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C++ In this problem you will change the StringOfCars class so it has an array of pointers to objects, rather than an array of objects


In this problem you will change the StringOfCars class so it has an array of pointers to objects, rather than an array of objects themselves. This will allow us to have a string of cars that contains Car, FreightCar, and PassengerCar objects all in the same string of cars. This works because a pointer of type Car * can be made to point to Car objects as well as point to the child FreightCar and PassengerCar objects.

Remove the call to the output member function from the three build funtions: buildCar, buildFreightCar, and buildPassengerCar.

Because you have pointers of type Car * that may point to any one of the three types of objects, there is a problem. The system does not know what type object will be encountered until execution time. That means a system is needed so the functions that are overridden need to have a mechanism to select the correct version of the function at execution time, rather than having it fixed at compile time. This is done with the virtual declaration. To do this make the declaration of the setKind and the declaration of the ~Car functions virtual in the Car class. This is only done in the declaration, not the definition of the function. This is only done in the parent class, not the children classes.

To change the class StringOfCars, comment out all the code in the member functions of the StringOfCars class and fix them one or two at a time in the following order. These are similar to the previous functions, but changed to allow for the fact that we are putting pointers to cars in the array.

Build the default constructor first. Create a default string of cars in main.

Build an output function, similar to the old one, but dereferrencing the pointers.

Write a push function which adds a car to the string of cars. It takes a Car by constant reference, allocates space in the heap, makes a copy of the Car, and puts the pointer to the Car in the array.

Write a copy constructor similar to the old one, but it gets space for each car and copies each one, as well as getting space for the array.

omit the pop member function.

Add to the build functions a call to push the objects onto the string of cars.

Remove the output from the build functions.

Test the copy constructor by making stringOfCars2 in the stack for main that is a copy of stringOfCars1.

Print stringOfCars2.

this is my code but there is a problem it says that

'nullptr' was not declared in this scope

plz help me

#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;

enum Kind { business, maintenance, other, box, tank, flat, otherFreight, chair, sleeper, otherPassenger }; const string KIND_ARRAY[] = { "business", "maintenance", "other", "box", "tank", "flat", "otherFreight", "chair", "sleeper", "otherPassenger" };

class Car { protected: string reportingMark; int carNumber; Kind kind; bool loaded; public: string destination;

void setUp(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest); virtual void setKind(const string & tempKind); void output(); Car& operator=(const Car & carB); friend bool operator==(const Car &carA, const Car &carB);

Car() { setUp("", 0, "other", false, "NONE"); } Car(const Car &oldCar) { setUp(oldCar.reportingMark, oldCar.carNumber, KIND_ARRAY[oldCar.kind], oldCar.loaded, oldCar.destination); kind = oldCar.kind; } Car(const string &reportingMark, const int &carNumber, const string &kind, const bool &loaded, const string &destination) { setUp(reportingMark, carNumber, kind, loaded, destination); } int getCarNum(){ return carNumber; } string getRepMark(){ return reportingMark; }

virtual ~Car() {};


class FreightCar : public Car { public: FreightCar() { setUp("", 0, "other", false, "NONE"); } FreightCar(const FreightCar &oldFreight) { setUp(oldFreight.reportingMark, oldFreight.carNumber, KIND_ARRAY[oldFreight.kind], oldFreight.loaded, oldFreight.destination); } FreightCar(const string &reportingMark, const int &carNumber, const string &kind, const bool &loaded, const string &destination) { setUp(reportingMark, carNumber, kind, loaded, destination); } void setKind(const string & stringKind); };

class PassengerCar : public Car { public: PassengerCar() { setUp("", 0, "other", false, "NONE"); } PassengerCar(const PassengerCar &oldPassenger) { setUp(oldPassenger.reportingMark, oldPassenger.carNumber, KIND_ARRAY[oldPassenger.kind], oldPassenger.loaded, oldPassenger.destination); } PassengerCar(const string &reportingMark, const int &carNumber, const string &kind, const bool &loaded, const string &destination) { setUp(reportingMark, carNumber, kind, loaded, destination); } void setKind(const string & stringKind);


