APPLICATION OF THE ACOR TON METKO UNDER "R53 1 51 P3.2 Determining the consideration tronsferred On 1 lanuary 20u6. P purchased 80% of the equity of S from S existing owners. The following transactions arose on or just prior to the acquisition date. ssue of Ps shares to 5's existing owners immediate cash payment Deferred cash payment Due diligence tees paid to consultants Cost of isming shanes by P Equipment transed in settlement by P 1,200,000 shares (Note c 500,000 $1,000.000 payable five years from 1 January 206 20.000 5000 Net book value of equipment $ 40,000 5 50.000 Fair val of eqipment Contingent puyment to P by sellers Number of Ps shares before new issue Number of Ss shares at date of acquisition s 300,000 (Note a) 2,000,000 1,800.000 Additioual information (a) The existing owners of S undertook to pay P an amount of $300,000 if the profit of S falls below S1.000000 per year in 20x6 and 20x7. Average profit after tax of S had exceeded $1,500,000 in the last five years and there are no indications that profit will decline in the future. (b) Ps effective interest rate was 5% per annum. (c) At the date of exchange of shares (0) The fair value of the equity of P was $4,000,000. (i) The fair value of the equity of S was $3,200,000. The fair value of S includes the fair values of goodwill and identifiable net assets as at the date of sition. The fair value of P includes the effects of the acquisition of S. The fair value of non- controlling interests as at acquisition date was $640.000. (d) The book and fair values of Ss identifabl le net assets on I January 20x6 are as follows Fair value 00,000 2.500,000 500,000) 2,700,000 Book value Intangible assets Other identifiable assets 2.500,000 (500.000) 200000 700.0 Net identifiable assets. Tax rate of 20% applies to fair value adjustments. Determine the fair value of consideration transferred in accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations if a proportional interest of P's fair value is the most reliable measure of the shares issued by Required: Identify the specific components of consideration transferred Determine the fair value of consideration transferred in accordance with IFRS 3 Business Combinations if a proportional interest of Ss fair value is the most reliable measure of the shares acquired by P Identify the specific components of consideration transferred