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Beverly and Ken Hair have been married for 3 years. Beverly works as an accountant at 1. Cypress Corporation. Ken is a full-time student at

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Beverly and Ken Hair have been married for 3 years. Beverly works as an accountant at 1. Cypress Corporation. Ken is a full-time student at Southwest Missouri State University nmer at Cypress Corp. Ken's birthdate is January 12, 1992 and Beverly's birthdate is November 4, 1994. Bev and Ken's earnings and (SMSU) and also works part-time during the summ income tax withholdings are reported on the following Form W-2s: Befe aerate Enpoyes ocl culyr 465-74-3321 e file FASTI Ue- ww.sgowa OND No. 1545-000e b Engioyar idcon mbr a 31-1238967 cEmplayar's nns, addro, andZP cad Cypress Corp. 1234 E. Chestnut Parkway Springfield, MO 65802 50,700.00 4,892.00 carecun wsss 50,700.00 & Medicrewages and tps 50,700.00 Tolty p 3,143.40 Madics t withuld 735.15 Alutel li oon cate d Goolnb Dipndent oare be Employ's fraave and istol Set 11 Nongeaifed pars Last rare 13a Sainsinucons for bo 12 Beverly Hair 3567 River Street Springfield, MO 63126 1Es Eeply's addss and ZP cod 15 piyars stID ubr 16 sawag 1p, a 50,700.00 17 Stats income t 1a Loclig pa 19 Loca incos tac 20 Lecatyanu MO 680.00 Dpariat of tha Truasay-intmal Raa 2018 Sve Statement Farm copy B-To Be Fled with Employe's FEDERAL TaE Retum This information is boing fumiehed to the Internal Revense Service is ig f Eeploy's addsss and ZP code 15 Epibyar's state ID rbr 16 awagos 1, a 50,700.00 17 Stts nem te 1a Locl igs ,a 19 Loca incaTs ta 680.00 Wage and Tax Statement Dapariat of the Treasay-intmal aue Srvice 2018 .W-2 Farm copy B-To Be Fled with Employe's FEDERAL Tar Retum This infomation is being fumiched to the Intenal Revenso Service aEnpeysoca sacunty umb 465-57-9934 Selao OND No 154 0cre FASTI Us V theIRS wbstat ww.gow file b Enpioyar dacon umbrg 31-1238967 cEmplayar's nwans, add, andZP cada 2,700.00 Secereucur 0.00 4558atescurty lac wtels 167.40 Madicars ta wihhold 39.15 2,700.00 5 Nedioreeages and tipsu Cypress Corp. 1234 E. Chestnut Parkway Springfield, MO 65802 2,700.00 7 oluty tps 8 Aloed igs d Gool nunbar 10 Dapandant oe ere 9 Varication cote Emplayae's frane and istal Laet rams Nasqsaifed plars 18a Saa ngisuctions for hp 12 Sst. 11 Ken Hair 3567 River Street trepans urea Springfield, MO 63126 fEmplay's adds asd ZP ced 15 pyars tID mbor | 13 LOCHWIGUs sw.a 17 3tts ncome te 19 Loca inc 20 Lecatyanu e t 2,700.00 0.00 Dpar Wage and Tax Statement W-2 of the Treasary-intal Raue Srice 2018 Farr Copy B-To Be Flod with Employea's FEDERAL Tax Rotum This infomston is beng fumshed to the Itn Revense Service. The Hairs have interest income of $1,000 on City of St. Louis bonds. Beverly and Ken also received the following Form 1099-INT and 1099-DIV: The Hairs have interest income of $1,000 on City of St. Louis bonds. Beverly and Ken also received the following Form 1099-INT and 1099-DIV: CORRECTED (f checked PAYER'S nare, steet addes cy or towE, state or povisce, oounty, ZP Peyers RTN opon) CMB Ne. 40 Interest Boatman's Bank 2018 Income oest inoome 300 City Avenue Springfield, MO 63126 647.89 Form 1099-INT 2 Early wthdraval peraby Copy B PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN For Recipient 33-1234566 465-74-3321 hi on U.S Savinge Bonde and Treas. abligations 4 Federal income ta wereld5 investnent epesses RECPENTS m This is important t infomaion and Beverly and Ken Hair 7 Fng yr U pau ing miched to tthe 6 Forign tan pad AS f you ar required to fle a eum, a ngigence- penaty or other sencion may be imposed on you it his income is Seet addess (hcluding apt.noy Spi petuybond Tax- ptinteet 3567 River Street City or bown, state o province, courtry, and 2Por foraige postal code Springfield, MO 63126 10 Mertet dicea t Bond premiun axable and the IRS determines thatt has not baan raportad. FATCA final roquirent12 Jadonina Toan tiat130d peitaouptbnd 14Ta t and tax crec bond CUPre |15 