Budget Performance Reports for Cost Centers Partially completed budget performance reports for Delmar Company, a manufacturer of light duty motors, follow: Delmar Company Budget Performance Report-Vice President, Production For the Month Ended June 30 Delmar Company Budget Performance Report-Manager, Western Region Plant For the Month Ended June 30 Delmar Company Budget Performance Report-Supervisor, Chip Fabrication For the Month Ended June 30 a. Complete the budget performance reports by determining the correct amounts for the lettered spaces (a-1) as markad abovit. a. 1 b. C. d. E b. Complete the folfowing memo to Randi Wilices, vice president of production for Delmar Company, explaining the performance of the production division for June . MEiMo To: Randi What, Mae President of Production The plant has experienced a budpet overrun. Its budget reveal that the superwisar ut the Department should investigste the reasons for the budget ovemuns if Budget Performance Reports for Cost Centers Partially completed budget performance reports for Delmar Company, a manufacturer of light duty motors, follow: Delmar Company Budget Performance Report-Vice President, Production For the Month Ended June 30 Delmar Company Budget Performance Report-Manager, Western Region Plant For the Month Ended June 30 Delmar Company Budget Performance Report-Supervisor, Chip Fabrication For the Month Ended June 30 a. Complete the budget performance reports by determining the correct amounts for the lettered spaces (a-1) as markad abovit. a. 1 b. C. d. E b. Complete the folfowing memo to Randi Wilices, vice president of production for Delmar Company, explaining the performance of the production division for June . MEiMo To: Randi What, Mae President of Production The plant has experienced a budpet overrun. Its budget reveal that the superwisar ut the Department should investigste the reasons for the budget ovemuns if