Business: Car Mechanic
Type of customer: Inexperienced Customer
( has no clue about cars)
DIFFC UEI CUS IUVER PROSECT Look at the list at the bottom of this document. I randomly assigned each student: 1. A business 2. A type of difficult customer This is an individual project. Some of the scenarios may have more than one name but each student should do this project on their own. Brainstorm several "Difficult Customer" scenarios for the business you have been assigned. You are going to write two scripts involving this scenario. These scripts should be written in conversation format. One script should show how not to handle a customer complaint, and the other should show how to properly handle the same complaint. You will record a video acting out your scenarios. You can do this with the help of a friend, family member, Barbies, stuffed animals, or anyone who you chose to help you. For example, if you were assigned "Shoe Store" and "Angry Customer": Script 1: How not to handle the customer complaint Pick a scenario of what the complaint could be. The shoe the customer bought might not fit properly and caused blisters, or the sole fell off. The script should give specific details of the complaint and the employee reaction to the complaint. In this first script, you should show hot to not handle the customer's complaint. Example: Customer: (angry) "I can't believe your colleague talked me into buying those crappy running shoes! I wore them last weekend and now I can hardly walk! I have blisters all over! " Employee: (snappy) "Well, didn't you try these shoes on before you bought them? bought might not fit properly and caused blisters, or the sole fell off. The script should give specific details of the complaint and the employee reaction to the complaint. In this first script, you should show hot to not handle the customer's complaint. Example: Customer: (angry) "I can't believe your colleague talked me into buying those crappy running shoes! I wore them last weekend and now I can hardly walk! I have blisters all over! " Employee: (snappy) "Well, didn't you try these shoes on before you bought them? My associate doesn't know if the shoe fits or not!" (continue the script here... how does it end?) Script 2: How to handle the customer complaint properly Using the chosen scenario, write a script how to properly handle the customer's complaint. Example: Customer: (angry) "I can't believe your colleague talked me into buying those crappy running shoes! I wore them last weekend and now I can hardly walk! I have blisters all over!" Employee: "Mam, I am truly sorry about your experience with our shoes and that your feet hurt. Could you please tell me which shoes you are referring to?" (continue the script does it get resolved?)