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Assessment Submission Sheet Course Code and Name SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Unit Code and Name SIRXOSM002- Maintain ethical and professional standards when using

Assessment Submission Sheet
Course Code and Name SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
Unit Code and Name SIRXOSM002- Maintain ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platform
Assessor Name
Student Name Sam
Student ID
Due Date
Please read and sign this assessment submission sheet and submit it together with your assessment to your Assessor by the due date.

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  • I declare that the work submitted is my own, and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source.
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  • I have kept a copy of my assessment and I am aware that unsigned work may be returned unmarked.

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Assessor Use Only
Assessment Items Result
Task 1

Knowledge questions

Task 2 Case study (skill test) S NS
Final Result for this unit C NYC

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  • I am aware that by typing full name in the student signature field is equivalent to a hand-written signature.
  • I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible assessment with this student, and I have provided appropriate feedback.
  • I declare that the student has been advised of the result.
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Assessor's Final Comments

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Test

Provide your response to each question in the box below.


Answer the following questions at a fundamental level of understanding:

1.1. What is included in terms of service for common brands of social media, like:

  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter

Write your answer in 30-50 words for each.

1.2. Explainhow Facebook and Twitter share user information and how this may impact users. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

1.3. Describe the general impacts of social media, both positive and negative. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

1.4.What are the positive and negative impacts of social media on an organisation reputation. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

1.5. What are the social impacts on users. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

1.6 Explain the below terms:

  1. Harassment
  2. Cyberbullying

Write your answer in 30-50 words.

1.7. Explain how harassment and cyberbullying occur and can escalate through the use of social media. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

1.8. Explain how bullying of employees and contractors can occur because of organisational connections and via organisational social media sites. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

1.9. What is the organisational duty of care to protect individuals from cyberbullying. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

1.10. Describe the processes that can be taken to avoid and respond to incidents of cyberbullying. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

Satisfactory response




Answer the following questions regarding the content of industry and organisational codes of conduct or policies for online activities, applicable to the individual's context and the importance in guiding ethical and professional behaviours:

2.1. What is the content of industry and organisational codes of conduct or policies for online activities, applicable to the individual's context. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

2.2 Explain the importance of guiding ethical and professional behaviours to maintain ethical and professional standards. Write your answer in 60-80 words.

Satisfactory response




Answer the following questions regarding boundaries of personal and professional online activities how personal posts and online presence can adversely affect organisational reputation and others associated with the organisation including customers, suppliers, sponsors, donors etc.:

3.1. What is the procedure to set boundaries of personal and professional online activities? Write your answer in 80-100 words.

3.2. Explain how personal posts and online presence can adversely affect the organisational reputation and others associated with the organisation, like: customers, suppliers, sponsors, donors. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

Satisfactory response




Discuss two (2) methods that can be used to ensure personal posts are not assumed to be representing the organisation in 30-50 words.

Satisfactory response




Answer the following questions regarding the fundamental understanding of the key contents:

5.1. Describe the commonwealth privacy law inclusive of the Australian Privacy Principles. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

5.2 Explain how the Commonwealth privacy act regulates the collection, use, maintenance and secure storage of private customer information collected by private and government organisations. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

5.3 List the Australian state or territory privacy regulations relevant to the individual's industry and work context. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

Satisfactory response




Answer the following questions regarding the content of organisational privacy policies and procedures, applicable to the individual's industry context, and the importance in guiding ethical and professional behaviours:

6.1. What is a Privacy policy? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

6.2What should be the content of organisational privacy policies and procedures, applicable to the individual's industry context. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

6.3 Explain the importance in guiding ethical and professional behaviours regarding privacy. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

Satisfactory response




Explain the types of:

  1. Customer information generally considered to be sensitive and relevant to the individual's work context.
  2. Consents used when publishing information about others and their images.
  3. Organisational information generally considered to be sensitive and deemed not for public release.

Write your answer between 50-80 words for each part.

Satisfactory response




Answer the following questions at a fundamental level of understanding:

8.1 Explain what type of content copyright protects and does not protect.Write your answer between 50-80 words.

8.2 Who can own the copyright? What are the procedures used by owners to identify copyright? Write your answer between 80-100 words.

8.3 List the exclusive rights that owners have over their material. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

8.4 Explain how copyright rights affect the use of materials by others. Write your answer in 30-50 words.

8.5 What are the permissions that are required to use materials, and how to obtain them? Write your answer in 80-100 words.

8.6 Explain the meaning of:

  1. Defamation
  2. Slander
  3. Libel

Write your answer in 30-50 words.

