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By intent, education increases the productivity of labor. Suppose a country institutes effective public education so that the literacy and numerous rates within the country

By intent, education increases the productivity of labor. Suppose a country institutes effective public education so that the literacy and numerous rates within the country increase dramatically.

a.Thinking only in terms of a single firm's situation, discuss the consequences for the firm's hiring decisions.

b.In the general labor market, discuss the consequences of effective consequencesand how they feedback into firm decisions.

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LFPR by gender 15-64 Data Source Country Name Indicator Name 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2090 Afghanistan AFG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 15.66 15.74 15.78 15.77 15.75 15.78 15,58 15,40 15,27 15,19 15,15 AFG LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80.71 80.66 80.57 80.46 80.33 80.16 80.14 80.15 80.16 80.18 80,20 AGO LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 76.74 76.69 76.66 76.68 76.64 76.58 76,55 76,54 76,53 76,52 76,49 Angol AGO LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80.22 80.26 80.34 80.58 80.52 80.31 80.21 80.10 79,96 79,81 79.63 ALB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 58,57 61,28 61,80 60.88 60.07 58.92 58.24 59.11 58.45 57.55 57,04 ALB LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 77.74 77,89 77.88 77.92 77.80 77.50 77.68 78.04 78.19 78.22 78.23 ARE LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 28,85 29,62 30.28 31.18 31.59 31.95 32.24 32.67 33,22 33,86 34,51 ARE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 91,07 91,03 91,33 91,91 92.44 92.94 92.09 91.64 91,61 91,92 92,35 ARG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 51,98 52,85 53.65 54.53 35.19 34.96 35.64 36.61 37.18 56,99 57,06 Argentina ARG LFPR, male (%% of male population ages 15-64) 82,49 82,31 82,06 81,80 81.56 81.26 81.21 81.30 81.39 81,44 81.53 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 52,19 52,48 52,75 53,00 53,20 53,33 53.33 53.28 53,19 53,10 53,04 Armenia ARM LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 72,75 72,95 73,09 73,13 73,08 72.92 72.57 72.16 71.71 71,24 70,79 AUS LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 61,90 61,65 61,77 61,65 62,82 64,06 64.33 64,11 64.21 64,24 65,33 AUS LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 85,08 84,21 83,76 83,45 83,56 83,87 83,77 83.18 82.96 82.60 82,44 Austria AUT LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 55,23 56,01 57,72 58,49 61,17 62.28 61,76 61.68 62,22 62,41 62,34 AUT LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,16 80,40 80,61 80,46 80,51 80,71 80.28 79,73 79.81 80,06 79,82 AZE LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,12 56,32 57,35 58,67 59,99 60,90 61,08 61,02 60,36 60,63 61,09 AZE LFPR, male (%% of male population ages 15-64) 73,29 73,53 74,31 74,94 75,32 75,49 75,56 75.55 75,47 75,36 74,91 BDI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 91,83 91,42 90,94 90,38 89,76 89,07 88,37 87,59 86,72 86,09 85,40 BDI LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 90,91 90,44 89,88 89,21 88,45 87,61 86,87 86,06 85,15 84,30 83,39 Belgium BEL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 46,23 48,19 49,29 50,27 51,23 51,82 52,09 52,87 53,76 55,90 56,50 Belgium BEL LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 71,27 71,86 71,65 71,24 72,08 72,39 72,33 72,29 72,53 73,10 73,81 BEN LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 58,74 58,73 58,73 59,58 60,43 61,27 62,09 62,91 63,71 64,49 65,27 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 89,61 89,61 89,56 88,72 87,83 86,90 85,90 84,85 83,74 82,58 81,38 Burkina Faso BFA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 79,11 79,07 78,19 77 28 76,32 75,34 74,33 73,29 72,21 71,11 69,97 Burkina Faso