Str 6 Sa iderdicatan n 7 Sate tax witheid Account nuvber joe inetructios) Farn 1099-INT kesp for your cords Departnant of the Teaury-tnal Revene evice www.igewfomt09NT CORRECTED (if checked) oUE No. 1545-0110 PAYERS nams, stset adds, city ar tom, iate or provincs, country, 2P a Tot ordinary divide de ar foreign poatal oa de, and tlephanen Dividends and Distributions Green Corporation 900 South Orange Ave Springfield, MO 63126 300.00 2018 1b Qualed dividends 300.00 2 Total gapital gis dat. Form 1000-DIV 2b Urecap Sec. 1250 gai Copy B Fon 100INT kesp for your records Dpartmant of the Teury-Itoral Rvnue Svice www.igorm100 CORRECTED (if checked) oUB No. 1545-0110 PAYERS name, stoat add,city ar town, ie or province, courtry, ZP a Total ondinary divideeds foreign poataloa de, and talephane no Dividends and Distributions Green Corporation 900 South Orange Ave Springfield, MO 63126 $ 300.00 1b Qualed dividends 2018 $300.00 2n Total capital gais st. Form 1000-DIV 2b Urecap Se 1260 gais S 2d Celectbles (2a) gan Copy B For Reciplent PAYERS TIN RECIPENTS TIN 2 Secton 1202 gs 33-11223344 465-57-9934 Trreis we FECPENTS name 3 Nondividend disiburions This in imparast tax infamaionand i bigfurihed to the R If you are eguied to te ebam, a negigerce panaty r other sarctos may ber irposed on you ts income is taxalie and the RS daberminas that it ha ot bean eerted Ken Hair S Secton 1984 dhidends vestertposs Seeet address ckding apt. so) 3567 River Street Fargn tax paid 7 Famig ury or UE. possension City or bown, state ar proinca, oountry, ard alP orfarags partal code Springfield, MO 63126 Cash icuidation dibuton 10 Nanh icudatondtbton FATCARing 11 Exemptierest dividands eqsiremert 12 Specfed prete acivy bond inteest dividends Apcount rurber isee inatuioss 13 State 14 l 6 ate x witheld Far 1099-DIV keep for your records www.isgowFom 1090VT Dpartest of the Treasay- emal Revenue Senice Ken is an excellent student at SMSU. He was given a $1,750 scholarship by the university to help pay educational expenses. The scholarship funds were used by Ken for tuition and books. Last year, Beverly was laid off from her former job and was unemployed during January 2018. She was paid $1,825 of unemployment compensation until she started work with her current employer, Cypress Corporation. Ken has a 4-year-old son, Robert R. Hair, from a prior marriage that ended in divorce in 2013. During 2018, he paid his ex-wife $300 per month in child support. Robert is claimed 405-07395 HHPEL3 0am 4 Federalineere ts w d 3 Nondividend disibuions Thie is imparnt ta infamaion ard baisg farshed to the R If you awe equed to e a bam, a neglonsce panaty orother sarctos may be inposed on you ths income taable and the RS Ken Hair Section 1884 didends vestertpass Set addess kding at. so) Famge ury or U pai Farsgn tas paid 3567 River Street 7 City or bown, stale ar proinoe, oountry, and Porfarags postal code Springfield, MO 63126 Cash icuidation dibuton 10 Nanh icudatondtbtons debarmines that tba oe bean perted FATCARing 11 Exempt-ierest dividands 12 Spedled prvete acfvty siemrt bond inet dividends Account number ee insu 13 lat14 16 ate tx withheld Far 1099-DIV keep for your records Departnest of the Treasary-Iemal Reverue Derice www.isgowFoms10930V Ken is an excellent student at SMSU. He was given a $1,750 scholarship by the university to help pay educational expenses. The scholarship funds were used by Ken for tuition and books. Last year, Beverly was laid off from her former job and was unemployed during January 2018. She was paid $1,825 of unemployment compensation until she started work with her current employer, Cypress Corporation. Ken has a 4-year-old son, Robert R. Hair, from a prior marriage that ended in divorce in 2013. During 2018, he paid his ex-wife $300 per month in child support. Robert is claimed dependent by Ken's ex-wife. as a During 2018, Ken's aunt died. The aunt, in her will, left Ken $15,000 in cash. Ken deposited this money in the Boatman's Bank savings account. Required: Complete the Hair's