As a hypothetical case, suppose the typical individual has a utility function expressed as U = (C -50)*(L - 10), where C is consumption and L is leisuretime.The current wage, w,is$5 and she has a weekly return on assets of V = $100. She only has 60 hours per week to divide between work hours, h,and Leisure.
A number ofcountries and communities are considering implementing a "Guaranteed Basic Income" as policy. A "Guaranteed Basic Income" is a government payment of a fixedaamount of money for each person. Suppose the country of interest sets the weekly payment at $100.
a.Using the Neo-classicallabor supply with reference to specific numerical values discuss the consequences of the above "Guaranteed Basic Income".
Bolivia Bolivia BOL 83.37 83,45 83,31 83,34 83,40 83.50 83,57 83,68 83,60 83,47 83.28 Brazil BRA LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 44,59 44,87 46,31 47,75 49,19 50,62 49,54 50,49 51,43 52,78 53,88 Brazil 86,52 86,49 86,06 85,60 85,11 84,59 82,78 83,29 82,78 82,67 82,09 Barbados BRE 71,75 70,96 71,82 72,94 73,92 75.14 76.13 75.20 75.15 75,08 75,02 Barbados BRB LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) BRN LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 47.74 48.02 48,98 50,01 51,13 52.35 53 27 54,30 55,45 56,64 57.79 BRN LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83,83 83,75 83,44 83,23 83,10 83,03 82,76 82,56 82,42 82,33 82.22 Bhutan BTN LFPR, female ( of female population ages 15-64) 61,92 61,51 61,13 60,76 60,38 59.99 60,36 60,89 61,53 62,27 63,10 Bhutan BTN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81,90 81,49 81,05 80,58 80,09 79,58 79.24 78,92 78,63 78,35 78,09 BWA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 49,78 49,97 50,19 50,42 50,67 50,95 51,17 51,41 51,75 51,48 51,21 Botswana BWA LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 76.71 76.23 75.86 75.49 75,02 74,41 73,96 73.35 72,83 71,00 68.97 Central African Republic CAF LFPR. female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 66.77 66.75 66,78 66,80 66,82 66.82 66.82 66,76 66,72 66.69 66.72 CA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80.91 80,91 80,94 80,88 80,75 80.55 8056 80,45 80,31 80,15 80.04 CAN LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 68,38 68,54 67,96 67,83 67,76 67,78 67,81 68,22 69,03 69,74 70,35 CAN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84,95 83,92 82,74 82,39 82,10 81,55 81,32 81,49 81,42 81,89 81,94 CHE LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 69.00 68,62 69.81 69.98 68,99 68,93 70.30 70.68 71,99 72,38 71,78 CHE 90.64 91.08 90.95 91.01 89,92 90.15 90.08 89.84 90,06 89,68 89,30 CHI LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,57 56.53 56,75 57,29 58,41 58.42 58.15 58,62 59,40 60,45 60.77 CHI LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81.21 81,58 81,66 81,86 81,75 81.83 81,93 81,80 81,69 81,36 81.22 CHI LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 35,82 36,55 37,57 38,29 38,90 39.82 40,60 41,78 42,17 42,46 42.42 Chile CHI LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81,15 81,30 81,45 81,49 81,50 81,56 81,58 81,20 81,18 81,21 80,07 China CH LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 79,39 79,26 79,13 79,00 78,84 78,64 78,41 78,14 77,80 77,39 76,92 CHN LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) Cote d'Ivoire LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84.68 84.51 84,23 83,89 83,51 83.02 82,83 82,69 82,51 81,80 81.09 79.99 79,98 79,96 79,96 79,91 79.84 79,77 79,68 79,59 79,50 79,41 CMR LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 88,50 88,60 88,63 88,63 88,49 88,26 88,08 87,83 87,51 87,18 86,84 Congo, Dem. Rep. LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 71,40 71,42 71,46 71,51 71,52 71,51 71,49 71,49 71,47 71,48 71,50 