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C++ Help We will define a ring to be sorted bi-directional circular list that is implemented using links. Each node in the ring will have

C++ Help

We will define a ring to be sorted bi-directional circular list that is implemented using links. Each node in the ring will have a backward and forward link and a data entry. The ring will be sorted in ascending order following the forward links. Of course, since the ring is circular, there is a discontinuity in the sort at the head (the start/end point) of the ring. Create a templated ring class along with functions for inserting and deleting data, and a function that displays the contents of the ring. Will need to update a few portions of the code so that it supports bi-directional linked lists. Write a driver that inserts 50 unique random ints into a ring, displays the ring in both forward and backward directions by following the links, and then deletes all of the odd values that were inserted. Perform the deletions by saving a list of the odd values (say, in a vector or array) and then using your delete function dont write a special function that traverses the ring, deleting odd values as it goes. Should your delete function follow the forward or backward links when deleting? Display the ring again in both forward and backwards directions after performing the deletions.




/** ADT sorted list: Link-based implementation.

@file LinkedSortedList.h */

#pragma warning(disable : 4290)

#pragma once

#include "SortedListInterface.h"

#include "Node.h"

#include "PrecondViolatedExcep.h"


class LinkedSortedList : public SortedListInterface



Node* headPtr; // Pointer to first node in the chain

int itemCount; // Current count of list items

// Locates the node that is before the node that should or does

// contain the given entry.

// @param anEntry The entry to find.

// @return Either a pointer to the node before the node that contains

// or should contain the given entry, or nullptr if no prior node exists.

Node* getNodeBefore(const ItemType& anEntry) const;

// Locates the node at a given position within the chain.

Node* getNodeAt(int position) const;

// Returns a pointer to a copy of the chain to which origChainPtr points.

Node* copyChain(const Node* origChainPtr);



LinkedSortedList(const LinkedSortedList& aList);

virtual ~LinkedSortedList();

void insertSorted(const ItemType& newEntry);

bool removeSorted(const ItemType& anEntry);

int getPosition(const ItemType& newEntry) const;

// The following methods are the same as given in ListInterface:

bool isEmpty() const;

int getLength() const;

bool remove(int position);

void clear();

ItemType getEntry(int position) const throw(PrecondViolatedExcep);

}; // end LinkedSortedList

#include "LinkedSortedList.cpp"




/** @file Node.h

Listing 4-1 */

#pragma once


class Node



ItemType item; // A data item

Node* next; // Pointer to next node



Node(const ItemType& anItem);

Node(const ItemType& anItem, Node* nextNodePtr);

void setItem(const ItemType& anItem);

void setNext(Node* nextNodePtr);

ItemType getItem() const;

Node* getNext() const;

}; // end Node

#include "Node.cpp"




/** Listing 7-5.

@file PrecondViolatedExcep.h */

#pragma once



using namespace std;

class PrecondViolatedExcep : public logic_error



PrecondViolatedExcep(const string& message = "");

}; // end PrecondViolatedExcep




/** Interface for the ADT sorted list

@file SortedListInterface.h */

#pragma once


class SortedListInterface



/** Inserts an entry into this sorted list in its proper order

so that the list remains sorted.

@pre None.

@post newEntry is in the list, and the list is sorted.

@param newEntry The entry to insert into the sorted list. */

virtual void insertSorted(const ItemType& newEntry) = 0;

/** Removes the first or only occurrence of the given entry from this

sorted list.

@pre None.

@post If the removal is successful, the first occurrence of the

given entry is no longer in the sorted list, and the returned

value is true. Otherwise, the sorted list is unchanged and the

returned value is false.

@param anEntry The entry to remove.

@return True if removal is successful, or false if not. */

virtual bool removeSorted(const ItemType& anEntry) = 0;

/** Gets the position of the first or only occurrence of the given

entry in this sorted list. In case the entry is not in the list,

determines where it should be if it were added to the list.

@pre None.

@post The position where the given entry is or belongs is returned.

The sorted list is unchanged.

@param anEntry The entry to locate.

@return Either the position of the given entry, if it occurs in the

sorted list, or the position where the entry would occur, but as a

negative integer. */

virtual int getPosition(const ItemType& anEntry) const = 0;

// The following methods are the same as those given in ListInterface

// in Listing 8-1 of Chapter 8 and are completely specified there.