federal tax return for 2018 on Form 1040, Schedule 1, and the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet. Beverly and Ken Hair have been married for 3 years. Beverly works as an accountant at 1. Cypress Corporation. Ken is a full-time student at Southwest Missouri State University nmer at Cypress Corp. Ken's birthdate is January 12, 1992 and Beverly's birthdate is November 4, 1994. Bev and Ken's earnings and (SMSU) and also works part-time during the summ income tax withholdings are reported on the following Form W-2s: Befe aerate Enpoyes ocl culyr 465-74-3321 e file FASTI Ue- ww.sgowa OND No. 1545-000e b Engioyar idcon mbr a 31-1238967 cEmplayar's nns, addro, andZP cad Cypress Corp. 1234 E. Chestnut Parkway Springfield, MO 65802 50,700.00 4,892.00 carecun wsss 50,700.00 & Medicrewages and tps 50,700.00 Tolty p 3,143.40 Madics t withuld 735.15 Alutel li oon cate d Goolnb Dipndent oare be Employ's fraave and istol Set 11 Nongeaifed pars Last rare 13a Sainsinucons for bo 12 Beverly Hair 3567 River Street Springfield, MO 63126 1Es Eeply's addss and ZP cod 15 piyars stID ubr 16 sawag 1p, a 50,700.00 17 Stats income t 1a Loclig pa 19 Loca incos tac 20 Lecatyanu MO 680.00 Dpariat of tha Truasay-intmal Raa 2018 Sve Statement Farm copy B-To Be Fled with Employe's FEDERAL TaE Retum This information is boing fumiehed to the Internal Revense Service is ig f Eeploy's addsss and ZP code 15 Epibyar's state ID rbr 16 awagos 1, a 50,700.00 17 Stts nem te 1a Locl igs ,a 19 Loca incaTs ta 680.00 Wage and Tax Statement Dapariat of the Treasay-intmal aue Srvice 2018 .W-2 Farm copy B-To Be Fled with Employe's FEDERAL Tar Retum This infomation is being fumiched to the Intenal Revenso Service aEnpeysoca sacunty umb 465-57-9934 Selao OND No 154 0cre FASTI Us V theIRS wbstat ww.gow file b Enpioyar dacon umbrg 31-1238967 cEmplayar's nwans, add, andZP cada 2,700.00 Secereucur 0.00 4558atescurty lac wtels 167.40 Madicars ta wihhold 39.15 2,700.00 5 Nedioreeages and tipsu Cypress Corp. 1234 E. Chestnut Parkway Springfield, MO 65802 2,700.00 7 oluty tps 8 Aloed igs d Gool nunbar 10 Dapandant oe ere 9 Varication cote Emplayae's frane and istal Laet rams Nasqsaifed plars 18a Saa ngisuctions for hp 12 Sst. 11 Ken Hair 3567 River Street trepans urea Springfield, MO 63126 fEmplay's adds asd ZP ced 15 pyars tID mbor | 13 LOCHWIGUs sw.a 17 3tts ncome te 19 Loca inc 20 Lecatyanu e t 2,700.00 0.00 Dpar Wage and Tax Statement W-2 of the Treasary-intal Raue Srice 2018 Farr Copy B-To Be Flod with Employea's FEDERAL Tax Rotum This infomston is beng fumshed to the Itn Revense Service. The Hairs have interest income of $1,000 on City of St. Louis bonds. Beverly and Ken also received the following Form 1099-INT and 1099-DIV: The Hairs have interest income of $1,000 on City of St. Louis bonds. Beverly and Ken also received the following Form 1099-INT and 1099-DIV: CORRECTED (f checked PAYER'S nare, steet addes cy or towE, state or povisce, oounty, ZP Peyers RTN opon) CMB Ne. 40 Interest Boatman's Bank 2018 Income oest inoome 300 City Avenue Springfield, MO 63126 647.89 Form 1099-INT 2 Early wthdraval peraby Copy B PAYERS TIN RECIPIENTS TIN For Recipient 33-1234566 465-74-3321 hi on U.S Savinge Bonde and Treas. abligations 4 Federal income ta wereld5 investnent epesses RECPENTS m This is important t infomaion and Beverly and Ken Hair 7 Fng yr U pau ing miched to tthe 6 Forign tan pad AS f you ar required to fle a eum, a ngigence- penaty or other sencion may be imposed on you it his income is Seet addess (hcluding apt.noy Spi petuybond Tax- ptinteet 3567 River Street City or bown, state o province, courtry, and 2Por foraige postal code Springfield, MO 63126 10 Mertet dicea t Bond premiun axable and the IRS determines thatt has not baan raportad. FATCA final roquirent12 Jadonina Toan tiat130d peitaouptbnd 14Ta t and tax crec bond CUPre |15 Str 6 Sa iderdicatan n 7 Sate tax witheid Account nuvber joe inetructios) Farn 1099-INT kesp for your cords Departnant of the Teaury-tnal Revene evice www.igewfomt09NT