At the bottom of the lab page are the resulting Sensitivity Analysis report. In those two tables there are columns for "Shadow Price" and "Reduced Cost". Define each of these two measuresin terms of the structural components of the linear programming model. Further, selecting ONE non-zero shadow price and ONE non-zero reduced cost value of your choice and explain the meaning of each number
Decilion Verables: Cacopel - acres of Ciast 2 oroiand plartid to com c2BEANS - aores of Class 2 crepland plarited to soybeans C2WIEAT - aores of Clast 2 arpisnd plertat to whed C36EANs - acret of Clase 3 cropland planiad to soybess CJWKEAT - acres of Class 3 cropland plarind to wheat coWS: - mumber of cows on farm stiRes * mumber of beef stockers an farm Qhestlye fumstion (Total 6 Margin) NAX T0M + 169 C2COfN + 174 C28EAN + 103 CZWHEAT + 52 CSEEAM + 46 C3WhEAT + 257 COWS + 1005T125 Constraints (Case 2 . Lind) subjedta: CACORN + CaBEANS + CRWHEAT e bOS (cant use more Ciass 2 erepiand than is availabie) (ciese 3 iend) CS8eANS + c3WhEAT 400 (Pashure Land) 9 cows + 4 stifes ee 10a0 (Labor): (Oper Capta) (Coin Residue) cecoRN+2 Cohs x=0 which in the sarne as 2 cows er C2cops f cant was mare com reade than in avalable in a puen year) Solver Engine Engine: Simplex LP Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds. Iterations: 5 Subproblems: 0 Solver Options Max Time 100 sec, lterations 100, Precision 0.000001 Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 5\%, Solve Without integer Constraints, Assume NonNegative Decilion Verables: Cacopel - acres of Ciast 2 oroiand plartid to com c2BEANS - aores of Class 2 crepland plarited to soybeans C2WIEAT - aores of Clast 2 arpisnd plertat to whed C36EANs - acret of Clase 3 cropland planiad to soybess CJWKEAT - acres of Class 3 cropland plarind to wheat coWS: - mumber of cows on farm stiRes * mumber of beef stockers an farm Qhestlye fumstion (Total 6 Margin) NAX T0M + 169 C2COfN + 174 C28EAN + 103 CZWHEAT + 52 CSEEAM + 46 C3WhEAT + 257 COWS + 1005T125 Constraints (Case 2 . Lind) subjedta: CACORN + CaBEANS + CRWHEAT e bOS (cant use more Ciass 2 erepiand than is availabie) (ciese 3 iend) CS8eANS + c3WhEAT 400 (Pashure Land) 9 cows + 4 stifes ee 10a0 (Labor): (Oper Capta) (Coin Residue) cecoRN+2 Cohs x=0 which in the sarne as 2 cows er C2cops f cant was mare com reade than in avalable in a puen year) Solver Engine Engine: Simplex LP Solution Time: 0.016 Seconds. Iterations: 5 Subproblems: 0 Solver Options Max Time 100 sec, lterations 100, Precision 0.000001 Max Subproblems Unlimited, Max Integer Sols Unlimited, Integer Tolerance 5\%, Solve Without integer Constraints, Assume NonNegative