//StringOfCars declaration for the Node class class StringOfCars;

class Node { private: Node * next; Car * data; Node() { next = nullptr; data = nullptr; } public: friend class StringOfCars;


class StringOfCars { private: Node * head; Node * tail;

public: StringOfCars() { head = nullptr; tail = nullptr; }

StringOfCars(const StringOfCars & oldStringOfCars) { Node * currentNodePtr = oldStringOfCars.head; head = nullptr; tail = nullptr;

if (oldStringOfCars.head != nullptr) { while (currentNodePtr != nullptr) { push(*currentNodePtr->data); currentNodePtr = (*currentNodePtr).next; } } }

~StringOfCars() {}

void push(const Car & tempCar); Car* search(int carNum); void addCar(); void output(); };

//Function Prototypes void input(StringOfCars & carArray); void buildCar(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest, StringOfCars & carArray); void buildFreightCar(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest, StringOfCars & carArray); void buildPassengerCar(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest, StringOfCars & carArray);

int main() { StringOfCars stringOfCars1; input(stringOfCars1);

StringOfCars stringOfCars2(stringOfCars1); stringOfCars2.output();

cout << "Enter the car number you'd like to search: "; int carNumChoice; cin >> carNumChoice; cout << " Search results: ";

if( != nullptr){ (>output(); }else{ cout << "No car found. "; }

int closeWindow; cout << " Enter an integer to close the output window: "; cin >> closeWindow; }

// ********************************************************** // Car Member Functions // **********************************************************

/*************************** Car::output ***************************** Outputs the member data in a neat format Output is a member function of the Car class */ void Car::output() { cout << "Reporting Mark: " << reportingMark << endl; cout << "Car Number : " << carNumber << endl; cout << "Kind : " << KIND_ARRAY[kind] << endl;

//Converts the loaded boolean into a string for output string temp; if (loaded == true) temp = "true"; else temp = "false";

cout << "Loaded : " << temp << endl; cout << "Destination : " << destination << endl; cout << endl;


/*************************** Car::setUp ***************************** Assigns the data to the member data in an object from the Car class setUp is a member function of the Car class */ void Car::setUp(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest) { reportingMark = rMark; carNumber = carNum; setKind(carKind); loaded = isLoaded; destination = dest; }

/*********************** Kind Car::setKind *************************** Sets the kind variable for the setUp function */ void Car::setKind(const string & stringKind) { if (stringKind == "business") kind = business; else if (stringKind == "maintenance") kind = maintenance; else kind = other; }

/************************* Car::operator= ***************************** Returns the left hand operator by refrence operator= is an overloaded member function from the Car class */ Car & Car::operator=(const Car & carB) { setUp(carB.reportingMark, carB.carNumber, KIND_ARRAY[carB.kind], carB.loaded, carB.destination);

return *this; }

/***************************** operator== ************************************** Compares two Car objects to check equivalence (same reportingMark and carNumber operator== is a overloaded friend function from the Car class */ bool operator==(const Car &carA, const Car &carB) { bool temp; if (carA.reportingMark == carB.reportingMark && carA.carNumber == carB.carNumber) temp = true; else temp = false; return temp; }

// ********************************************************** // FreightCar Member Functions // ********************************************************** void FreightCar::setKind(const string & stringKind) { if (stringKind == "box") kind = box; else if (stringKind == "tank") kind = tank; else if (stringKind == "flat") kind = flat; else kind = otherFreight; } // ********************************************************** // PassengerCar Member Functions // ********************************************************** void PassengerCar::setKind(const string & stringKind) { if (stringKind == "chair") kind = chair; else if (stringKind == "sleeper") kind = sleeper; else kind = otherPassenger; }

// ********************************************************** // StringOfCars Member Functions // **********************************************************

