b) (6 pts.) Conduct a formal analysis investigating whether there is an association between triage classication and 30-day mortality. Summarize the results in language accessible to someone who has not taken a statistics course. Be sure to check any necessary assumptions. c) ( 12 pts.) Investigate associations with the two demographic variables, age and sex. For each of the following parts, briey justify your choice of analysis approach and check any necessary assumptions. Summarize the results. i. Assess whether older individuals are at greater risk of 30-day mortality. ii. Assess whether risk of 30-day-mortality is independent of sex. iii. Assess whether triage classification is associated with age. d) (10 pts.) Fit a model estimating the association between 30-day mortality and triage classi- cation, adjusting for age and sex. i. Interpret the model coefcient for age. ii. Interpret the model coefcient for triagegreen. iii. Compare the estimated odds of 30-day mortality for a 55-year-old female categorized as orange to those of a 70-year-old male categorized as yellow. Are either more likely to die within 30 days than survive? Explain your answer. iv. Is this model a better parsimonious model than a model with only triage classication as a predictor? Explain your answer. ior the remaining questions, consider the following three candidate models for predicting 30-day nortality: Model 1: triage classification Model 2: the eight blood test measures, age, sex Model 3: triage classification, the eight blood test measures, age, sex e) ( 14. pts.) Investigate the association between 30-day mortality and risk category, comparing the triage classification system based on vital signs versus the proposed system based on blood test measures and demographic information. i. Compare how individuals who died within 30 days were classied under the existing triage system versus individuals who survived. ii. Based on the predicted risks of 30-day mortality according to Model 2, categorize in- dividuals into risk groups: green for less than or equal to 1% risk, yellow for greater than 1% and less than or equal to 10% risk, orange for greater than 10% and less than or equal to 25% risk, and red for greater than 25% risk. Compare how individuals who died within 30 days were classified based on Model 2 versus individuals who survived. iii. Based on the results from parts i. and ii., discuss which system seems more preferable for classifying patients. Explain your