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C++ program. I'm trying to run this code for the following project but I get 13 errors( the error list is at bottom). This program

C++ program. I'm trying to run this code for the following project but I get 13 errors( the error list is at bottom).

This program will have names and addresses saved in a linked list. In addition, a birthday and anniversary date will be saved with each record.

When the program is run, it will search for a birthday or an anniversary using the current date to compare with the saved date. It will then generate the appropriate card message.

Because this will be an interactive system, your program should begin by displaying a menu.

Items on the menu should include:

Enter a new name into the address book

Delete a name from the address book

Change a name or date in the address book

Display the whole address book

Generate birthday cards

Generate anniversary cards

Exit the card program

Each of these sections will call individual functions to perform their appropriate task.

This address book is to be sorted in alphabetical order. Be aware of this when you are entering, deleting, or changing the name, and plan your code accordingly. Use classes and objects where appropriate. Be sure to comment your code and use appropriate variable, function, and class names so that it is clear how the program flows.

The user gets the menu and creates information to be stored in your address book. (To save sanity in testing, you may fill in 5 or 6 records within the code or written to a file to start your address book.) The user can add a new record to your existing ones, delete a record, modify a record or print the whole address book on the screen. For each of the options, make sure you give suitable prompts on the screen so that the user knows what is expected by the program.

Expect that the user will enter both a birthday and anniversary date. (If youd like, you can handle the situation where the user chooses not to enter an anniversary date.) A year may be entered or omitted in birthday and anniversary dates. Also be sure to redisplay the menu any time a function has concluded, until the user presses the Exit option.

Create and display the card created on the screen (you do not need to print it). You may design

the layout of the card as you wish. For example, it could be:

Dear ,

Hope your birthday is really wonderful and this coming year is the best yet!



Generate Birthday Cards and Generate Anniversary Cards will use the system date (today) as the date to match. Using this date, display the card below it on the screen. Be ready to print

multiple cards if more than one birthday or anniversary falls on the same day.

Display the Whole Address Book will be done on the screen. Output should look something like:

Wilson, Fred

123 Main Street

Anytown, NJ 00000

Birthday: May 7

Anniversary: June 25

Or include the structure variable names youve used:

lname: Wilson fname: Fred

addr: 123 Main Street

city: Anytown state: NJ zip: 00000

bday: May 7

aday: June 25

2. School calendar program.

3. Program that capitalizes words that begin with a.

4. Convert function to template.

5. Cylinder and circle derived class question.




#include "LinkedList.h"

#include "AddressBook.h"

using namespace std;

void mainMenu(AddressBook& addresses);

void enterName(AddressBook& addresses);

void deleteName(AddressBook& addresses);

void changeName(AddressBook& addresses);

void generateBirthdayCards(AddressBook& addresses);

void generateAnniversaryCards(AddressBook& addresses);

void resetInput();

int main()


// Load the address book

AddressBook addresses;


// Start the mainMenu loop


return 0;


void mainMenu(AddressBook& addresses)


// Display main menu

cout << "------------------Main menu------------------" << endl;

cout << "[1]: Enter a new name into the address book" << endl;

cout << "[2]: Delete a name from the address book" << endl;

cout << "[3]: Change a name or date in the address book" << endl;

cout << "[4]: Generate birthday cards" << endl;

cout << "[5]: Generate anniversary cards" << endl;

cout << "[6]: Save and exit the card program" << endl;

cout << "[7]: Print address book." << endl;

// Prompt for user input.

cout << "Enter code here: ";

// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


int code;

cin >> code;

cout << endl;

// If their input failed, as they entered a word instead of a number

while (


// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


// Prompts that input failed, trys to recollect input

cout << "Input failed. Enter code here: ";

cin >> code;

cout << endl;


// Start the corresponding function the code that was entered.

switch (code)


case 1:

cout << "-----------------Enter Name------------------" << endl;



case 2:

cout << "-----------------Delete Name-----------------" << endl;



case 3:

cout << "-----------------Change Name-----------------" << endl;



case 4:

cout << "---------------Birthday Cards----------------" << endl;



case 5:

cout << "-------------Anniversary Cards---------------" << endl;



// Saves and exits the program

case 6:

cout << "Now closing..." << endl;;// Saves the addresses to the text file

exit(0);// Exits the program


case 7:

cout << "----------------Address List-----------------" << endl;




// The default operation will print wrong number.

cerr << "Sorry, wrong number." << endl;





void enterName(AddressBook& addresses)


// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


// Fill out form, for name, address, anniversary date, and birthday

Address cur;

cout << "Enter name:";


cout << "Enter Address:";

getline(cin, cur.streetAddress);

cout << "Enter Anniversary Date:";

getline(cin, cur.anniversaryDate);

cout << "Enter Birthday Date:";

getline(cin, cur.birthdayDate);

cout << endl;

// We then add the newly created address to the address book



void deleteName(AddressBook& addresses)


// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


// Get name to delete

string name;

cout << "Enter name to delete: ";

getline(cin, name);

cout << endl;

// Remove it from the address book



void changeName(AddressBook& addresses)


// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


// Get name to rename

string name;

cout << "Enter name to rename: ";

getline(cin, name);

// Get the address with the specific name

Address addressToBeDeleted = addresses.get(name);

// If the address is NULL, the entered name doesn't exist. Exit the function.

if ( == "NULL")


cerr << "Entered name does not exist!" << endl;



// New Address that is being formed

Address* changeAddress = new Address;

changeAddress->streetAddress = addressToBeDeleted.streetAddress;

changeAddress->anniversaryDate = addressToBeDeleted.anniversaryDate;

changeAddress->birthdayDate = addressToBeDeleted.birthdayDate;

// Remove the old address


// Get the new name

cout << "Enter new name: ";

getline(cin, name);

cout << endl;

changeAddress->name = name;

// Add the new address to the address book



void generateBirthdayCards(AddressBook& addresses)


// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


// Get date

string date;

cout << "Enter date: ";

cin >> date;

// Generate birthday cards for the date



void generateAnniversaryCards(AddressBook& addresses)


// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input


// Get date

string date;

cout << "Enter date: ";

cin >> date;

// Generate anniversary cards for the date



// Cleanup to make sure cin is working before gathering user input

void resetInput()


// If it's failed, ignore the whole line

if (


// Removes any information user entered.


// cin.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), ' ');


// If the next character is a newline, ignore it.

if (cin.peek() == ' ')






#ifndef ADDRESS_H

#define ADDRESS_H


class Address



// Create an Address using these 4 params

Address(std::string name = "Not Entered",

std::string streetAddress = "Not Entered",

std::string anniversaryDate = "XX-XX-XXXX",

std::string birthdayDate = "XX-XX-XXXX");

virtual ~Address();

// Let other files print out addresses

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Address& curAddress);

std::string name;

std::string streetAddress;

std::string anniversaryDate;

std::string birthdayDate;




#endif // ADDRESS_H



#include "Address.h"

// Can be created with name, address, aniv date, and bday

Address::Address(std::string name, std::string streetAddress, std::string anniversaryDate, std::string birthdayDate)


this->name = name;

this->streetAddress = streetAddress;

this->anniversaryDate = anniversaryDate;

this->birthdayDate = birthdayDate;






// Can be printed out by an overloaded operator.

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& outStream, const Address& curAddress)



outStream << "Name: " << << std::endl

<< "Address: " << curAddress.streetAddress << std::endl

<< "Anniversary Date: " << curAddress.anniversaryDate << std::endl

<< "Birthday Date: " << curAddress.birthdayDate << std::endl;

return outStream;



#pragma once







class LinkedList




virtual ~LinkedList();

int getLength();

virtual void print();

void add(Type value);

void remove(Type value);


int length;

struct Node


Type val;

Node* next;


Node* head, *tail;



* Sets head and tail to null, sets length to be empty.





head = tail = NULL;

length = 0;



* Destructor for the Linked List.





Node* prev = NULL;

Node* it = head;

while (it != NULL)


prev = it;

it = it->next;

delete prev;




* Prints the whole linked list.



void LinkedList::print()


int index = 0;

Node* it = head;

while (it != NULL)


std::cout << "{" << index << ":" << it->val << "}";

if (it->next != NULL)


std::cout << ", ";


it = it->next;




* @return the number of nodes in the linked list.



int LinkedList::getLength()


return length;



void LinkedList::add(Type value)


Node* newNode = new Node;

newNode->val = value;

newNode->next = NULL;

if (head == NULL)


head = tail = newNode;




tail->next = newNode;

tail = newNode;





* Removes all nodes that have the value passed in.

* @param value The value you want to remove.



void LinkedList::remove(Type value)


Node* it = head;

Node* prev = NULL;

while (it->next != NULL)


if (it->val == value)


if (prev == NULL)


head = it->next;

delete it;




prev->next = it->next;

delete it;



prev = it;

it = it->next;




#endif // LINKEDLIST_H


#pragma once




#include "LinkedList.h"

#include "Address.h"

class AddressBook : public LinkedList




virtual ~AddressBook();

void print();// Print the Address Book

void add(Address curAddress);// Add an address

void remove(std::string name);// Remove an address associated with the name passed in

Address get(std::string name);// Get an address by passing in the name of that address

void generateBirthdayCards(std::string date);// Generate bday cards

void generateAnniversaryCards(std::string date);// Generate anniversary cards

void load();// Load the address book

void save();// Save the address book



void printBirthdayCard(Address currAdress);

void printAnniversaryCard(Address currAdress);





#include "AddressBook.h"












// Print all of the elements in the address book

void AddressBook::print()


Node* it = head;

while (it != NULL)


std::cout << it->val << std::endl;

it = it->next;



// Removes the passed in name

void AddressBook::remove(std::string name)


// start the iterator at the head

Node* it = head;

Node* prev = NULL;

