Article you write about must be published on or after May 1st, 2022 from a trusted source like. New york times,cnbc,the economist,Buisiness week.
The requirements for this excrcise are 1. Identify an article(s) published in the approved list of press outlets, see above, on or after May 1, 2022, with a subject that is relevant to a topic from the assigned reading material; 2. A complete citation for the article(s) (source, date, page, etc.). 3. A write-up-a minimum of three double-spaced poges long (with 1 margins and 12 -point font). and etror-free. Both the title page and the feforence page are not part of the minimum size of three pages. That is, the count of pages for the purpose of the required work does not count the title and reference pages, even though when you set the numbers on each page it will place a number. But it's a safo assumption fo include your in-text citations in your page count since the citations proside critical information within the text: 4. Submit an electronic copy of both your written tepont and the article(e) to the approptiately designated dropbox on Biackboard, 5. The write-up Must follow the following outline and include the following thee clearly labeled sections (1) Succinctly discuss the major focus of the article (1/4 of the report). (2), A discussion of how the tonic relates to strategic management concepts covered in the corresponding chapters of the assigniment tound (either demonstrating support for course concepts or contradicting concepts) (1/2 of the report) (3) What is your reaction to the is aue andlor what solutions would you propose? Give youf analysis/critique of how you think the organzzation(5) is handling the zituation from the strategic management point of view (1/4 of the report). You MUST Use headings per the outline above Make sure that the bulk of the review is your analyzis, comments, and yiews about the merits of the lastes and not just the mere summary of the article: 6. Read and follow the "making the connection rubric" before embarking on this assigament. The requirements for this excrcise are 1. Identify an article(s) published in the approved list of press outlets, see above, on or after May 1, 2022, with a subject that is relevant to a topic from the assigned reading material; 2. A complete citation for the article(s) (source, date, page, etc.). 3. A write-up-a minimum of three double-spaced poges long (with 1 margins and 12 -point font). and etror-free. Both the title page and the feforence page are not part of the minimum size of three pages. That is, the count of pages for the purpose of the required work does not count the title and reference pages, even though when you set the numbers on each page it will place a number. But it's a safo assumption fo include your in-text citations in your page count since the citations proside critical information within the text: 4. Submit an electronic copy of both your written tepont and the article(e) to the approptiately designated dropbox on Biackboard, 5. The write-up Must follow the following outline and include the following thee clearly labeled sections (1) Succinctly discuss the major focus of the article (1/4 of the report). (2), A discussion of how the tonic relates to strategic management concepts covered in the corresponding chapters of the assigniment tound (either demonstrating support for course concepts or contradicting concepts) (1/2 of the report) (3) What is your reaction to the is aue andlor what solutions would you propose? Give youf analysis/critique of how you think the organzzation(5) is handling the zituation from the strategic management point of view (1/4 of the report). You MUST Use headings per the outline above Make sure that the bulk of the review is your analyzis, comments, and yiews about the merits of the lastes and not just the mere summary of the article: 6. Read and follow the "making the connection rubric" before embarking on this assigament