8.7 Explain how defamation, slander and libel occurs and can escalate through the use of social media. Write your answer in 50-80 words.

8.8 What are the potential personal and organisational consequences of both receiving and making defamatory comments. Write your answer in 80-100 words.

Satisfactory response




What are differences between personal and professional online communication styles and choice of language? Write your answer in 50-80 words.

Satisfactory response




Explain the principles of positive and professional online communications that enhance customer engagement and organisational reputation in 100-150 words.

Satisfactory response




Answer the following questions regarding types of positive language and approaches that can be used when dealing with negativity, complaints and conflicts:

11.1. What is the difference between negative and positive language with customers? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

11.2. What are the approaches that can be used when dealing with negativity, complaints and conflicts? Write your answer in 50-80 words.

Satisfactory response



Assessment Task 2: Skills Test

Skills Test:

This assessment task requires you to source information on, and work according to, a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms for business purposes

During the completion of this assessment task, you are required to complete the following activities:

  • Activity 1: Research and source information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.
  • Activity 2: Work according to a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms for business purposes.

Task requirements:

The owner of the caf wants you to handle its social media accounts. When handling social media accounts, you mustsource information on, and work according to, a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms. The day-to-day tasks include:

  • Sourcing information on the general impacts of social media.
  • Complying with industry and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.
  • Maintaining personal online presence consistent with organisational standards.
  • Protecting customer privacy and maintaining the confidentiality of organisational information.
  • Sourcing information on copyright.
  • Engaging professionally with customers online.

you are required to complete the following activities:

  • Activity 1: Research and source information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.
  • Activity 2: Work according to a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms for business purposes.

Activity 1: Research and source information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.

This activity requires you to research and source information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.

To do so, you are required to:

Research and source information on general impacts of social media and interpret using Template 1.

  1. Conduct research using the Internet, access information and determine the following:
    • General impacts of social media on organisations and users, both positive and negative, from three (3) different sources.
    • Terms of service for the following three different brands of social media, including information on how those brands share user information.
      • Facebook
      • Instagram
      • YouTube
    • Impact of information shared by social media brands on users.
    • How online harassment or cyberbullying can occur from three (3) different sources, who may be targeted and its impact?
    • Evaluate ways to avoid negative impacts on users of organisational social media sites.
  2. Interpret and record the following based on research conducted using Template 1.
    • General impacts of social media on organisations and users, both positive and negative, from three (3) different sources.
    • Terms of service for the following three (3) different brands of social media, including information on how those brands share user information.
      • Facebook
      • Instagram
      • YouTube
    • Impact of information shared by social media brands on users.
    • How online harassment or cyberbullying can occur from three (3) different sources, who may be targeted and its impact?
    • Evaluate ways to avoid negative impacts on users of organisational social media sites.
  3. Conduct research using the Internet, access information regarding industry codes of conduct and determine the following:
    • Objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct.
    • Applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
  • Seek advice from the Supervisor assigned and clarify the applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
  • Identify online organisational code of conduct (Given in the simulated workplace scenario), objectives and scope, and determine applicability to own job role and potential future employment.
  • Evaluate contents of industry and organisational codes of conduct and determine significance to own personal and work-based online behaviours and communications.
  • Further, document the overview evaluation of each of the above topics, including the following using Template 1.
    • Objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct.
    • Applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.
    • Objectives and scope of organisation codes of conduct.
    • Applicability of organisational code of conduct to own job role and potential future employment.
    • Significance of industry and organisational codes of conduct to own personal and work-based online behaviours and communications

  1. Conduct research using the Internet, access information and determine the following:
    • The overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations relevant to the individual's current or prospective industry employment
    • Organisational privacy policies and procedures and determine applicability to own job role.
  • Interpret and record the overview evaluation of each of the above topics, including the following using Template 1.
    • Overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations relevant to the individual's current or prospective industry employment.
    • Privacy policies and procedures
    • Key points of privacy policies and procedures applicable to own role.

  1. Conduct research using the Internet, access information and determine the following:
    • Copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect
    • Exclusive rights of owners and requirements for permissions.
    • Permissions required to use copyright materials and how to obtain these
  • Interpret and record the overview evaluation of each of the above topics, including the following using Template 1.
    • Copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect
    • Exclusive rights of owners and requirements for permissions

  1. Include APA style references of the sources of information used to access information using Template 1.

Three (3) sources of information of impacts of social media on organisations and users.

