Article Summary and Analysis Paper Preparation Guide ArticleSummary and AnalysisPaper: 5 % of final grade each) Students will be asked to scan news media for articles related to finance that pique their interest. For their paper should summarize the key points of the article and then analyze the facts or conclusions based on your current understanding of the relevant concepts Your paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced. Submit your paper to the instructor via BlackBoard. You should submit your first paper in Unit 3 and your second paper in Unit 4 or 5. Topics and questions to consider in the analysis portion which follows the article summany I. What are the key financial topies that are relevant to your topic? II. Where there any terms that you needed to research to clarify their meaning? III. Does this topic present us with any gray areas to dissect? IV. If the article presented a problem, can you think of any solutions? V. Did the author seem to have any bias? What is the other side of the coin to some of the assertions made by the author? What is your opinion or position of the event of the action of the involved parties? Do you agree or disagree with any opinions shared by the author? VI. Article Summary and Analysis Paper Preparation Guide ArticleSummary and AnalysisPaper: 5 % of final grade each) Students will be asked to scan news media for articles related to finance that pique their interest. For their paper should summarize the key points of the article and then analyze the facts or conclusions based on your current understanding of the relevant concepts Your paper should be 2-3 pages, double-spaced. Submit your paper to the instructor via BlackBoard. You should submit your first paper in Unit 3 and your second paper in Unit 4 or 5. Topics and questions to consider in the analysis portion which follows the article summany I. What are the key financial topies that are relevant to your topic? II. Where there any terms that you needed to research to clarify their meaning? III. Does this topic present us with any gray areas to dissect? IV. If the article presented a problem, can you think of any solutions? V. Did the author seem to have any bias? What is the other side of the coin to some of the assertions made by the author? What is your opinion or position of the event of the action of the involved parties? Do you agree or disagree with any opinions shared by the author? VI