Congo, Dem. Rep. 70,94 71 33 71,73 72.14 72,29 72,26 72.45 72.62 72.64 72,67 72,75 Congo, Rep. LFPR. female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 66,33 66.32 66.32 66.36 66,45 66.52 66.59 66.71 66,84 67.02 67.17 COG LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 72,38 72.07 71,73 71,47 71,34 71.11 70.94 70,92 70,89 71,01 70.97 COL 53,40 53,73 54,20 54,77 55,39 55,97 56,26 56,72 56,93 56,68 57,10 COL 86,19 86,30 86,42 86,54 86,64 86,70 86,64 86,61 86,46 86,14 86,10 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 31,98 32,03 32,04 32,10 32,25 32,36 32,49 32,60 32,75 32,92 33.08 COM LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 54,09 54.42 54.22 54.13 54,25 53,98 53.84 53.47 53,15 52,77 52,09 CPV CPV LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 87.43 86.86 86,29 85,70 85,06 84.33 83.53 82,62 81,61 80,55 79.47 Costa Rica CRI LFPR, female ("% of female population ages 15-64) 35.33 36,09 35,58 36,56 37.88 38.85 37,31 40,58 43,17 43,40 41.84 Costa Rica CRI LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 87,28 86,15 85,49 86,02 85,75 86,69 84,46 85,55 86,39 85,13 84,63 Cuba CUB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) Cuba CUB LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 71.64 72.32 73,06 73.81 74,44 74,92 75.49 75.66 75.52 75,54 75,49 Cyprus CYP CYP LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,89 81,10 80,09 81,04 80,17 80 58 80.69 79,46 79,20 79,36 79.15 Czech Republic CZE LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 63,56 63,80 63,93 64,02 64,43 64,04 63,42 63,28 63,62 63,92 63.61 CZE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 79,97 80,40 80,39 80,39 80,39 80,46 80,44 79,52 79,40 79,43 78,76 DEU LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 57,77 61,49 61,35 60,78 61,58 61,48 61,54 62,14 62,50 63,28 63,50 DEL LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 82,20 82,37 81.29 80,49 80,46 79,89 79.57 79.69 79.62 79,71 79,42 LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) Djibouti DJI LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83.05 83.05 82,72 82,23 81,70 81.45 81,11 81,00 80,99 80,78 8031 Denmark ONK LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 77.61 78,07 78,20 77,39 73,33 73.30 73.36 73,89 74,77 75,52 75.41 DNK LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 87.07 86,38 85,76 84,87 83,93 85,63 85,46 85,64 83,87 85,45 84,17 Dominican Republic DOM 37,36 37 28 38,42 39,11 39,24 39,75 40,32 41,26 41,96 42,57 43,03 Dominican Republic DOM LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83,72 83,90 83,32 83.01 83,05 82,84 82.61 82.17 81,87 81,62 81,45 DZA LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 12.44 12.43 12,45 12,47 12,49 12,57 12.64 12.60 12.59 12,63 12.72 Algeria DZA LFPR. male (% of male population ages 13-64) 80,32 80.68 80,76 81,15 81,44 81,36 81.27 80,63 80,00 79,38 78.77 Ecuador ECL LFPR. female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 48.60 49,10 49,44 49,77 50,30 50.65 50,92 51,26 54,94 54,41 53.87 ECU LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 82,00 82,21 82,38 82,54 82,76 82,91 82,99 83,42 85,10 85,16 85,19 EGY LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 23,16 23,15 23,30 23,42 24,35 22,85 22,03 21,24 20,46 21,54 21,60 Egypt. Arab Rep. EGY LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 75,42 75,51 75.37 75.28 76,13 74,87 74.62 74.30 73.93 76,14 75,95 ERI LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 74.11 73.98 73.79 73,48 73,13 72,85 72.87 72.88 72,86 72,79 72.69 ERI 89,86 90.48 91,01 91,29 91,37 91.48 90.97 90.32 89,62 88,88 88.19 Spain ESP LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) Spain ES LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 41.49 41,87 42,66 43,43 45.11 45.81 46,69 47,97 48,66 