CORRECTED (if checked) oUE No. 1545-0110 PAYERS nams, stset adds, city ar tom, iate or provincs, country, 2P a Tot ordinary divide de ar foreign poatal oa de, and tlephanen Dividends and Distributions Green Corporation 900 South Orange Ave Springfield, MO 63126 300.00 2018 1b Qualed dividends 300.00 2 Total gapital gis dat. Form 1000-DIV 2b Urecap Sec. 1250 gai Copy B Fon 100INT kesp for your records Dpartmant of the Teury-Itoral Rvnue Svice www.igorm100 CORRECTED (if checked) oUB No. 1545-0110 PAYERS name, stoat add,city ar town, ie or province, courtry, ZP a Total ondinary divideeds foreign poataloa de, and talephane no Dividends and Distributions Green Corporation 900 South Orange Ave Springfield, MO 63126 $ 300.00 1b Qualed dividends 2018 $300.00 2n Total capital gais st. Form 1000-DIV 2b Urecap Se 1260 gais S 2d Celectbles (2a) gan Copy B For Reciplent PAYERS TIN RECIPENTS TIN 2 Secton 1202 gs 33-11223344 465-57-9934 Trreis we FECPENTS name 3 Nondividend disiburions This in imparast tax infamaionand i bigfurihed to the R If you are eguied to te ebam, a negigerce panaty r other sarctos may ber irposed on you ts income is taxalie and the RS daberminas that it ha ot bean eerted Ken Hair S Secton 1984 dhidends vestertposs Seeet address ckding apt. so) 3567 River Street Fargn tax paid 7 Famig ury or UE. possension City or bown, state ar proinca, oountry, ard alP orfarags partal code Springfield, MO 63126 Cash icuidation dibuton 10 Nanh icudatondtbton FATCARing 11 Exemptierest dividands eqsiremert 12 Specfed prete acivy bond inteest dividends Apcount rurber isee inatuioss 13 State 14 l 6 ate x witheld Far 1099-DIV keep for your records www.isgowFom 1090VT Dpartest of the Treasay- emal Revenue Senice Ken is an excellent student at SMSU. He was given a $1,750 scholarship by the university to help pay educational expenses. The scholarship funds were used by Ken for tuition and books. Last year, Beverly was laid off from her former job and was unemployed during January 2018. She was paid $1,825 of unemployment compensation until she started work with her current employer, Cypress Corporation. Ken has a 4-year-old son, Robert R. Hair, from a prior marriage that ended in divorce in 2013. During 2018, he paid his ex-wife $300 per month in child support. Robert is claimed 405-07395 HHPEL3 0am 4 Federalineere ts w d 3 Nondividend disibuions Thie is imparnt ta infamaion ard baisg farshed to the R If you awe equed to e a bam, a neglonsce panaty orother sarctos may be inposed on you ths income taable and the RS Ken Hair Section 1884 didends vestertpass Set addess kding at. so) Famge ury or U pai Farsgn tas paid 3567 River Street 7 City or bown, stale ar proinoe, oountry, and Porfarags postal code Springfield, MO 63126 Cash icuidation dibuton 10 Nanh icudatondtbtons debarmines that tba oe bean perted FATCARing 11 Exempt-ierest dividands 12 Spedled prvete acfvty siemrt bond inet dividends Account number ee insu 13 lat14 16 ate tx withheld Far 1099-DIV keep for your records Departnest of the Treasary-Iemal Reverue Derice www.isgowFoms10930V Ken is an excellent student at SMSU. He was given a $1,750 scholarship by the university to help pay educational expenses. The scholarship funds were used by Ken for tuition and books. Last year, Beverly was laid off from her former job and was unemployed during January 2018. She was paid $1,825 of unemployment compensation until she started work with her current employer, Cypress Corporation. Ken has a 4-year-old son, Robert R. Hair, from a prior marriage that ended in divorce in 2013. During 2018, he paid his ex-wife $300 per month in child support. Robert is claimed dependent by Ken's ex-wife. as a During 2018, Ken's aunt died. The aunt, in her will, left Ken $15,000 in cash. Ken deposited this money in the Boatman's Bank savings account. Required: Complete the Hair's federal tax return for 2018 on Form 1040, Schedule 1, and the Qualified Dividends and Capital Gain Tax Worksheet

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