Arred For each of the independent situations given below, determine the type of audit report to be issued Choose.. During the audit of the financial statements, the client refused to permit the auditors to confirm material receivable balances. However the auditor concludes that the overall financial statements are fairly stated Choose.. The editor was not independent and they are unsure that the financial statements are fairly stated Over the past two years, the company has lost a number of its major chients and has recently found it difficult to pay its obligations as they come due Choose The audit report makes reference to audit work performed by another audit firm in London where the work performed was material in relation to the audit file Choose During the audit a number of significant variances were found. After further investigation, the auditors discovered that the client was not using conventional accounting standards in the preparation of the accounts. The financial statements were then considered to be misleading and did not fairly present the financial position not results of the company Choose.. Over the past three years, the company has significantly changed the useful lives of assets for depreciation purposes Choose.. The client's business was damaged by a hurricane that blew out the windows and damaged a significant portion of the client's computer hardware. A significant portion of the client's files was lost. As a result, the uditors were unable to express an opinion on the financial statements due to their lack of knowledge. Choose e issued. Arm material fairly stated. stated. Choose... W Choose... Standard unqualified opinion Unqualified with emphasis of a matter Adverse opinion Disclaimer of opinion Qualified audit opinion Unqualified with an explanatory paragraph found it where the work