/** Sees whether this list is empty. */

virtual bool isEmpty() const = 0;

/** Gets the current number of entries in this list. */

virtual int getLength() const = 0;

/** Removes the entry at a given position from this list. */

virtual bool remove(int position) = 0;

/** Removes all entries from this list. */

virtual void clear() = 0;

/** Gets the entry at the given position in this list. */

virtual ItemType getEntry(int position) const = 0;

}; // end SortedListInterface




/** Implementation file for the class LinkedSortedList.

@file LinkedSortedList.cpp */

#include "LinkedSortedList.h" // Header file



LinkedSortedList::LinkedSortedList() : headPtr(nullptr), itemCount(0)


} // end default constructor


LinkedSortedList::LinkedSortedList(const LinkedSortedList& aList)


headPtr = copyChain(aList.headPtr);

itemCount = aList.itemCount;

} // end copy constructor


Node* LinkedSortedList::copyChain(const Node* origChainPtr)


Node* copiedChainPtr = nullptr;

if (origChainPtr != nullptr)


// Build new chain from given one

copiedChainPtr = new Node(origChainPtr->getItem());


} // end if

return copiedChainPtr;

} // end copyChain





} // end destructor


void LinkedSortedList::insertSorted(const ItemType& newEntry)


Node* newNodePtr = new Node(newEntry);

Node* prevPtr = getNodeBefore(newEntry);

if (isEmpty() || (prevPtr == nullptr)) // Add at beginning



headPtr = newNodePtr;


else // Add after node before


Node* aftPtr = prevPtr->getNext();



} // end if


} // end insertSorted


bool LinkedSortedList::removeSorted(const ItemType& anEntry)


bool ableToDelete = false;

if (!isEmpty())


Node* nodeToRemovePtr = headPtr;

Node* prevPtr = getNodeBefore(anEntry);

if (prevPtr != nullptr)

nodeToRemovePtr = prevPtr->getNext();

ableToDelete = (nodeToRemovePtr != nullptr) && (anEntry == nodeToRemovePtr->getItem());

if (ableToDelete)


Node* aftPtr = nodeToRemovePtr->getNext();

if (nodeToRemovePtr == headPtr)


// Delete the first node in the chain

headPtr = aftPtr;




// Disconnect indicated node from chain by connecting the

// prior node with the one after


} // end if

// Return deleted node to system


delete nodeToRemovePtr;

nodeToRemovePtr = nullptr;

itemCount--; // Decrease count of entries

} // end if

} // end if

return ableToDelete;

} // end removeSorted


int LinkedSortedList::getPosition(const ItemType& anEntry) const


int position = 1;

Node* curPtr = headPtr;

while ( (curPtr != nullptr) && (anEntry > curPtr->getItem()) )


curPtr = curPtr->getNext();


} // end while

if ( (curPtr == nullptr) || (anEntry != curPtr->getItem()) )

position = -position;

return position;

} // end getPosition


// List operations:


bool LinkedSortedList::remove(int position)


bool ableToDelete = (position >= 1) && (position <= itemCount);

if (ableToDelete)


Node* curPtr = nullptr;

if (position == 1)


// Delete the first node in the chain

curPtr = headPtr; // save pointer to node

headPtr = headPtr->getNext();




// Find node that is before the one to delete

Node* prevPtr = getNodeAt(position - 1);

// Point to node to delete

curPtr = prevPtr->getNext();

// Disconnect indicated node from chain by connecting the

// prior node with the one after


} // end if

// Return deleted node to system


delete curPtr;

curPtr = nullptr;

itemCount--; // Decrease count of entries

} // end if

return ableToDelete;

} // end remove


void LinkedSortedList::clear()


while (!isEmpty())


} // end clear


ItemType LinkedSortedList::getEntry(int position) const throw(PrecondViolatedExcep)


// Enforce precondition

bool ableToGet = (position >= 1) && (position <= itemCount);

if (ableToGet)


Node* nodePtr = getNodeAt(position);

return nodePtr->getItem();




string message = "getEntry() called with an empty list or ";

message = message + "invalid position.";


} // end if

} // end getEntry


bool LinkedSortedList::isEmpty() const


return itemCount == 0;

} // end isEmpty


int LinkedSortedList::getLength() const


return itemCount;

} // end getLength


Node* LinkedSortedList::getNodeBefore(const ItemType& anEntry) const


Node* curPtr = headPtr;

Node* prevPtr = nullptr;

while ( (curPtr != nullptr) && (anEntry > curPtr->getItem()) )


prevPtr = curPtr;

curPtr = curPtr->getNext();

} // end while

return prevPtr;

} // end getNodeBefore


Node* LinkedSortedList::getNodeAt(int position) const


assert( (position >= 1) && (position <= itemCount) );

// Count from the beginning of the chain

Node* curPtr = headPtr;

for (int skip = 1; skip < position; skip++)

curPtr = curPtr->getNext();

return curPtr;

} // end getNodeAt

// End of implementation file.






