Asset Machine Revenue Expense Account DEDE Credit 1 Account Debit Credit N Account The Debit Credit 3 3 FON FO Quesit During haar, totales formes The employees have the following the Tica Social Security FC Medicare Tax 1.45 de cometa .00 Medical Deli 2.000 Pension Detection 51.500 The Employer las to pay the RICA Social Security RICA Medicare 12 TUTAN SUTAAN Cotestate the nero The Eyes The time Total Payroll tax for love Question in 2019. A com 55.000 The company of these Dan Asset Mashine Revenue Expense Account inte Debt Credit 1 Account Title Credit 2 Account Title Deo Credit 3 Question: During rytories for The employees have the following the Fc Social Security RICA Medicare a 10% Federal come to S. Medical Deduction 3.0 Pension Deluction $1.500 The Employer as to pay the formes RICA Soul Security Tax PICA Memes PUTAN SUTAAN Calculate the Employees Group The most The Employees Guition August 2013. Acomod.800 om The company of these Onition RoomGwen 9800 Annet Revenue Expense Account Title Debi Credit 1 Account Title Debit Credit 2 Account Title Debit Credit 3 3 Quent? PA You During Lanary, total tester moves i 200.000 The loves the following withet Fica Social Security RICA Medicare T15N Federal Income Tax $8,000 Mediane Deduction 52.000 Pen Dedactio $1.500 The Employer has to pay the following all FRICA Social Security Tax RICA Medicare To 1.45 FUTA ON SUTA 4 Calculate The Employees Pay The times total whild The Employee ETPAR Total Tyroll tsatte Quin 2013 mars 15.00 worth over the cores of the Wat the strecorded Warranty QUESTION 6: Garcia Co. owns equipment that cost $80.000 with accumulated depreciation of 542,400. Garcia sells the equipment for cash. Record the sale of the equipment under the following three separate cases assuming Garcia sells the equipment (1) 549,000 cash. (2) $37,600 cash, and (3) $32,500 cash. Assets revenue expense machine Account title Debit Credit Account title Debit Credit 2 Account title Debit Credit 3