Two (2) sources of information onindustry ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.

Two (2) sources of information on privacy and confidentiality.

Two (2) sources of information on copyright.

Template 1: Information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities.

Information on social media, industry, and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities. (800-1000 words)
Information on general impacts of social media

General impacts of social media on organisations and users, both positive and negative, from three (3) different sources.

Terms of service for the following three (3) different brands of social media, including information on how those brands share user information.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube

Impact of information shared by social media brands on users.

How online harassment or cyberbullying can occur from three (3) different sources, who may be targeted and its impact?

Evaluate ways to avoid negative impacts on users of organisational social media sites.

Information on industry and organisational ethical and professional codes of conduct for online activities

Objectives and scope of industry codes of conduct.

Applicability of industry codes of conduct to the organisation.

Objectives and scope of organisation codes of conduct.

Applicability of organisational code of conduct to own job role and potential future employment.

Significance of industry and organisational codes of conduct to own personal and work-based online behaviours and communications

Information on privacy and confidentiality

Overarching requirements of commonwealth privacy regulations and any applicable local state or territory privacy regulations relevant to the individual's current or prospective industry employment.

Privacy policies and procedures

Key points of privacy policies and procedures applicable to own role.

Information on copyright

Copyright in Australia; what it protects and does not protect

Exclusive rights of owners and requirements for permissions.


Activity 2: Work according to a range of ethical and professional standards when using social media and online platforms for business purposes.

To do so, you are required to:

  1. Create social media page for Sunrise Caf on three (3) social media platforms. Share the pages created on social media platforms with the trainer/assessor.
  2. Analyse the social media content calendar and determine the three (3) social media platforms to be used by the caf.
  3. Create social media page for Sunrise Caf on three (3) social media platforms.
  4. Share the pages created on social media platforms and their screenshots with the trainer/assessor via e-mail.
  5. Post the content on the social media platforms to promote special offers, events and promotions for a period of three weeks based on the social media content calendar given in the case study.
  • Curate and post written and visual content developed in Activity 1 appropriate to the target customer based on thesocial media content calendar.
    • Determine differences between organisational and personal online presence.
    • Clearly differentiate between representing self and organisation during online activities.
    • Review and ensure personal online posts and activities do not damage the reputation of the organisation and those associated with it.
    • Obtain and comply with permissions to publish images and text representing others.
    • Collect, use, maintain and protect information provided by customers and others according to privacy regulations and organisational policies and procedures.
    • Maintain confidentiality of sensitive organisational information and confirm information that can be released before publishing.
    • Create opportunities to attract and promote user-generated content.
      • Ask customers to put #best_coffee_in_the_city and share the post to get free coffeein one of the posts.
      • Ask customers to share the post on two (2) social media platforms and get a free breakfast.
    • Post content according to social media policies and procedures (Given in the case study).
    • Share the link and screenshot of the contents posted to the owner (trainer/assessor).
  1. Engage with customers.
  • Respond to customer comments within 24 hours.
  • Direct them to relevant information, where required.
  • Source information on the following and interpret to the Supervisor:
    1. Defamatory comments, complaints and conflicts via social media from three different sources
    2. Organisational criticism via social media; either customer or employee based
  • Communicate with customers in a timely, professional and positive manner to enhance organisational reputation.
  • Respond to negative and potentially defamatory comments, complaints and conflicts sensitively, courteously and respectfully and according to social media policies and procedures and the legal and ethical practices for social media use given in the case study.
    1. a general product or service need, on two occasions
    2. negative comment or complaint about organisational issues, products or services, on two occasions.
  1. Further, provide the following evidence to the trainer/assessor.
    1. Links of the social media content posted.
    2. Screenshots of the comments received on the posts.
    3. Screenshots of the responses provided.
    4. Screenshots of defamatory comments, complaints and conflicts.
    5. Screenshots of customer complaints and issues.
    6. Screenshots of responses to customer complaints and issues.
  2. Evaluate three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a risk to an organisation's reputation and identify guidelines that could be used to avoid risk.
  • Further, document the following using Template 2.
  • Three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a risk to an organisation's reputation.
  • Guidelines that could be used to avoid risk.

Template 2: Evaluation of situations presenting a risk to an organisation's reputation and guidelines that could be used to avoid risk.

Evaluation of situations presenting a risk to an organisation's reputation and guidelines that could be used to avoid risk. (200-300 words)
Three (3) situations involving personal online posts that present a risk to an organisation's reputation.

Guidelines that could be used to avoid risk.

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