49,72 51,83 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 78.07 77,90 76,92 76,61 76,20 75,38 75,83 76,35 77,00 77,59 78.56 66,47 66,43 66,42 66,42 66,42 66,54 66,63 66,87 66,44 65,19 66,06 EST ETH LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,26 80.17 80.12 80,09 80,04 79,93 78 52 78.36 78,24 76,09 75,20 LFPR. female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 67,80 67.82 67.84 67.79 67.79 68.71 69.61 70.47 71.31 72.13 72.92 ETH LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 90.32 90.46 90.59 90,57 90,57 90.59 90.58 90.56 90.54 90,54 90.55 Finland FIN LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 73.41 72,03 70,65 69,86 69,09 69,11 69,27 69,73 69,93 71,53 71.58 FIN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80. 77 79,37 77,91 77,12 76,36 74,67 73,59 75,41 75,73 76,22 76,76 FJI Fiji FJI 81,03 81,23 81,00 80,92 80,69 80,57 80 32 79.98 79.63 79,30 79,01 FRA LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 57,78 58.11 58,76 59,44 59,85 60,48 61.19 60.90 61,43 62,07 62,26 FRA LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 75,83 74.87 74,93 74,62 74,48 74,35 75.01 74.93 74,85 75,19 75.09 GAB LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) United Kingdom GBR United Kingdom GBR 86,71 86.11 85,04 84,00 83,57 83,11 82,93 82,86 82,54 82,62 82,69 Georgia GE LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 61,54 62.10 62.72 63.40 64.12 63.65 62.74 61.97 61.69 61,47 57.62 GEO LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 77.43 77.49 77.49 7737 77.14 77.06 77.22 77.29 77.27 77.22 75.60 GHA LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 73.18 73 27 73,39 73,49 73,60 73.70 73,78 73,86 73,91 73,95 73.98 Ghana GHA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 78.06 78,04 78,00 77,90 77,82 77.70 77,66 77,62 37,53 77,38 77,14 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 65,85 65,78 65,72 65,65 65,58 65,53 65,45 65,38 65,31 65,26 65,21 GIN LFPR, male (e of male population ages 15-64) 66,10 66,53 66,82 66,94 66,98 66,89 67,06 67,09 67,05 66,89 66,65 Gambia, The GME LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 46,68 46.56 46.46 46.36 46,70 47,03 47.29 47.54 47.79 48,04 48,28 Gambia, The GMB LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 69.78 70.47 70.95 71.31 71.24 71.18 71.06 70.92 70,78 70,60 70.40 GNB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 66,34 66.27 66,22 66,18 66,14 66,11 65,95 65,84 65,95 65,89 65.83 INE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 82,77 82,71 82,65 82,53 82,30 81,93 81,73 81,43 81,44 81,09 80,73 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 52,64 52,64 52,58 52,50 52,43 52,40 52,28 52,23 52,26 52,38 52,59 GNQ LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 71,19 71,09 71,10 71,12 71,02 70,74 69.77 68,85 68,19 67,89 67,90 GRC LFPR, female (%% of female population ages 15-64) 43,36 41.15 42.71 42,95 43,91 45.01 46.65 47.13 49,29 50,93 51.12 Greece GRC LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 76,78 76.14 76.26 76,11 76,83 77,25 77 54 77.31 78,04 78,06 78 37 GTM LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 39.56 39.83 40.24 40.55 40,90 41.43 41.61 42,04 42,58 42,95 43.25 GTM LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) Guam GUM LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 61,79 61,88 61,94 61,97 61,98 61,98 62,01 61,94 61,78 61,69 61,59 GUM LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84,93 85,21 85,37 85,43 85,43 85,40 85,45 85,31 85,00 84,86 84,68 GUY LFPR. female (% of female population ages 15-64) 38,97 39.66 40,45 41,22 40,65 40.05 39.47 38.92 38,39 37,89 37,40 Guyana LFPR. male (% of male population ages 15-64) 85,89 85.65 85.29 84,86 84,50 84,08 83.79 83.55 83,37 83,25 83.17 Hong Kong SAR, China