BFA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) BGR LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) Bulgaria BGR LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 71,55 71.57 71.58 70.97 70.36 69.76 69.24 68.72 68.17 67,50 66,68 Bahrain LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 30.39 30,09 30.72 31.43 32.20 32.98 33.56 34.13 34,74 35,44 36,23 Bahrain LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 89.56 89.02 88.82 88 85 89.03 89.27 88.67 88,20 87,97 87,98 88,15 BHS LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 68,72 69.65 70.60 71.54 72.42 72.71 72.90 72.89 73.14 73,60 73,79 BHS LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81,91 82.96 83.98 84.93 85.72 85.71 85.69 85.65 85,37 84,97 84,82 BIH LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 39.05 39.19 39.23 39.18 39.11 38.99 38.98 39.01 39.01 38,97 38,99 Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 63.04 63,07 63,18 63.33 63.44 63.53 63.62 63,63 63,66 63,76 63,86 Belarus BLR LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 64,49 64,56 64,60 64,73 64.93 65.20 65.42 65.56 65,36 65,99 66,70 BLR LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 74,03 73,97 74.04 74.18 74.29 7433 74.27 74.09 73.91 73,82 74,08 Belize BLZ LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 36,35 37,09 37,95 38 23 37.83 38.00 38.27 39.24 40,23 41,27 42,36 Belize BLZ LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84,70 84,33 83,88 83,73 83,93 84.27 84,42 84.21 84,07 84,02 84,06 Bolivia BOL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 58,66 59,00 59,04 59,35 59,71 60.09 60.41 60,80 61.03 61,26 61,47 Bolivia LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83,37 83,45 83,31 83,34 83,40 83.50 83.57 83.68 83.60 83,47 83,28 Brazil BRA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 14,59 44,87 46,31 47,75 49,19 50,62 49.54 50.49 51.43 52,78 53,88 Brazil BRA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 86,52 86,49 86,06 85,60 85,11 84,59 82,78 83,29 82,78 82,67 82,09 BRB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 71,75 70,96 71,82 72,94 73,92 75,14 76,13 75,20 75,15 75,08 75,02 85,46 82,88 84,22 85,04 85,67 86,37 84.34 85,40 85,20 84,96 84,71 BRN LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 47,74 48,02 48,98 50,01 51,13 52,35 53,27 54,30 55,45 56,64 57,79 Brunei Darussalam BRN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83,83 83,75 83,44 83,23 83,10 83,03 82,76 82,56 82,42 82,33 82,22 Bhutan LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 61,92 61,51 61,13 60,76 60,38 59,99 60,36 60,89 61,53 62,27 63,10 BTN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81,90 81,49 81,05 80,58 80,09 79,58 79,24 78,92 78,63 78,35 78,09 BWA LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 49,78 49,97 50,19 50,42 50,67 50.95 51,17 51,41 51,75 51,48 51,21 BWA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 76,71 76,23 75,86 75,49 75,02 74,41 73,96 73,35 72,83 71,00 68,97 CAF LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,77 66,75 66,78 66,80 66,82 66,82 66,82 66,76 66,72 66,69 66,72 Central African Republic CA LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,91 80,91 80,94 80,88 80,75 80,55 80,56 80,45 80,31 80,15 80,04 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 68,38 68.54 67.96 67,83 67.76 67.78 67,81 68,22 69,03 69,74 70,35 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84,95 83,92 82,74 82,39 82,10 81,55 81,32 81,49 81,42 81,89 81,94 CHI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 69.00 68,62 69.81 69.98 68,99 68,93 70,30 70,68 71,99 72,38 71,78 Switzerland CHE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 90.64 91.08 90.95 91.01 89.92 90.15 90,08 89,84 90,06 89.68 89,30 CHI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 56,57 56.53 56.75 57.29 58.41 58,42 58.15 58,62 59,40 60,45 60,77 CH LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81.21 81.58 81.66 81,86 81,75 81,83 81,93 81,80 81,69 81,36 81,22 Chile