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Assignment#2 Scope&ScheduleManagement Economicinequalityisahugeissue.Arecentstudyfoundthattheworld's80wealthiestindividualsown as muchas theentire world's poorest3.5 billionpeople. The richest1 percentofthe world's population control half of the world's total wealth. Footnote Many individuals, corporations,



Economicinequalityisahugeissue.Arecentstudyfoundthattheworld's80wealthiestindividualsown as muchas theentire world's poorest3.5 billionpeople. The richest1 percentofthe world's population control half of the world's total wealth. Footnote Many individuals, corporations, charities, and governmentagencieshaveprojectsandprogramsinplacetoattempttotacklethisandotherimportant global issues such as sustainability, but there are many opportunities to do more.

Agrassrootsgroupofcollege studentshasdecidedtoworktogetherto dotheirpart inmakingtheworld a better place. The students are from many different countries, and several of them met at global conferences, through study abroad experiences, or on various Internet groups. Strategic goals of this group include developing skills forbothcollege students and forneedy populations, sharing information on existing products and services that promote economic growth and sustainability, and promoting entrepreneurship. Leaders of this group were reviewing some ideas for projects (all with a significant IT component) that they could do to support their strategic goals:

GlobalTreps:ManypeoplearefamiliarwiththetelevisionshowcalledSharkTankwhereentrepreneurs (sometimes called "treps") present their business ideas to a group of investors or sharks. Several colleges, high schools, and even elementary schools throughout the world hold unique versions of a shark tank like event. You believe that creating a non-profit organization with one central mobile- friendly website/applicationto assist groupsinorganizingthese typesofeventswouldsparkevenmore entrepreneurs throughout the world. You would plan to hold several shark tank like events during the term of the project and create a site and applications to help continue developing more global treps.


  • Provideguidelinesandtemplatesforrunningasharktanktypeofevent.
  • Accept donations from potential investors targeted toward specific schools or organizations wishingtohostanevent(similartothepopularwww.donorschoose.orgsitewherepeoplecan fund teacher's requests).
  • Acceptideasforneedednewproductsor services.
  • Providetheabilityfororganizationstocreatetheirowncustomsitetosolicitlocalparticipants and sharks, accept applications, and promote the winners as well as losers.
  • Researchideasforamechanismwhereacertainpercentageofalldonationsandprofitsearned by contestants are donated back to the Global Treps organization.
  • Provideanonlineversionoftheeventsbyshowingvideosofcontestantsandlivereactionsof the sharks while also getting live inputs and donations from viewers.

  1. ChangetheLawsCampaign:Launchaglobalcampaigntochangelawstoreducefurtherincome inequality and promote social responsibility. This project would also involve creating a mobile- friendly website/application that would include information about current and proposed laws, allow discussions of potential ideas to change laws, organize people to contact appropriate lawmakers, etc.
  2. WealthyUnite:Developasystemtoenabletherichestpeopleintheworldtoprovidetheirinput on how they can maketheworld abetter place. Provide informationon whatseveral peopleare

currently doing (i.e., Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, famous celebrities, etc.) to promotephilanthropy.Allowotherstodonatetosuggestedcausesandrecommendotherwaystoreduce economic inequality.

  1. Global Smart Shoppers: Develop a mobile app and website that recommends products and services produced by organizations that promote social responsibility. Customize the app so it works in any country in the user's desired language. Work with large companies that do not currentlysellproductsorservicesincertaincountriestoexpandtoregionsinneed.Allowsmall companies to easily add their products and services to the shopping network.

You are a senior, live on-campus, and get free room and board by being a resident assistant in your dorm. Bobby, a computer whiz who funded a lot of his college expenses by building websites, will be your main technical guy on the project. He goes to your college and lives off-campus. Three other people will form your coreproject team: Kim, a new college grad now working for a non profit group in Vietnam; Ashok, abusinessstudent in India; and Alfreda, a studentin theUnitedStates planning to visit her home town in Ethiopia for two months in a few months. You will hold most meetings virtually, but youcanmeet face-to-facewithBobby andDr.K.asneeded.Youhave allknowneachotherforatleasta year and are excited to make this project a success.

You and your team members will do the work part-time while you finish school or work at other jobs, but youcanuseupto$50,000 totaltopayyourselves.Youestimate thatyouwillneedanother$30,000 for travel expenses, $20,000 for hardware and software, and the other $20,000 will go toward organizing events, consultants, legal/business fees, etc.

Yourgoalistodevelopafully functioningwebsite andtest it byholdingfoureventsinfourdifferent countries.You'llmakeimprovementstothesiteafterthoseevents,developplanstoscaleit up,and recommend how to transition the project results into a successful business.

You decided not to include the idea of providing an online version of the event as part of the initial project asyoursponsorandteam decidedthat physicaleventswouldbemost effective.Youhave also decidedto limit the scopeof this first project to provide the ability for20organizationstocreate their owncustomwebsites.Yourteammemberswillscreentheorganizationsandassistpeopleinusingthe site to plan their events.

You plan to hold four shark tank like events within four months, using your team members abroad to helporganizeandrunthoseevents,plusoneatyourcollege.Yoursemesterhasjuststarted,soyouplan to hold your event at the end of the term. The project will fund refreshments for the events and prizes for the winners, with a budget of $1,000 for each event. Youdon't think you'll get any donations via the new website before these events, but you'll try to have it set up to accept donations by the last month.

Youwillcreatesomeshortvideostoshowpeoplehowtousethesiteandprovidesuggestionsfor holding the events.

After testing the site and getting customer feedback, you will make some changes and document recommendationsforafollow-onproject.Youwillalsocreateabusinessplanrecommendinghowto transition this project into a real business that can make a profit after two years.

Assumethatyouwouldpayforanewwebsiteandaccountthroughanonlineprovider.Bobbywoulddo mostof the customization/programmingfor thesite,but youwouldconsideroutsourcingor purchasing servicesto provide someofthe capabilitieslike acceptingdonationsanddevelopingthe shortvideoson the site. You would also buy a new laptop and Internet access for your three team members abroad so that they could share information with their contacts in those countries.

YouandDr.K.wanttoattendallofthe eventsaspartoftheproject,andyoumight include afullface- to-face meeting with the whole team if possible.

Team members include Bobby, your IT guy; Kim, a new college gradnow working for a non-profit group in Vietnam; Ashok, a business student in India; and Alfreda, a student in the United States originally from Ethiopia. You plan to outsource some of the work (e.g., purchasing laptops, developing a website featureforacceptingdonations,andcreatingvideosforthewebsite).Recallthatyourscheduleandcost goals are to complete the project in six months for under $120,000.


  1. Developaprojectscopestatementfortheproject.Beasspecificaspossibledescribing product characteristics and requirements, as well as all of the project's deliverables.
  2. Identifyandcreatearequirementslistfortheproject.Use arequirementstemplateanddo not list more then 15 requirements.
  3. DevelopaworkbreakdownstructurefortheprojectusingMSProject.Breakdownthework to Level 3, as appropriate.Save the WBS in list form. Each Level should not be greater than 5 tasks/deliverables. Identify each workstream, tasks with duration, dependency and resource assigned.
  4. make network diagram of project identifying the critical path.Ensure you identify the criticalpathdurationbothincalculationandinillustration,asdiscussedinclass.Ensureyou label the tasks, durations etc.

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