HKG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 53,42 34,39 53,35 52,81 53,45 5437 54.67 35,05 35,75 56,53 57.33 Hong Kong SAR, China HKG LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64)LFPR by gender 15-64 Data Source Country Name Indicator Name 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2090 Afghanistan AFG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 15.66 15.74 15.78 15.77 15.75 15.78 15,58 15,40 15,27 15,19 15,15 AFG LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80.71 80.66 80.57 80.46 80.33 80.16 80.14 80.15 80.16 80.18 80,20 AGO LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 76.74 76.69 76.66 76.68 76.64 76.58 76,55 76,54 76,53 76,52 76,49 Angol AGO LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80.22 80.26 80.34 80.58 80.52 80.31 80.21 80.10 79,96 79,81 79.63 ALB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 58,57 61,28 61,80 60.88 60.07 58.92 58.24 59.11 58.45 57.55 57,04 ALB LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 77.74 77,89 77.88 77.92 77.80 77.50 77.68 78.04 78.19 78.22 78.23 ARE LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 28,85 29,62 30.28 31.18 31.59 31.95 32.24 32.67 33,22 33,86 34,51 ARE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 91,07 91,03 91,33 91,91 92.44 92.94 92.09 91.64 91,61 91,92 92,35 ARG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 51,98 52,85 53.65 54.53 35.19 34.96 35.64 36.61 37.18 56,99 57,06 Argentina ARG LFPR, male (%% of male population ages 15-64) 82,49 82,31 82,06 81,80 81.56 81.26 81.21 81.30 81.39 81,44 81.53 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 52,19 52,48 52,75 53,00 53,20 53,33 53.33 53.28 53,19 53,10 53,04 Armenia ARM LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 72,75 72,95 73,09 73,13 73,08 72.92 72.57 72.16 71.71 71,24 70,79 AUS LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 61,90 61,65 61,77 61,65 62,82 64,06 64.33 64,11 64.21 64,24 65,33 AUS LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 85,08 84,21 83,76 83,45 83,56 83,87 83,77 83.18 82.96 82.60 82,44 Austria AUT LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 55,23 56,01 57,72 58,49 61,17 62.28 61,76 61.68 62,22 62,41 62,34 AUT LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,16 80,40 80,61 80,46 80,51 80,71 80.28 79,73 79.81 80,06 79,82 AZE LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,12 56,32 57,35 58,67 59,99 60,90 61,08 61,02 60,36 60,63 61,09 AZE LFPR, male (%% of male population ages 15-64) 73,29 73,53 74,31 74,94 75,32 75,49 75,56 75.55 75,47 75,36 74,91 BDI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 91,83 91,42 90,94 90,38 89,76 89,07 88,37 87,59 86,72 86,09 85,40 BDI LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 90,91 90,44 89,88 89,21 88,45 87,61 86,87 86,06 85,15 84,30 83,39 Belgium BEL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 46,23 48,19 49,29 50,27 51,23 51,82 52,09 52,87 53,76 55,90 56,50 Belgium BEL LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 71,27 71,86 71,65 71,24 72,08 72,39 72,33 72,29 72,53 73,10 73,81 BEN LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 58,74 58,73 58,73 59,58 60,43 61,27 62,09 62,91 63,71 64,49 65,27 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 89,61 89,61 89,56 88,72 87,83 86,90 85,90 84,85 83,74 82,58 81,38 Burkina Faso BFA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 79,11 79,07 78,19 77 28 76,32 75,34 74,33 73,29 72,21 71,11 69,97 Burkina Faso BFA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) BGR LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) Bulgaria BGR LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 71,55 71.57 71.58 70.97 70.36 69.76 69.24 68.72 68.17 67,50 66,68 Bahrain LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 30.39 30,09 30.72 31.43 