passes Lisez la ligne 20700 de votre guide d'impot. 78 - Pecheurs - Revenus bruts 22 - Impot sur le revenuretenu - Inscrivez a la ligne 43700 79 - Pecheurs - Montant net d'un associe Consultez le formulaire T2121 N'inscrivez pas ce montant a 39 - Deduction pour options d'achat de titres 110(1)d) - Inscrivez a la ligne 24900. de la societe de personnes a ligne 10100. 41 - Deduction pour options d'achat de titres 110(1)d.1) - Inscrivez a la 80 - Pecheurs - Montant du pecheur a part igne 24900. 81 - Travailleurs d'agences ou de 42 - Commissions d'emploi - Inscrivez a la ligne 10120. Ce montant est deja bureaux de placement Revenus bruts compris dans la case 14. 82 - Chauffeurs de taxi ou d'un autre Consultez le formulaire T2125. 43 - Deduction pour le personnel des Forces armees canadiennes et des vehicule de transport de passagers N'inscrivez pas ce montant a forces policieres - Inscrivez a la ligne 24400. Ce montant est deja compris a ligne 10100. dans la case 14. 83 - Coiffeurs pour hommes ou dames 44 - Cotisations syndicales - Inscrivez a la ligne 21200. 85 - Primes versees par l'employe a un regime prive d'assurance-maladie - Lisez la 46 - Dons de bienfaisance. ligne 33099 de votre guide d'impot. 52 - Facteur d'equivalence - Inscrivez a la ligne 20600. 87 - Montant exempt d'impot verse a un volontaire des services d'urgence - 55 - Regime provincial d'assurance parentale (RPAP) - Residents du Quebec, Lisez a la ligne 10100, et les lisez la ligne 31205 de votre guide d'impot. Residents des autres provinces ou renseignements aux lignes 31220 et 31240 de votre guide d'impot. territoires, lisez la ligne 31200 de votre guide d'impot. Ne declarez pas ces montants a votre declaration d'impot. A l'usage de l'Agence du revenudu Canada seulement. (Les montants des cases 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 57, 58, 59, 60 et 86 sont deja inclus a la case 14.) 30 - Pension et logement 67 - Revenus d'emploi - Du 15 mars au 9 mai 31 - Chantier particulier 58 - Revenus d'emploi - Du 10 mai au 4 juillet 32 - Voyages dans une zone visee par reglement 59 - Revenus d'emploi - Du 5 juillet au 29 aout 33 - Aide accordee pour les voyages pour soins medicaux 60 - Revenus d'emploi - Du 30 aout au 26 septembre 34 - Usage personnel de l'automobile ou du vehicule a moteur de l'employeur 69 - Indien ayant un revenu exonere - Allocations de retraite non admissibles 36 - Prets sans interet ou a faible interet 71 - Indien ayant un revenu exonere - emploi 38 - Avantages lies aux options d'achat de titres 86 - Choix lies aux options d'achat de titres 40 - Autres allocations et avantages imposables 8 - Indien ayant un revenu exonere - travail independant Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels, fichiers de renseignements personnels ARC PPU 005 et ARC PPU 047Step by Step Solution
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