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Assessment Task Information (In-College & Remote delivery) Key details: Assessment title: Final Research Artefact Module Name: Research Project Module Code: PM600 Tutors Name: Chris Bilboe

Assessment Task Information (In-College & Remote delivery)
Key details:
Assessment title: Final Research Artefact
Module Name: Research Project
Module Code: PM600
Tutors Name: Chris Bilboe
Assessment will be set on: 18/01/21
Feedback opportunities: Before deadline: Peer feedback in class, tutor feedback in class 1:1 After deadline: Written feedback available on Turnitin two weeks after submission.
Assessment is due on: Written Report Due: Tuesday 6th July @12.00 Presentation Due: Tuesday 19th July @12.00
Assessment weighting: Written Report (50%) Research Presentation (20%)
Assessment Instructions
What do you need to do for this assessment? Task: Previously you have produced a research project proposal and completed a literature review relating to the topic you have chosen for the research project. In this current assignment you have to: 1. conduct your proposed research project, after which you will 2. produce a Written Report and 3. prepare a Research Presentation about the findings in your research project. You will write your report and prepare your presentation for an academic audience, so a formal, academic style should be maintained throughout. The aim of this task is to give you practical experience in conducting research, collecting and analysing data, and reporting research findings. Guidance: Your tutor will also provide written and verbal feedback and guidance on draft versions of your report throughout the term before the submission deadline. 1:1 discussions with your tutor can be very useful to enhance your final submission. Before you submit this assessment, you will have an opportunity to receive feedback from your peers (other students in the class). Your tutor will arrange a time for you to share and discuss your progress with your classmates. You do not have to act on their feedback, but you may find it useful to enhance your final submission. Please note: This is an individual assessment so you shouldcomplete it by yourself. Before you submit this assessment, you will have an opportunity to receive feedback from your peers (other students in the class).You will also be expected to give feedback to your peers on their presentations. Your tutor will arrange a time for you to share and discuss your progress with your classmates.Please make sure you consider your peer feedback carefully as you may find that suggestions made by your fellow students will help you make your final submission more effective. Please also be considerate and careful when you are providing feedback to your peers try to be constructive, not just critical. The presentation will take place online, and your teacher will send you a link to an online call (on either Zoom or Teams) three days prior to the assessment. Please make sure you check your email and if you have not received the link, please inform your teacher immediately. The invitation will include information about the specific time when you must join the call. Please make sure you have checked the microphone and video camera on the device you will use to take the assessment prior to the assessment. We recommend you use a laptop, not a phone or a tablet for this assessment. As far as possible please make sure you have a reliable internet connection for the duration of this assessment. On the day of the assessment, at a time specified in the invitation to the call, your teacher will open the call, and after all students have joined in, the assessment will begin. Please note that the presentation will be recorded. The recording will only be used for marking purposes and quality assurance reviews. In the event that a live presentation is not possible or is heavily impaired, an Exception Extenuating Circumstances (EEC) form should be submitted, and your project tutor should be informed. An audio or screencast recording of your presentation may be accepted in this circumstance.
Structure: Structure of the Written Report: (4000 words 20%) The Written Report should include the following sections: Project Title: Give your project a working title (10-20 words). Abstract: In less than 200 words, summarise the key contents of your completed research project (not included in word count). Section 1: Introduction (~500 words): In this section you should provide some contextual information about your chosen topic and explain why this topic is worth studying. This should be a developed from your original research proposal based on feedback and your own reflection. This section should contain the aims and objectives of this research project and a description of the key questions (maximum three) that it aims to answer. Section 2: Literature Review (~1500 words) In this section, you will act on previous feedback to improve and possibly extend your previous literature review. You should critically review the available academic literature on your chosen topic. You should compare and contrast existing research findings in order to identify gaps which your research aims to fill, and critically evaluate the quality of existing literature on your chosen topic. Section 3: Methodology (~500 600 words) This section should describe and justify your overall methodology. This can be developed from your research proposal but must describe and justify what has been done. In addition, you are required to discuss a range of methodological issues, such as:
  1. If you choose primary research methodology you should consider:
  • The research perspective and strategy (Did you apply a quantitative or qualitative approach? Why?);
  • Your data collection methods (Did you use questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, etc? Why?);
  • Your sample size and sampling technique.
  • Your research approach for data analysis.
  • A reflection on the limitations of your methods
  1. If you choose secondary research methodology, you should consider:
  • Why secondary research is suitable for answering your research questions;
  • The general strengths and weaknesses of using secondary data;
  • The datasets you intend to use and the strengths and weaknesses of these;
  • How and why you have selected this data.