#include "LinkedSortedList.h" // ADT list operations

using namespace std;

void displayList(SortedListInterface* listPtr)


cout << "The sorted list contains " << endl;

for (int pos = 1; pos <= listPtr->getLength(); pos++)


cout << listPtr->getEntry(pos) << " ";

} // end for

cout << endl << endl;

} // end displayList

void copyConstructorTester()


LinkedSortedList list;

string items[] = { "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five" };

for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)


cout << "Adding " << items[i] << endl;




LinkedSortedList copyOfList(list);

cout << "Copy of list: ";


cout << "The copied list: ";


} // end copyConstructorTester

void sortedListTester(SortedListInterface* listPtr)


string luke = "Luke";

string brent = "Brent";

string donna = "Donna";

string tom = "Tom";

string sue = "Sue";

string jerry = "Jerry";

cout << " Test isEmpty with an empty list:" << endl;

if (listPtr->isEmpty())

cout << "OK" << endl;


cout << "isEmpty() error" << endl;







// display the list

cout << "List should contain Brent, Donna, " <<

"Jerry, Luke, Sue, Tom" << endl;

cout << " List actually contains:" << endl;


cout << endl;

// test getPosition

cout << " Test getPosition: " << endl;

// These names are in the list

cout << "Brent is at position " << listPtr->getPosition(brent) << endl;

cout << "Donna is at position " << listPtr->getPosition(donna) << endl;

cout << "Jerry is at position " << listPtr->getPosition(jerry) << endl;

cout << "Luke is at position " << listPtr->getPosition(luke) << endl;

cout << "Sue is at position " << listPtr->getPosition(sue) << endl;

cout << "Tom is at position " << listPtr->getPosition(tom) << endl;

// These names are not in the list

string missy = "Missy";

cout << "Missy belongs at position " << listPtr->getPosition(missy) << endl;

string zeke = "Zeke";

cout << "Zeke belongs at position " << listPtr->getPosition(zeke) << endl;

string aaron = "Aaron";

cout << "Aaron belongs at position " << listPtr->getPosition(aaron) << endl;

// test getLength and getEntry

cout << " Test getLength and getEntry: " << endl;

cout << " List has " << listPtr->getLength() << " entries, as follows: " << endl;

for (int i = 1; i <= listPtr->getLength(); i++)

cout << i << ": " << listPtr->getEntry(i) << endl;

// test remove

cout << " Test remove: " << endl;

// remove first entry

cout << " Removing first item (Brent): " << listPtr->removeSorted(brent) << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;

cout << " After removing Brent, list contains " << listPtr->getLength()

<< " items, as follows:" << endl;


// remove interior

cout << " Removing interior item (Luke): " << listPtr->removeSorted(luke) << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;

cout << " After removing Luke, list contains " << listPtr->getLength()

<< " items, as follows:" << endl;


// remove last

cout << &" Removing last item (Tom): "[listPtr->removeSorted(tom)] << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;

cout << " After removing last item, list contains " << listPtr->getLength()

<< " items, as follows:" << endl;


cout << " Removing a missing item (Brent): " << listPtr->removeSorted(brent) << "; should be 0 (false)" << endl;

cout << " Removing a missing item (Luke): " << listPtr->removeSorted(luke) << "; should be 0 (false)" << endl;

cout << " Removing a missing item (Tom): " << listPtr->removeSorted(tom) << "; should be 0 (false)" << endl;

cout << " The list contains " << listPtr->getLength()

<< " items, as follows:" << endl;


// test clear()

cout << " Test clear(): " << endl;


if (listPtr->isEmpty())

cout << " The list is empty after invoking clear()." << endl;


cout << " clear() error" << endl;

