Blensom Ltd. began operations indaruary 2023 Oe Decenber 11,2023 , the end of its firt year ef operatiens, the balince in the compamys Accounts Recewable account was $138,000. Al at she corrouny'swes are mude on account, and durins 2023. 30a af the to4al credit sales were collerted, ard no accounts were we at en oft as uncollectible. Blonsarn s management eruuped ita recelvables based on credit risk characteristics, indudne seoeraphik location and the iength of time the repeivahles have been outitand ate, and estimated the expected rate of crodit losses for each grow. Hased on this. marazement estimated that tho expected tocat eredit sases wauld be $13.800. During the following year, 2024, Blentim had sales totaling $1.002000. It cofected 75% af these salec tobecher with 455 of the outst andine recevables tram 2023. Durins 2024, the company wrote of 320.900 of receivabies fremecustemen. accounts had oreviously boen writiten off. INote that this amount war not included in the collection horei ghen asoved MAanaestient determined that abe expected total credit losses would be 521.150 (a2) 125 /25E1 (To teiretate an accours trot was previously witien oll) (To recore zabsequert colfecten of accounts that were previously written cef) (To resognize the crost lostes? Blensom Ltd. began operations indaruary 2023 Oe Decenber 11,2023 , the end of its firt year ef operatiens, the balince in the compamys Accounts Recewable account was $138,000. Al at she corrouny'swes are mude on account, and durins 2023. 30a af the to4al credit sales were collerted, ard no accounts were we at en oft as uncollectible. Blonsarn s management eruuped ita recelvables based on credit risk characteristics, indudne seoeraphik location and the iength of time the repeivahles have been outitand ate, and estimated the expected rate of crodit losses for each grow. Hased on this. marazement estimated that tho expected tocat eredit sases wauld be $13.800. During the following year, 2024, Blentim had sales totaling $1.002000. It cofected 75% af these salec tobecher with 455 of the outst andine recevables tram 2023. Durins 2024, the company wrote of 320.900 of receivabies fremecustemen. accounts had oreviously boen writiten off. INote that this amount war not included in the collection horei ghen asoved MAanaestient determined that abe expected total credit losses would be 521.150 (a2) 125 /25E1 (To teiretate an accours trot was previously witien oll) (To recore zabsequert colfecten of accounts that were previously written cef) (To resognize the crost lostes