  • Your research approach for data analysis
In this section you should also consider the ethical issues which are relevant for your project and also provide concrete solutions of how these will be solved. Section 4: Research Findings (~500-600 words) This section should present and describe your key research findings and include, as appropriate, graphics to support and aid the reader. Section 5: Discussion (~600 800 words) This section should analyse your key research findings and link these to the existing body of literature on your chosen topic. You should also consider how the research data you have collected helped you answer your research questions. Note: it is possible to combine sections 4 and 5 into one section approx. 1200-1500 words Section 6: Conclusion/Recommendations (~500 words) This section should summarise the key findings for your project and reflect on how these could be useful in your chosen field and also recommend how this topic can be further in the future. Section 7: Reference List (excluded from the word count) In this section you should include a list of all sources you have referred to in the report, in accordance with the APA or Harvard referencing conventions. Section 8: Appendices (excluded from the word count) This section may include a copy of a reflective diary about your research process and also other documents such as a copy of your research instrument(s), a copy of your informed consent (if applicable), etc. Note: Word lengths indicated are recommendations. Exact word lengths of sections can vary across projects to best meet the project objectives. Structure of the Research Presentation / Poster: (max.1000 words) Your presentation should last between 10 to 15 minutes, including questions from the audience. You should organise your presentation to include the following information: Your poster should include the following sections: Section 1: Introduction & Background This section should introduce your project aims and research questions, as well as some key background information to support and justify your project area. Section 2: Research Method This section should briefly summarise your research approach to indicate how you tried to answer your research questions. Section 3: Findings & Discussion This section should be the main focus of the presentation, and should include:
  • Visual presentation of your main findings (using appropriate graphs, charts, or other visuals)
  • Commentary on your findings with reference to your research question(s), hypotheses and the relevant literature.
  • Your interpretation of the findings and the conclusions you draw from them.
Section 4: Conclusion & Reflection This section should provide a conclusion to your research and make any recommendations for future research. This section should also include reflection on the limitations of your research study and research design, identifying what you would do differently if you were to do your project again. Additional sub-sections can be added that are relevant to the project.
Theory and/or task resources required for the assessment: Both primary and secondary research approaches must include some secondary research and you must find and use relevant sources independently. You should aim to refer to a minimum of 15 sources specific to your topic in your research project. You may wish to use some informal sources for background research on your topic e.g. newspapers, reputable websites, in addition to a diverse range of academic sources available to you through your college and the internet, including journals, textbooks and chapters in edited volumes, as well as databases.
Referencing style: You should refer to a minimum of 15 relevant sources for your report. Please refer to your module VLE and module VLE page and module handbook for a list of useful resources. You must include citations as required throughout your report and include a reference list at the end of your report. APA is the preferred style, although Harvard or APA styles may be used. A full bibliography is NOT required.
Expected word count: Your Written Report should be 4000 words (+ 20%) in total. The project title, front cover page, table of contents, headings, citations, references and appendices are excluded from the word count. Approximate section lengths are indicated above. Your Research Poster should contain no more than 1000 words total. The project title, module details and references are excluded from the word count. The Research Presentation should be no more than 15 minutes, including questions from the audience.
Learning Outcomes Assessed: The following learning outcomes are assessed in this task:
  • Implement appropriate qualitative or quantitative research methods and critically appraise methodology
  • Conduct and produce a critically evaluative academic literature review appropriate to the proposed researchquestion(s) following accepted conventions.
  • Critically reflect on academic skills & performance, responding appropriately to feedback to improve aspects of academic work.
  • Produce a research report or other artefact which follows accepted academic conventions, in which researchfindings are presented and analysed
Submission Requirements: You must include the following paragraph on your title page: I confirm that this assignment is my/our own work. Where I have referred to academic sources, I have provided in-text citations and included the sources in the final reference list. You must type your assessment in an academically suitable font (e.g. Arial), font size 11, with 1.5 spacing. Sections and sub-section headings can be font size 14/16. You must submit the assessment electronically via the VLE module page. Please ensure you submit it via the Turnitin VLE plug-in. The Written Report should be submitted as a word document or pdf (must contain recognised text). The Research Presentation / Poster should be submitted as a PowerPoint (ppt) or pdf files. Note: Apple file-types such as Pages documents are not accepted by Turnitin. Similarly, image-only pdf files are not accepted. Please ensure you have checked which file types are accepted by Turnitin. When you submit a copy of your Proposal to Turnitin, you must include a title page with the following information:
  • Module Code (PM600)
  • Class/Group (e.g. Group A)
  • Module Title (Research Project)
  • Assessment Type (Written Report)
  • Module Tutor Name
  • Student Name
  • Student ID Number
  • Date of Submission
When you submit your proposal on Turnitin, the should include: Your student ID number_ module code and group_ tutor initials e.g. 2999999_PM600F_JB NB If you experience problems submitting your assessment to Turnitin:
  1. Email Academic Services ( your work before the deadline
  2. Take a picture or screenshot of the warning message if possible.
  3. Email the screenshot and work to Academic Services.
Assessments submitted after the submission deadline may incur penalties or may not be accepted Academic Integrity & Misconduct Information: Please use this link to access more information on academic integrity and misconduct:
Addition submission information check you have done the following:
Formatting Consistent font, spacing, page numbers, formatting and subheadings
Citations Correct format and location throughout the report
Referencing Harvard referencing system used correctly in the reference list
Summarising Summarising the results of research
Paraphrasing Paraphrasing the contents of research findings
Spell check Spell check the report
Proof-reading Proof-reading completed
Grammar Grammarly has been used to check the report
How will this assessment be marked? The Written Report will be marked using the following areas and weightings:
  • Introduction and literature review
  • How well you presented the background to your research project
  • How well you conducted your literature review.
  • How well you explained and justified your project aims and research questions.
  • Methodology*
  • How effectively you explained and justified your choice of research design.
  • How effectively you explained your research method
  • Findings & Discussion
  • How effectively you presented and discussed the results and findings of your research project, visually and textually.
  • How effectively you connect your project findings to existing literature and research.
  • How effectively you summarise the key findings of project and conclude your project.
  • Organisation & Structure
  • How clearly you structured the sections of your report.
  • How effectively you developed your paragraphs and your ability to maintain a logical flow of argumentation and presentation of ideas.
  • How well you use cohesive devices and linking expressions to organically connect ideas and sections.
  • Use of Sources and Referencing
  • How wide a range of sources specific to your topic you used.
  • How appropriate your choice of sources for your research area were.
  • How effective and accurate your use of citations and references was.
  • Presentation of the report
  • How well you formatted and presented your report, overall
  • How well you adhered to submission requirements.
  • How well you visually presented relevant data and information, in terms of visual clarity, communication and labelling.
*There are separate marking criteria for the Methodology section for primary and secondary research. You will receive a (%) grade for each criterion, which will be grouped in bands of five (50, 55, 60, 65 etc.). The overall assessment grade will be averaged from the six criteria, and the overall mark will be a percentage. The Research Presentation / Poster will be marked using the following areas and weightings:
  • Selected Findings & Discussion (25%)
  • How clearly you present and discuss your research findings
  • How effectively you connect your findings to both previous research and your research objectives.
  • Structure and Quality of Materials (25%)
  • How effectively you organise and signpost the sections on your poster.
  • How well sections and arguments are structured.
  • How well visuals and graphics are used to communicate project content.
  • Reflections on Project (RP) (25%)
  • How well you used academic language and topic terminology.
  • How effectively you comment on the successes, challenges and limitations of your research project.
  • Delivery (25%)
  • How effectively you verbally present your project in terms of clarity, fluency, tone and pace.
  • How well you verbally refer to your poster and integrate your poster into your spoken delivery.
  • How well you respond to questions.
You will receive a (%) grade for each criterion, which will be grouped in bands of five (50, 55, 60, 65 etc.). The overall assessment grade will be averaged from the four criteria, and the overall mark will be a percentage. You must achieve a minimum 40% to pass both assessments.
How will you get feedback? Your tutor will grade the assessment and provide feedback for each criteria area. Students will usually receive assessment feedback on the VLE Turnitin plug-in up to four weeks (20 working days) after the assessment submission deadline, unless affected by holidays, term breaks and other circumstances. Exact submission deadlines w be set by Kaplan Pathway college.
Hi Rachel, I have been tasked with double marking P281134. It appears we have a difference of 7 marks (you 33 me 40), so we need see if we can settle on an agreed score. These are my marks: TA 40 / US 38 / ST 40 / S&R 30 / C&E 52 = total 40 Our main differences are with TA (me 40 you 34) and C&E (me 52 you 40). I think the reason I gave a 40 for TA is because, despite clearly not following the formatting guidelines, I felt that it was a reasonable choice of research topic for the project, examined in a simple, although admittedly limited way. The reason I gave a 52 for C&E is that I felt there is some good use of topic specific vocabulary in places (hopefully, the students own work!) however, overall and in places, lacking coherence. Let me know what you think.

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