Assume you are making a presentation to an important new client to educate them about fraud prevention.
Change the questions into statements in a way that explains each question ( Question 1 to 11) "control environment"
Control Environment 1. Does the company maintain a proper tone at the top? Did management assess the tone of the organization to determine if the culture encourages ethical behavior, consultation, and open communication? (This assessment can be made through anonymous cultural surveys, inquiries and interviews, or by internal audit review.) 2. Do the audit committee and the board of directors have sufficient oversight of management's antifraud programs and controls? 3. Does the internal audit function have sufficient involvement in antifraud programs and controls, including monitoring of the effectiveness of antifraud programs and controls, given the size and complexity of the organization? Does the internal audit function report directly to the audit committee? 4. Does the company have a published code of ethics/conduct (with provisions related to conflicts of interest, related-party trans-actions, illegal acts, and fraud) made available to all personnel and does management require employees to confirm that theyaccept and agree to follow it? Does the frequency of exceptions undermine the code's effectiveness? Does the code comply will all applicable rules and regulations? 5. Does the company have an ethics/whistleblower hotline with adequate procedures to handle anonymous complaints (received from inside and outside the company), and to accept confidential submission of concerns about questionable ac-counting, internal accounting control, or auditing matters? Are tips and whistleblower complaints investigated and resolved in a timely manner? 6. Does the company have formal hiring and promotion standards, including background checks for those employees with influence over financial reporting or involved in the preparation of the financial statements? 7. Does the company have formal and effective training for employees and new hires on issues of fraud, ethics, and the code of ethics/conduct? 8. Does the company respond in a timely and appropriate manner to significant control deficiencies, allegations or concerns of fraud, and violations of the code of ethics/conduct?9. Does management assess the design and operating effectiveness of the control environment? 10. Does management adequately document its assessments and conclusions regarding the design and operating effectiveness of the control environment? 1 1. Is the control environment designed and operating effectively