Based on research conducted by the Department of Economic Arajpis, the government and polcy advisons of an economy belove that the full omployment GDP is $7500 billon, and Pe, the overnt expected price Goverment spending was fired at 51700 billon, and frmis imvestrent behavor was fixed at 5600 bilion. Trading is allowed in this economy and h 2016, tading occumed such that the frade account was balanced. That is, net exporta (X- M) was equal to zero. (Question 13 of 20) Now consider that in in the tolowing year (2017) the govemment decided to imploment a poicy aimed at moving the econorfy bo hali employinene in its decision to move the econorny fo full engioyment, they used Deverbe sie goventerents policy and the ouliome from the polig, (complete ine sentences bebw) pelis ained al astout To acheve the goal, they grvernment spendng h 2017. Aa a resi4, conpared ts the ievels in 2016, real COP was. and the change in tie pnce level reshed in the coonocy eupentereing oyer the year in addion, the govinenenfs budget was tershat Describe the government's pol In 2017 , with a desire to move Based on research conducted by the Department of Economic Arajpis, the government and polcy advisons of an economy belove that the full omployment GDP is $7500 billon, and Pe, the overnt expected price Goverment spending was fired at 51700 billon, and frmis imvestrent behavor was fixed at 5600 bilion. Trading is allowed in this economy and h 2016, tading occumed such that the frade account was balanced. That is, net exporta (X- M) was equal to zero. (Question 13 of 20) Now consider that in in the tolowing year (2017) the govemment decided to imploment a poicy aimed at moving the econorfy bo hali employinene in its decision to move the econorny fo full engioyment, they used Deverbe sie goventerents policy and the ouliome from the polig, (complete ine sentences bebw) pelis ained al astout To acheve the goal, they grvernment spendng h 2017. Aa a resi4, conpared ts the ievels in 2016, real COP was. and the change in tie pnce level reshed in the coonocy eupentereing oyer the year in addion, the govinenenfs budget was tershat Describe the government's pol In 2017 , with a desire to move