} // end sortedListTester

void listOpsTester(SortedListInterface* listPtr)


string luke = "Luke";

string brent = "Brent";

string donna = "Donna";

string tom = "Tom";

string sue = "Sue";

string jerry = "Jerry";








cout << "isEmpty: returns " << listPtr->isEmpty() << "; should be 0 (false)" << endl;

cout << "getLength returns : " << listPtr->getLength() << "; should be 6" << endl;

cout << "remove(2): returns " << listPtr->remove(2) << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;

cout << "remove(1): returns " << listPtr->remove(1) << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;

cout << "remove(6): returns " << listPtr->remove(6) << "; should be 0 (false)" << endl;


cout << "getLength returns : " << listPtr->getLength() << "; should be 4" << endl;

cout << "clear: " << endl;


cout << "isEmpty: returns " << listPtr->isEmpty() << "; should be 1 (true)" << endl;



cout << "Attempt an illegal retrieval from position 6: " << endl;



catch (PrecondViolatedExcep e)


cout << e.what() << endl;

} // end try/catch

} // end listOpsTester

int main()


cout << " Linked Sorted List ";


SortedListInterface* listPtr = new LinkedSortedList();

cout << "Testing the Link-Based Sorted List:" << endl;


cout << "=========================================" << endl;

cout << " Testing the List Operations:" << endl;


cout << " Fin ";

return 0;

} // end main


Linked Sorted List

Adding zero

Adding one

Adding two

Adding three

Adding four

Adding five

The sorted list contains

five four one three two zero

Copy of list: The sorted list contains

five four one three two zero

The copied list: The sorted list contains

five four one three two zero

Testing the Link-Based Sorted List:

Test isEmpty with an empty list:


List should contain

Brent, Donna, Jerry, Luke, Sue, Tom

List actually contains:

The sorted list contains

Brent Donna Jerry Luke Sue Tom

Test getPosition:

Brent is at position 1

Donna is at position 2

Jerry is at position 3

Luke is at position 4

Sue is at position 5

Tom is at position 6

Missy belongs at position -5

Zeke belongs at position -7

Aaron belongs at position -1

Test getLength and getEntry:

List has 6 entries, as follows:

1: Brent

2: Donna

3: Jerry

4: Luke

5: Sue

6: Tom

Test remove:

Removing first item (Brent): 1; should be 1 (true)

After removing Brent, list contains 5 items, as follows:

The sorted list contains

Donna Jerry Luke Sue Tom

Removing interior item (Luke): 1; should be 1 (true)

After removing Luke, list contains 4 items, as follows:

The sorted list contains

Donna Jerry Sue Tom

Removing last item (Tom): ; should be 1 (true)

After removing last item, list contains 3 items, as follows:

The sorted list contains

Donna Jerry Sue

Removing a missing item (Brent): 0; should be 0 (false)

Removing a missing item (Luke): 0; should be 0 (false)

Removing a missing item (Tom): 0; should be 0 (false)

The list contains 3 items, as follows:

The sorted list contains

Donna Jerry Sue

Test clear():

The list is empty after invoking clear().


Testing the List Operations:

The sorted list contains

Brent Donna Jerry Luke Sue Tom

isEmpty: returns 0; should be 0 (false)

getLength returns : 6; should be 6

remove(2): returns 1; should be 1 (true)

remove(1): returns 1; should be 1 (true)

remove(6): returns 0; should be 0 (false)

The sorted list contains

Jerry Luke Sue Tom

getLength returns : 4; should be 4


isEmpty: returns 1; should be 1 (true)

Attempt an illegal retrieval from position 6:

Precondition Violated Exception: getEntry() called with an empty list or invalid







/** @file Node.cpp

Listing 4-2 */


#include "Node.h"


Node::Node() : next(nullptr)


} // end default constructor


Node::Node(const ItemType& anItem) : item(anItem), next(nullptr)


} // end constructor


Node::Node(const ItemType& anItem, Node* nextNodePtr) :

item(anItem), next(nextNodePtr)


} // end constructor


void Node::setItem(const ItemType& anItem)


item = anItem;

} // end setItem


void Node::setNext(Node* nextNodePtr)


next = nextNodePtr;

} // end setNext


ItemType Node::getItem() const


return item;

} // end getItem


Node* Node::getNext() const


return next;

} // end getNext




/** Listing 7-6.

@file PrecondViolatedExcep.cpp */

#include "PrecondViolatedExcep.h"

PrecondViolatedExcep::PrecondViolatedExcep(const string& message) : logic_error("Precondition Violated Exception: " + message)


} // end constructor

// End of implementation file.

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