ASSESSMENT 2 - Case Study and Demonstration of Tasks CASE STUDY: You are Principal Executive Officer of ABCD College and among all other administration, compliance and operational responsibilities you are also responsible for providing opportunities and avenues for your staff to progress in their careers through various career development opportunities while they are working for you. At this stage you have been requested by the owners of the college to embark on career development opportunities and embed them as part of college business process and in its policies and procedures. According to the owners doing this will enable existing staff to continue working for the college and this will attract good and experience prospective employees when the college grows and opens another branch. At this point in time you as a Principal Executive Officer (PEO) are to ensure that all your VET Trainers/Assessors are compliant with the changing regulatory requirements and make sure that they have the right level of VET Qualifications and Industry Currency to be able to and continue to train and assess students at your college. Instructions for students: In this assessment task you as a PEO of the college are to: Research contemporary career development theories, models, frameworks and strategies for specific context and target group Analyse codes of professional conduct and career development standards, and how they can be applied in work practice Apply regulatory requirements, policies, guidelines, standards and resources Plan for and undertake ongoing personal professional development Apply career development standards to all aspects of work role Establish and maintain relationships with professional peers and service providers WHAT DO STUDENTS NEED IN ORDER TO COMPLETE THIS ASSESSMENT? Computer and Microsoft Office Access to the Internet for research Access to relevant legislation and workplace documents that are required for a VET Trainer/Assessor WHEN AND WHERE DO STUDENTS NEED TO DO THIS? Your trainer/assessor will advise you of due date of this assessment. The student is to demonstrate this task in class. WHAT DO STUDENTS HAVE TO SUBMIT OR DEMONSTRATE? Complete every task listed in the Demostration Checklist for Assessment Task 2