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Body Fat (%) Height (m) Weight(kg) 12.3 1.72085 69.96662 6.1 1.83515 78.58488 25.3 1.68275 69.85322 10.4 1.83515 83.80119 28.7 1.80975 83.57439 20.9 1.89865 95.3678 19.2

Body Fat (%) Height (m) Weight(kg)
12.3 1.72085 69.96662
6.1 1.83515 78.58488
25.3 1.68275 69.85322
10.4 1.83515 83.80119
28.7 1.80975 83.57439
20.9 1.89865 95.3678
19.2 1.77165 82.10022
12.4 1.8415 79.83226
4.1 1.8796 86.63614
11.7 1.8669 89.92469
7.1 1.8923 84.48158
7.8 1.9304 97.97595
20.8 1.7653 81.87342
21.2 1.80975 93.09983
22.1 1.7653 85.16197
20.9 1.6764 73.82216
29 1.8034 88.79071
22.9 1.8034 94.9142
16 1.72085 83.3476
16.5 1.8669 96.04818
19.1 1.7272 81.19303
15.2 1.77165 90.94527
15.6 1.73355 63.61633
17.7 1.778 67.47187
14 1.72085 68.60585
3.7 1.8161 72.23458
7.9 1.7145 59.6474
22.9 1.7145 67.13167
3.7 1.64465 60.44118
8.8 1.7526 72.91497
11.9 1.87325 82.55381
5.7 1.80975 72.68818
11.8 1.80975 76.20352
21.3 1.8034 99.10993
32.3 1.8669 112.1507
40.1 1.651 86.97634
24.2 1.778 91.73906
28.4 1.73355 89.2443
35.2 1.83515 164.7221
32.6 1.7018 92.07925
34.5 1.74625 119.1814
32.9 1.7493 92.98644
31.6 1.778 98.42954
32 1.8161 96.16158
7.7 1.7272 56.81244
13.9 1.86055 74.50255
10.8 1.7145 60.55458
5.6 1.80975 67.35847
13.6 1.7399 61.57516
4 1.69545 57.83303
10.2 1.83515 71.78099
6.6 1.7526 63.16274
8 1.72085 62.25555
6.3 1.8669 69.28623
3.9 1.7145 61.80196
22.6 1.8288 89.81129
20.4 1.7272 82.32702
28 1.7653 91.28546
31.5 1.79705 91.85245
24.6 1.67005 81.53323
26.1 1.86055 97.97595
29.8 1.7399 81.07964
30.7 1.78435 87.65673
25.8 1.7018 80.73944
32.3 1.778 93.21323
30 1.7145 83.2342
21.5 1.79705 68.71924
13.8 1.8161 70.19342
6.3 1.75895 70.42022
12.9 1.8161 71.1006
24.3 1.8161 75.97672
8.8 1.74625 66.56468
8.5 1.87325 72.91497
13.5 1.6256 56.69905
11.8 1.67005 64.86371
18.5 1.7145 67.24507
8.8 1.7653 73.70876
22.2 1.7399 80.62604
21.5 1.78435 73.14177
18.8 1.75895 77.67769
31.4 1.72085 74.27575
26.8 1.70815 68.15225
18.4 1.84785 86.29595
27 1.778 77.4509
27 1.75895 76.20352
26.6 1.7145 75.74993
14.9 1.70815 71.5542
23.1 1.67005 72.57478
8.3 1.8415 80.17245
14.1 1.8542 79.83226
20.5 1.778 80.28585
18.2 1.7653 81.53323
8.5 1.7907 74.95614
24.9 1.82245 87.31653
9 1.8923 83.57439
17.4 1.97485 101.8315
9.6 1.86055 85.61556
11.3 1.6891 73.70876
17.8 1.73355 70.98721
22.2 1.8288 89.3577
21.2 1.8669 90.03809
20.4 1.8288 78.81167
20.1 1.80975 78.35808
22.3 1.87325 89.2443
25.4 1.75895 80.28585
18 1.7399 75.06954
19.3 1.8669 90.83187
18.3 1.88595 92.19265
17.3 1.9177 87.99692
21.4 1.75895 76.43031
19.7 1.7399 77.4509
28 1.778 83.1208
22.1 1.778 80.85284
21.3 1.78435 73.93556
26.7 1.82245 79.49206
16.7 1.75895 71.66759
20.1 1.84785 80.39925
13.9 1.8288 81.19303
25.8 1.8796 86.63614
18.1 1.83515 85.04857
27.9 1.8923 93.66682
25.3 1.8161 84.02799
14.7 1.74625 72.68818
16 1.69545 68.71924
13.8 1.6891 73.02837
17.5 1.7018 75.74993
27.2 1.74625 80.51265
17.4 1.72085 69.05944
20.8 1.86055 87.20313
14.9 1.77165 74.95614
18.1 1.8161 77.90449
22.7 1.7907 77.67769
23.6 1.86055 89.3577
26.1 1.69545 71.214
24.4 1.7653 76.31692
27.1 1.77165 84.36818
21.8 1.79705 75.63653
29.4 1.8796 85.16197
22.4 1.80975 76.31692
20.4 1.905 96.50178
24.9 1.8034 80.17245
18.3 1.7653 78.58488
23.3 1.72085 75.74993
9.4 1.83515 72.46138
10.3 1.9685 85.3434
14.2 1.79705 70.76041
19.2 1.84785 94.57401
29.6 1.77165 93.66682
5.3 1.8415 65.2039
