ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most common character encoding format for text data in computers and on the internet. In standard ASCll-encoded data, there are unique values for 128 alphabetic, numeric or special additional characters and control codes. ASCll encoding is based on character encoding u. Tod for tegraph data. The American National Standards Institute first published it as a standard for computing in 1963. Characters in ASCl encoding include upper- and lowercase letters A through Z, numerals 0 through 9 and basic punctuation symbols. It also uses some non-printing control characters that were originally intended for use with teletype printing terminals. Each character is stored in the computer using its ASCII code, the following tables gives the ASClI code for the main characters. Study this table and answer the tasks below: Example: To check the 2501 code for arry characteriwe can print the character as an integer as shewn in the exarmple below: Output: ClUsers\msharizanDocuments\HCT_Aug Enter a character: z ASCII Value of Z is 90 Process exited after 3.532 second Presis any key to continue... TASK 5.1: Copy the code below and write down the output, compare the output with the output of the previous code (given in the example): Are both outputs for both programs the same? Explain your answer? Study the following code and answer the following questions: - Bincluge ciostrean using ronespace std; 1. Without running the code what will be the value of var3? 2. Without running the code what character will be displayed in the second sout? 3. Run the code of above and verify your answers. Show the program output below. 4. Study the ASCII code table carefully and find out the relationship between the Ascil code for the capital letters and the small letters ASCII code for " M " is ASCII code for " m " is AsCll code for " T " is ASCII code for " t " is 5. What is the relation between capital and small letter