Bonnie knocked on the door and Enis former girlfriend answered. Bonnie handed her the package and walked away. On the way back to pick up Able and Clyde, Bonnie could see through the rearview that the home of Enis' girlfriend immediately blew up after Bonnie dropped off the package. Enis' former girlfriend and her parents were killed. Undaunted, Bonnie picked up Able and Clyde and headed for the beach. Little did they know the police had found the antique candleholder next to Dick's body. They quickly linked that evidence to Able, Bonnie, and Clyde. There was an immediate APB out, and a patrolling officer (0 hereafter) noticed Able, Bonnie, and Clyde in the car ahead. 0 pulled the boys over. Over the loudspeaker, 0 said, "step out of the car, please." The boys, knowing they were caught, decided it was time to bone up for what they had done. All three calmly exited the car, raised their hands, and turned to 0. Without hesitation, O fired three rounds, striking each of the boys in the head and killing them instantly. 10. What substantive crimes did Clyde commit? Which crimes committed by Clyde, if any, can be imputed on either Able or Bonnie? Explain how. What substantive crimes did Able commit? Which crimes committed by Able, if any, can be imputed on either Bonnie or Clyde? Explain how. What substantive crimes did Bonnie commit? Which crimes committed by Bonnie, if any, can be imputed on either Able or Clyde? Explain how. Did Nelly commit any crimes? What about Dick? Discuss the transaction between Bonnie and Enis. Any crimes? You are the parents of Able, Bonnie, and Clyde in a wrongful death action against the police department. At trial, 0 raises the defense of public authority and is acquitted. Discuss the argument(s) that should be made on appeal