aration of the statement of activities he City of Truro reports the following revenues for the fiscal year: geal estate and personal property taxes.............. Motor vehicle and other excise taxes . .. . . . .. . . . .. . Grants and contributions not restricted . .. . . . $70,876 3,634 The City also reports the following revenues from fees it charges for services contributions it has received during the year as well as expenses it has inc and operating grants and mental activity Operating Grants and Services Contributions Expenses Charges for Functions/Programs Primary government Governmental activities: $6,969 8,237 57,768 3,465 2,012 1,292 5,532 1,275 $86,550 .. 351 1,175 1,092 87 850 $ 580 308 5,524 195 138 96 3,273 Human services Total governmental activities $3,621 $10,114 The City manages two business-type activities: a sanitation department which oversees solid and liquid waste disposal and a municipal pool. Both of these activities charge users a fee that is set at the begin- ning of the year at a level that is anticipated to cover the costs of providing the service. These fees can- not be changed during the year. As a result, these activities may produce a net profit or loss for the year, provided f operating costs. The revenues and expenses for these services are in the following table: Charges for Services Functions/Programs Expenses Business-type activities: Sanitation Municipal pool 524 $5,143 $3,407 742 $4,149 Prepare the City of Truro Statement of Activities for the year (assume a beginning balance for Net Posi- tion of $175,638 for Governmental activities and $35,554 for Business-type activities). aration of the statement of activities he City of Truro reports the following revenues for the fiscal year: geal estate and personal property taxes.............. Motor vehicle and other excise taxes . .. . . . .. . . . .. . Grants and contributions not restricted . .. . . . $70,876 3,634 The City also reports the following revenues from fees it charges for services contributions it has received during the year as well as expenses it has inc and operating grants and mental activity Operating Grants and Services Contributions Expenses Charges for Functions/Programs Primary government Governmental activities: $6,969 8,237 57,768 3,465 2,012 1,292 5,532 1,275 $86,550 .. 351 1,175 1,092 87 850 $ 580 308 5,524 195 138 96 3,273 Human services Total governmental activities $3,621 $10,114 The City manages two business-type activities: a sanitation department which oversees solid and liquid waste disposal and a municipal pool. Both of these activities charge users a fee that is set at the begin- ning of the year at a level that is anticipated to cover the costs of providing the service. These fees can- not be changed during the year. As a result, these activities may produce a net profit or loss for the year, provided f operating costs. The revenues and expenses for these services are in the following table: Charges for Services Functions/Programs Expenses Business-type activities: Sanitation Municipal pool 524 $5,143 $3,407 742 $4,149 Prepare the City of Truro Statement of Activities for the year (assume a beginning balance for Net Posi- tion of $175,638 for Governmental activities and $35,554 for Business-type activities)