_ ( C I 9 Secure hpswnewconnect.mheducation.comfflnwiconneci.htrm Q 317 I e E omzs Saved Hob woman Sum 1 The parlodk: Inventory system mqu1nas updmlng the \ vanlmy account only 31 Lha and Dflhe period to raacLlhE quanmy and c051. of goods avaab'e fur sale and the cast nguuds sold. \"mar m Prev 1 of 16 IE Next ) \f_ ( ' C I 9 Secure hpswnewconnect.mheducationcomrflnwiconneci.htrm Q l e E aulzs Bred Hob Saul-Exit mm 3 Merchandlsa lrwsmmy'. Mu'lnlECmice O balangtermasset Is a currenl easel. Include; supplies the company wnl use in future pennds. Is dassred with Invaslmenxs an me nuance sheet Mus! he sold within one monih. OOOO ( Prev 3 of16 Next ) ( C I 9 Secure hpswnewconnect.mheducation.comfflnwiconneci.htrm Q 311" e 5 omzs Saved Hob mum Sum q Thecurram paud's endlng InvErILory B: Mmle Choice 0 The next periods heglnnrng Inuentuqr. The current period's mslefgooas 5am. The prior perruu's begnring inventory. The current period; net purchases 0000 The aurrenl period's heglnnlng Inventonr. _ ( C I 9 Secure hpswnewconnect.mheducationoml'flnwiconnecthtm' Q {7| 3 00. omzs Saved Horp maa Sum A cum puny purchased $1,300 of "Dar: handlse on Ju'y 5 W101 Iarrns 2110' "ISO. On July 7, \\1 rammed $200 worth of marchand1u.0n Jury 23, \\1 pa1d the {M amount. due. Ass um'ng the 11 company uses a perpetual Inventory system. and records purchases using the grass msmodr the ca rmctjaurnal entry to record the marchandlss return on Ju'y 3' Is: Mmle Choice 0 DebiLMerdhandlse Irwerltary $1.600: :reall Cash $1.500. DebiLMerdhandlse Irwerltary $200: credit Amounls Payame $200 DebiLMerchandlse Inventory $209. new: Sales Returns 3201: Debilmaunls Payable $2001 credn Merdlanse Inventory 5200 Debitmaunas Payable $1300: areart Purchase Returns $200: credit Merchanase lrwentary 31.6011 @000 E _ ( C I 9 Secure hpswnewcanneal.mheducationomrflnwiconnecthtm' Q {7| 3 00. omzs Saved Hob woman Sum A cum pany purchased $1,300 of man: handlse on Ju'y 5 W101 Iarms 2110' men. On July 7, \\1 rammed $200 worth of marchanlu. On JUN 12, IL pmd the ful' amoum due. Msumlng the 12 company uses a perpetual Inventory system. and racurds purchases using the grass method' the ca rmctjaurnal entry to record the payment on Ju'y 12 Is: Mmla Choice 0 DebiLMardhandlsa Inventery $1.600: credit Cash $1.500. DebiLCasH 31.6001 cream Amounls Payable 51.500. Debiumamas Payable $1505: credll Merchandise Invenhm'y 332:1\": Cash slssa Debilmaunls Payable $1,500: aredrt Cash $1,500. Debitmcunas Payable $1,605: dealt C391 $1.500. OOOO ( C I 9 Secure hpswnewconnect.mheducationcomrflnwiconneci.htrm Q 317 I e E Ouazs Sued Hob Sealant mm 13 Sales of $350,000 and net sales {#5321000 could rem sales dlscuums a! $27,000. Mmr