/*********************** StringOfCars::addCar *************************** This was added by Jose Sepulveda on 9/27/2015 This function adds a car from the list */

void StringOfCars::addCar(){ string type, order, rMark; cout << "Would you like to add a: 1)Car 2)PassengerCar 3)FrieghtCar 4)Exit "; int choice; cin >> choice; while(choice > 4){ cout << "Sorry, please enter a valid input. "; cin >> choice; } if(choice == 1){ type = "Car"; } else if(choice == 2){ type = "PassengerCar"; } else { type = "FreightCar"; } order = "car11";

cout << "Please enter the rMark: "; cin >> rMark;

cout << "Please enter the car number: "; int carNum; cin >> carNum;

cout << "In one word, what kind of car is it?: "; string carKind; cin >> carKind;

bool isLoaded; isLoaded = true;

cout << "In one word, where is it headed?: "; string dest; cin >> dest;

Car temp(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest); push(temp);


/*********************** StringOfCars::search *************************** This function was added by Jose Sepulveda(10/1/2015) Searchs for a car using the carNum, returns ptr to found car, or nullptr if no car is found. */ Car* StringOfCars::search(int carNum){ Node * pCurr; if (head == nullptr){ cout << "No cars "; }else{ pCurr = head; while(pCurr != nullptr){ if(carNum == (*pCurr->data).getCarNum()){ return &(*pCurr->data); } pCurr = (*pCurr).next; } } Car* temp = nullptr; return temp;


/*********************** StringOfCars::output *************************** Outputs the data from the linked list of pointers to car objects Prints the data saved in each car object */ void StringOfCars::output() { Node * currentNodePtr; if (head == nullptr) { cout << "No cars "; } else { currentNodePtr = head; int currentCarNumber = 0; while (currentNodePtr != nullptr) { cout << "Car Number " << ++currentCarNumber << endl; (*currentNodePtr->data).output(); currentNodePtr = (*currentNodePtr).next; } } }

/*********************** StringOfCars::push *************************** Adds a car pointer to the list of pointers to cars Car object accessed through constant refrence from calling function */ void StringOfCars::push(const Car & tempCar) { Car* currentCarPtr = new Car(tempCar); Node* currentNodePtr = new Node;

(*currentNodePtr).data = currentCarPtr;

if (head == nullptr) { head = currentNodePtr; tail = currentNodePtr; } else { (*tail).next = currentNodePtr; tail = currentNodePtr; }


/****************************** input ******************************** Reads in information on the train car from a file Information saved in temporary car object in function */ void input(StringOfCars & carArray) { string type; string order; string rMark; int carNum; string carKind; bool isLoaded; string dest; ifstream inputFile;"data.txt");

if (!inputFile) { cerr << "Error while opening the file. Exitting with code 1" << endl; exit(1);


while (inputFile.peek() != EOF) { inputFile >> type; inputFile >> order; inputFile >> rMark; inputFile >> carNum; inputFile >> carKind;

//Converts the user inputted true/false string to a boolean value string temp; inputFile >> temp; if (temp == "true") isLoaded = true; else if (temp == "false") isLoaded = false;

//Skips the white space while (inputFile.peek() == ' ') inputFile.get();

getline(inputFile, dest);

if (type == "Car") buildCar(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest, carArray); else if (type == "FreightCar") buildFreightCar(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest, carArray); else if (type == "PassengerCar") buildPassengerCar(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest, carArray); }

inputFile.close(); }

/*********************** Car buildCar *************************** Builds a car object and outputs the results */ void buildCar(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest, StringOfCars & carArray) { Car obj = Car(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest); carArray.push(obj); }

/*********************** Car buildFreightCar *************************** Builds a freight car object and outputs the results */ void buildFreightCar(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest, StringOfCars & carArray) { FreightCar obj = FreightCar(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest); carArray.push(obj); }

/*********************** Car buildPassengerCar *************************** Builds a passenger car object and outputs the results */ void buildPassengerCar(string rMark, int carNum, string carKind, bool isLoaded, string dest, StringOfCars & carArray) { PassengerCar obj = PassengerCar(rMark, carNum, carKind, isLoaded, dest); carArray.push(obj); }

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