Balance sheet for Emirates airline Balance sheet of air Arabia airline 2,670 4783 3 12,017 8,232 4,666,700 577,475 94,543 122,753 341,933 ASSETS Current assets levventories Trade and other receivable Derivative financial instruments Short term bank depois Cash and cash equivalent Non-current assets Property, plon and equipment Right-of-use esses Intangible en Investment accounted for using the quity method Trade and other receivable Deferred Income taxe Total assets EQUITY Capital and reserves Copitol Other reserves Retained earrings Attributable to Emirates owner Non-controlling Interests Total equity Total liabilities and equity ASSETS Non-current assets Property and equipment 6,866 167 Pight of 367777 Advane for new 30 201 Investment properties 1924.970 Nativement in case 46284 Intang 312 472 Deferred charges 31 561 Westments 1108 Investments in and 77,593 joint ventures Current sets res 2295 Trade and the recentes 110 22 Otherine 165374 Dank balances and cash 806452 TOTAL ASSETS 112 810 286 B01 (5,701) 27,675 22,970 86,084 52.992 4,373 691 EQUITY AND UABILITIES Share capital Statutory reserve General reserve Other reserves Retained earnings/accumulated losses) Equity attributable to owners of the Company Non-controlling interests Total equity 5,557,898 192 25 172,062 609 23,587 172,062 ES57,898 LIABILITIES Current liabilities Trade and other payable Income tax liabilities Borrowing and lease liabilities Deferred revende Derivative financial Instrument Provision Non-current liabilities Trade and other payabile Borrowing and lease liabilities Derivative financial Instruments Provision Deferred in tax liabilities Total liabilities 12,800 50 19,429 10,672 5,067 786 M $ Non-current liabilities Provision for staff termination 145,119 benefits Trade and other pavables 1,061.123 Finance lease abilities 3.1645 Current abilities Deferred Income 351,525 Trade and other payables 1,653,721 Short term bank borrowings 352.216 Finance leave liabilities 577.936 Total liabilities 7.256188 TOTAL EQUITY AND 12,014,286 LIABILITIES M 116 90,720 1,697 7,019 3 118,475 write down possible reasons about (why amounts mentioned on those accounts are different between this companies ???). By using the balance sheet