// While our iterator isnt null

while (it != NULL)


// Get the current name out of the node

std::string curName = ((Address)it->val).name;

// If the current name and nameToBeDeleted are the same

if (curName == name)


// If we are at the head, set it's next node to the iterators next value

if (prev == NULL)


head = it->next;

delete it;


// Else set the previous values next value to the iterators next value



prev->next = it->next;

delete it;


// Decrease the length on removal



// Set the previous node to be the iterator

prev = it;

// Set the iterator to the next value

it = it->next;



// Returns the address at the name passed in, or an address whose name is NULL if the name isn't in the address book

Address AddressBook::get(std::string name)


// Set the iterator to the head of the linked list

Node* it = head;

// While our name isn't found, and we haven't gone through the whole list

while (it != NULL)


// Extract the iterators name

std::string curName = ((Address)it->val).name;

// If the iterators name is equal to the wanted name, then the value is found and returned

if (curName == name)


return it->val;


it = it->next;


// If the address wasn't found, return the address with the name of NULL

Address nullAdd; = "NULL";

return nullAdd;


// Go through every address, print out birthday cards with the same date as string passed in

void AddressBook::generateBirthdayCards(std::string date)


// Go through every address

Node* it = head;

while (it != NULL)


// If it's birthday is equal to the date passed in, print it's birthday card

Address curAddress = ((Address)it->val);

if (date == curAddress.birthdayDate)




it = it->next;



void AddressBook::printBirthdayCard(Address curAddress)


std::cout << "-------------------------------------" << std::endl;

std::cout << "Dear " << << "," << std::endl << std::endl;

std::cout << "Hope your birthday is really wonderful and this coming year is the best yet!" << std::endl;

std::cout << "Love," << std::endl << std::endl;

std::cout << "John Doe" << std::endl;


// Go through every address, print out anniversary cards with the same date as string passed in

void AddressBook::generateAnniversaryCards(std::string date)


// Go through every address

Node* it = head;

while (it != NULL)


// If it's anniversary is equal to the date passed in, print it's birthday card

Address curAddress = ((Address)it->val);

if (date == curAddress.anniversaryDate)




it = it->next;



// Add an address to the book, make sure it is sorted alphabetically

void AddressBook::add(Address newAddress)


// Create a new node with our address

Node* newNode = new Node;

newNode->val = newAddress;

newNode->next = NULL;

// IF the head is null, the head and tail are both the new node

if (head == NULL)


head = tail = newNode;




// Create an iterator, and previous iterator

Node* prev = NULL;

Node* it = head;

// Go through each element

while (it != NULL)


// If the current name is greater than the new name,

std::string curName = ((Address)it->val).name;

if (curName >


// Add the new node at the last location, then rewire the list

if (prev == NULL)


head = newNode;

newNode->next = it;




prev->next = newNode;

newNode->next = it;






// Else we go to the next node

if (it->next == NULL)


it->next = newNode;

it = newNode->next;




prev = it;

it = it->next;





// Increment the length when an item is added



void AddressBook::printAnniversaryCard(Address curAddress)


std::cout << "-------------------------------------" << std::endl;

std::cout << "Dear " << << "," << std::endl << std::endl;

std::cout << "Hope your anniversary is really wonderful and this coming year is the best yet!" << std::endl;

std::cout << "Love," << std::endl << std::endl;

std::cout << "John Doe" << std::endl;


// Loads the address book from a properties file

void AddressBook::load()


// Attempt to open the address file

std::ifstream in;"");

// If the file didn't open, print an error message

if (!in.good())


std::cerr << "Cannot open" << std::endl;



// While we can read without an error, keep adding addresses to our book

while (in.good())


// Create new address, get all 4 elements

Address* curAddress = new Address;

std::string temp;

getline(in, temp);

curAddress->name = temp;

getline(in, temp);

curAddress->streetAddress = temp;

getline(in, temp);

curAddress->anniversaryDate = temp;

getline(in, temp);

curAddress->birthdayDate = temp;

// If our input is still good after adding those 4 elements, add the new address.

if (in.good())





// Close the file stream



// Save the address book

void AddressBook::save()


// Open the properties file for our address book

std::ofstream out;"");

// If it failed to open, print an error and end.

if (!out.good())


std::cerr << "Cannot open" << std::endl;



// For every address

Node* it = head;

while (it != NULL)


// Print it's information to a new line of the text file

Address curAddress = (Address)it->val;

out << << std::endl;

out << curAddress.streetAddress << std::endl;

out << curAddress.anniversaryDate << std::endl;

out << curAddress.birthdayDate << std::endl;

// Go to the next node

it = it->next;


// Close the outstream




1)I get 13 errors.... most of them about the "getline" identifier: error C3861: 'getline': identifier not found.

2)error C2679: binary '>>': no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'std::string' (or there is no acceptable conversion) Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Warning.

3)C4717 'operator<<': recursive on all control paths, function will cause runtime stack overflow borra_last ast\address.cpp 24

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