32.20 32.98 33.56 34.13 34,74 35,44 36,23 Bahrain LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 89.56 89.02 88.82 88 85 89.03 89.27 88.67 88,20 87,97 87,98 88,15 BHS LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 68,72 69.65 70.60 71.54 72.42 72.71 72.90 72.89 73.14 73,60 73,79 BHS LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81,91 82.96 83.98 84.93 85.72 85.71 85.69 85.65 85,37 84,97 84,82 BIH LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 39.05 39.19 39.23 39.18 39.11 38.99 38.98 39.01 39.01 38,97 38,99 Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 63.04 63,07 63,18 63.33 63.44 63.53 63.62 63,63 63,66 63,76 63,86 Belarus BLR LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 64,49 64,56 64,60 64,73 64.93 65.20 65.42 65.56 65,36 65,99 66,70 BLR LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 74,03 73,97 74.04 74.18 74.29 7433 74.27 74.09 73.91 73,82 74,08 Belize BLZ LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 36,35 37,09 37,95 38 23 37.83 38.00 38.27 39.24 40,23 41,27 42,36 Belize BLZ LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84,70 84,33 83,88 83,73 83,93 84.27 84,42 84.21 84,07 84,02 84,06 Bolivia BOL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 58,66 59,00 59,04 59,35 59,71 60.09 60.41 60,80 61.03 61,26 61,47 Bolivia LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83,37 83,45 83,31 83,34 83,40 83.50 83.57 83.68 83.60 83,47 83,28 Brazil BRA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 14,59 44,87 46,31 47,75 49,19 50,62 49.54 50.49 51.43 52,78 53,88 Brazil BRA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 86,52 86,49 86,06 85,60 85,11 84,59 82,78 83,29 82,78 82,67 82,09 BRB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 71,75 70,96 71,82 72,94 73,92 75,14 76,13 75,20 75,15 75,08 75,02 85,46 82,88 84,22 85,04 85,67 86,37 84.34 85,40 85,20 84,96 84,71 BRN LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 47,74 48,02 48,98 50,01 51,13 52,35 53,27 54,30 55,45 56,64 57,79 Brunei Darussalam BRN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83,83 83,75 83,44 83,23 83,10 83,03 82,76 82,56 82,42 82,33 82,22 Bhutan LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 61,92 61,51 61,13 60,76 60,38 59,99 60,36 60,89 61,53 62,27 63,10 BTN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81,90 81,49 81,05 80,58 80,09 79,58 79,24 78,92 78,63 78,35 78,09 BWA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 49,78 49,97 50,19 50,42 50,67 50.95 51,17 51,41 51,75 51,48 51,21 BWA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 76,71 76,23 75,86 75,49 75,02 74,41 73,96 73,35 72,83 71,00 68,97 CAF LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,77 66,75 66,78 66,80 66,82 66,82 66,82 66,76 66,72 66,69 66,72 Central African Republic CA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,91 80,91 80,94 80,88 80,75 80,55 80,56 80,45 80,31 80,15 80,04 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 68,38 68.54 67.96 67,83 67.76 67.78 67,81 68,22 69,03 69,74 70,35 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84,95 83,92 82,74 82,39 82,10 81,55 81,32 81,49 81,42 81,89 81,94 CHI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 69.00 68,62 69.81 69.98 68,99 68,93 70,30 70,68 71,99 72,38 71,78 Switzerland CHE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 90.64 91.08 90.95 91.01 89.92 90.15 90,08 89,84 90,06 89.68 89,30 CHI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,57 56.53 56.75 57.29 58.41 58,42 58.15 58,62 59,40 60,45 60,77 CH LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81.21 81.58 81.66 81,86 81,75 81,83 81,93 81,80 81,69 81,36 81,22 Chile CHL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 35.82 36,55 37.57 38 29 38.90 39.82 40.60 41,78 42,17 42,46 42,42 Chile CHL LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81.15 81.30 81.45 81.49 81.50 81.56 81,58 81,20 81,18 81,21 80.07 China LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 79.39 79.26 79.13 79.00 78.84 78.64 78.41 78.14 77,80 77,39 76,92 China CHN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 88,79 88,80 88,86 88.94 89.00 88.99 88.94 88,82 88,63 88,34 87.95 CIV LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 48,93 48,94 48,96 49.01 49.06 49.08 49.03 49.02 49.01 48,98 48,95 CIV LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84.68 84.51 84.23 83,89 83.51 83.02 82.83 82.69 82,51 81,80 81,09 CMR LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 88,50 88,60 88,63 88.63 88,49 88 26 8808 87,83 87,51 87,18 86,84 Congo, Dem. Rep. LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 71,40 71,42 71,46 71,51 71 52 71.51 71.49 71.49 71,47 71,48 71,50 Congo, Dem. Rep COD LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 70,94 71,33 71,73 72,14 72,29 72.26 72.45 72.62 72.64 72.67 72,75 Congo, Rep. COG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 66,33 66,32 66,32 66,36 66,45 66.52 66.59 66.71 66.84 67,02 67,17 Congo, Rep. COG LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 72,38 72,07 71,73 71,47 71.34 71,11 70.94 70.92 70.89 71.01 70,97 Colombia COL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 53,40 53,73 54,20 54,77 55,39 55,97 56,26 56,72 56,93 56,68 57,10 COL 86,19 86,30 86,42 86,54 86,64 86,70 86.64 86.61 86,46 86,14 86,10 COM COM LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 31,98 32,03 32,04 32,10 32,25 32,36 32.49 32.60 32.75 32,92 33,08 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 54,09 54,42 54,22 54,13 54,25 53,98 53,84 53,47 53,15 52,77 52,09 Cabo Verde LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 45,01 45,30 45,60 45,92 46,24 46,54 46,80 47,03 47,24 47,43 47,63 Cabo Verde CPV 87,43 86,86 86,29 85,70 85,06 84,33 83,53 82,62 81,61 80,55 79,47 CRI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 35,33 36,09 35,58 36,56 37,88 38,85 37,31 40,58 43,17 43,40 41,84 CRI LFPR, male (" of male population ages 15-64) 87,28 86,15 85,49 86,02 85,75 86,69 84,46 85,55 86,39 85,13 84,63 CUB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 41,93 41,81 41,84 41,95 42,05 42,03 41,69 41,58 41,74 41,58 41,65 CUB LFPR, male (2% of male population ages 15-64) 71,64 72,32 73,06 73,81 74,44 74,92 75,49 75,66 75,52 75,54 75,49 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 53,33 53,83 54,71 53,86 55,62 54,61 54,97 56,86 56,54 56,49 57,42 Cyprus CYP LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,89 81,10 80,09 81,04 80.17 80.58 80.69 79,46 79,20 79,36 79,15 Czech Republic CZE LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 63,56 63,80 63,93 64,02 64,43 64,04 63,42 63,28 63,62 63,92 63,61 Czech Republic CZE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 79,97 80,40 80.39 80.39 80 39 80,46 80,44 79,52 79,40 79,43 78,76 DEU LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 57.77 61,49 61.35 60.78 61.58 61,48 61.54 62.14 62,50 63,28 63,50 Germany LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) DJ LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 47.74 47.69 47.76 47.94 48,08 48.18 48,38 48,52 48,64 48,77 48,97 Djibouti DJ LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83.05 83,05 82.72 82.23 81.70 81.45 81.11 81,00 80,99 80,78 80,31 DNK LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 77.61 78,07 78.20 77.39 73.33 73 30 73 36 73.89 74,77 75,52 75,41 DNK 87.07 86.38 85.76 84.87 83.93 85.63 85.46 85.64 83,87 85,45 84.17 Dominican Republic DOM LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 37.36 37.28 38,42 39.11 39.24 39.75 40,32 41,26 41,96 42,57 43,03 Dominican Republic LFPR, male (%% of male population ages 15-64)