25.2 1.78435 101.1511
9.4 1.7526 69.05944
19.6 1.8923 109.656
10.1 1.83515 66.22449
16.5 1.70815 71.1006
21 1.8669 90.83187
17.3 1.91135 77.79109
31.2 1.7526 93.32663
10 1.83515 82.78061
12.5 1.74625 61.91536
22.5 1.8161 80.39925
9.4 1.83515 68.60585
14.6 1.8542 88.9041
13 1.74625 83.57439
15.1 1.7907 63.50293
27.3 1.8288 99.22333
19.2 1.87325 98.42954
21.8 1.7272 75.40973
20.3 1.83515 101.9449
34.3 1.7653 103.5325
16.5 1.7653 78.35808
3 1.72085 69.05944
0.7 1.6637 57.03924
20.5 1.8034 80.39925
16.9 1.8161 79.94566
25.3 1.82245 102.8521
9.9 1.75895 65.88429
13.1 1.7018 68.49245
29.9 1.8161 109.4292
22.5 1.75895 84.93517
16.9 1.8923 106.4808
26.6 1.88595 99.45013
0 1.7272 53.7507
11.5 1.70815 66.11109
12.1 1.77165 72.23458
17.5 1.88595 77.3375
8.6 1.8161 75.97672
23.6 1.88595 105.5736
20.4 1.8288 95.48119
20.5 1.8415 91.73906
24.4 1.73355 83.91459
11.4 1.75895 69.39963
38.1 1.9304 110.7899
15.9 1.7907 87.77012
24.7 1.89865 101.9449
22.8 1.84785 73.82216
25.5 1.73355 81.64663
22 1.7526 70.87381
17.7 1.8161 76.20352
6.6 1.84785 75.86332
23.6 1.7145 77.4509
12.2 1.78435 80.85284
22.1 1.75895 68.03886
28.7 1.8161 90.94527
6 1.8796 83.461
34.8 1.77165 101.1511
16.6 1.8542 94.68741
32.9 1.6637 75.29633
32.8 1.8415 88.45051
9.6 1.78435 72.80158
10.8 1.79705 72.46138
7.1 1.7272 63.72973
27.2 1.8923 98.08935
19.5 1.82245 76.31692
18.7 1.79705 88.33711
19.5 1.8542 78.35808
47.5 1.6256 99.33673
13.6 1.77165 67.69866
7.5 1.778 70.08002
24.5 1.82245 90.37828
15 1.75895 70.08002
12.4 1.7907 69.51303
26 1.83515 104.3262
11.5 1.7145 73.36857
5.2 1.70815 64.52351
10.9 1.74625 81.53323
12.5 1.69545 57.37943
14.8 1.73355 76.88391
25.2 1.88595 90.03809
14.9 1.7653 79.15187
17 1.7399 76.09012
10.6 1.67005 67.01827
16.1 1.82245 82.66721
15.4 1.8161 79.60546
26.7 1.70815 73.36857
25.8 1.7145 71.5542
18.6 1.7145 76.54371
24.8 1.83515 86.86294
27.3 1.7653 99.40477
12.4 1.7653 70.42022
29.9 1.67005 86.06915
17 1.67005 57.83303
35 1.73355 101.8315
30.4 1.8288 106.254
32.6 1.84785 103.3057
29 1.7399 90.49168
15.2 1.75895 70.53361
30.2 1.7907 97.74916
11 1.7018 60.89478
33.6 1.77165 91.17207
29.3 1.6764 84.70838
26 1.7907 86.52274
31.9 1.778 94.12042

Attached is a dataset that lists estimates of the percentage of body fat determined by underwater weighing and various body circumference measurements for 252 men from K.W. Penrose, A.G. Nelson, A.G. Fisher, FACSM, Human Performance Research Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 as listed in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, vol.17, no. 2, April 1985, p.189.

Some experts claim BMI (Body Mass Index) as the most accurate and simple way to determine the effect of weight on your health.Meanwhile, in September 2000, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study showing that body-fat percentage may be a better measure of your risk of weight-related diseases than BMI.

An important question that arises is whether there is a relationship between 'Body Fat Percentage' and 'Body Mass Index' as a predictor.

Body Mass Index is defined as

With the use of the statistical techniques used in this programme (especially simple linear regression), explain whether BMI can be used to explain the Body Fat percentage for an individual based on the dataset provided. Clearly explain and interpret your results.

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