CHL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 35.82 36,55 37.57 38 29 38.90 39.82 40.60 41,78 42,17 42,46 42,42 Chile CHL LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 81.15 81.30 81.45 81.49 81.50 81.56 81,58 81,20 81,18 81,21 80.07 China LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 79.39 79.26 79.13 79.00 78.84 78.64 78.41 78.14 77,80 77,39 76,92 China CHN LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 88,79 88,80 88,86 88.94 89.00 88.99 88.94 88,82 88,63 88,34 87.95 CIV LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 48,93 48,94 48,96 49.01 49.06 49.08 49.03 49.02 49.01 48,98 48,95 CIV LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 84.68 84.51 84.23 83,89 83.51 83.02 82.83 82.69 82,51 81,80 81,09 CMR LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 88,50 88,60 88,63 88.63 88,49 88 26 8808 87,83 87,51 87,18 86,84 Congo, Dem. Rep. LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 71,40 71,42 71,46 71,51 71 52 71.51 71.49 71.49 71,47 71,48 71,50 Congo, Dem. Rep COD LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 70,94 71,33 71,73 72,14 72,29 72.26 72.45 72.62 72.64 72.67 72,75 Congo, Rep. COG LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 66,33 66,32 66,32 66,36 66,45 66.52 66.59 66.71 66.84 67,02 67,17 Congo, Rep. COG LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 72,38 72,07 71,73 71,47 71.34 71,11 70.94 70.92 70.89 71.01 70,97 Colombia COL LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 53,40 53,73 54,20 54,77 55,39 55,97 56,26 56,72 56,93 56,68 57,10 COL 86,19 86,30 86,42 86,54 86,64 86,70 86.64 86.61 86,46 86,14 86,10 COM COM LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 31,98 32,03 32,04 32,10 32,25 32,36 32.49 32.60 32.75 32,92 33,08 LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 54,09 54,42 54,22 54,13 54,25 53,98 53,84 53,47 53,15 52,77 52,09 Cabo Verde LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 45,01 45,30 45,60 45,92 46,24 46,54 46,80 47,03 47,24 47,43 47,63 Cabo Verde CPV 87,43 86,86 86,29 85,70 85,06 84,33 83,53 82,62 81,61 80,55 79,47 CRI LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 35,33 36,09 35,58 36,56 37,88 38,85 37,31 40,58 43,17 43,40 41,84 CRI LFPR, male (" of male population ages 15-64) 87,28 86,15 85,49 86,02 85,75 86,69 84,46 85,55 86,39 85,13 84,63 CUB LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 41,93 41,81 41,84 41,95 42,05 42,03 41,69 41,58 41,74 41,58 41,65 CUB LFPR, male (2% of male population ages 15-64) 71,64 72,32 73,06 73,81 74,44 74,92 75,49 75,66 75,52 75,54 75,49 LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 53,33 53,83 54,71 53,86 55,62 54,61 54,97 56,86 56,54 56,49 57,42 Cyprus CYP LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 80,89 81,10 80,09 81,04 80.17 80.58 80.69 79,46 79,20 79,36 79,15 Czech Republic CZE LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 63,56 63,80 63,93 64,02 64,43 64,04 63,42 63,28 63,62 63,92 63,61 Czech Republic CZE LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 79,97 80,40 80.39 80.39 80 39 80,46 80,44 79,52 79,40 79,43 78,76 DEU LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 57.77 61,49 61.35 60.78 61.58 61,48 61.54 62.14 62,50 63,28 63,50 Germany LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) DJ LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 47.74 47.69 47.76 47.94 48,08 48.18 48,38 48,52 48,64 48,77 48,97 Djibouti DJ LFPR, male (% of male population ages 15-64) 83.05 83,05 82.72 82.23 81.70 81.45 81.11 81,00 80,99 80,78 80,31 DNK LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 77.61 78,07 78.20 77.39 73.33 73 30 73 36 73.89 74,77 75,52 75,41 DNK 87.07 86.38 85.76 84.87 83.93 85.63 85.46 85.64 83,87 85,45 84.17 Dominican Republic DOM LFPR, female (% of female population ages 15-64) 37.36 37.28 38,42 39.11 39.24 39.75 40,32 41,26 41,96 42,57 43,03 Dominican Republic LFPR, male (%% of male population ages 15-64)

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