Assignment purpose: To compile, build, and execute an Interactive program using functions from stdio.h (printf and scanf), functions from ctype.h (tolower and toupper), and simple math in C. - One source code file (unformatted text) will be submitted - The file name must match the assignment - The code should be tested and run on a Microsoft compiler before it is uploaded onto Canvas - The code must be submitted on time in order to receive credit (11:59 PM on the due date) - Late submissions will not be accepted or graded - All programming assignments are individual work, sharing code is considered cheating ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Type Cast - Converting an expression to a different type. In this program you will find the numerical value of a character You will need at least 4 variables: 1. A character the user will input 2. A character for the uppercase version of the input letter 3. An integer for the numerical version of the input letter 4. An integer for the numerical version of the uppercase letter Use 3 additional integer variables for the input and 2 multiplication results. \#includecstdio.hs //printf, scanf ancludecctype,h> //toupper Instructions: Declare all variables. - Print "Hello my name is (add your name here)" onto the screen. - Prompt the user for a lowercase letter - Scan/read the lowercase letter (character) from the keyboard. - Change the letter to uppercase case //use toupper function from
//EXAMPLE: char newLetter = toupper (inputletter); - Print the original letter (hopefully lowercase letter) onto the screen. - Print the uppercase version of the letter onto the screen - Change the uppercase letter to an integer. //EXAMPLE: int num1 = (int) newLetter; - Declare, ask, and get an integer from the user - Multiply the numl (numerical value of your uppercase character) by the integer that was just entered by the user. - Print the result onto the screen - Change the original letter to an integer. //EXAMPLE: int num2 = (int) inputletter; - Multiply the num2 (numerical value of your input character) by the integer that was just entered by the user. - Print the result onto the screen