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calculate the ratio of profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and position QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) Q.P.S.C. Condensed consolidated statement of financial position As at 30 June 2019

calculate the ratio of profitability, liquidity, efficiency, and position
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QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) Q.P.S.C. Condensed consolidated statement of financial position As at 30 June 2019 (All amounts are expressed in thousands of Qatari Riyals unless otherwise stated) 30 June 2019 (Reviewed) 31 December 2018 (Audited) ASSETS Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Investment properties Investment securities Goodwill Total non-current assets 2,896,593 889,505 1,517.919 132,935 5,436,952 2,661,163 906,226 1,485,015 132,935 5.185,339 Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Prepayments and other receivables Cash and bank balances Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS 362,349 2,044,745 178,228 4,011,146 6,596,468 12.033.420 422,450 2.951,400 220,404 4,995,186 8 589.440 13.774.779 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EQUITY Share capital Legal reserve Fair value reserve Revaluation surplus Retained earnings Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent Non-controlling interests TOTAL EQUITY 994,256 498,915 35,809 531,793 5,750,071 7,810,844 184,091 7,994,935 994,256 497,791 (7.485) 531,793 6,014,885 8,031,240 247,383 8,278,623 LIABILITIES Non-current liabilities Trade and other payables Finance lease liability Employees' end of service benefits Total non-current liabilities 232,776 100,849 97,686 431,311 232,776 25,441 911544 349,761 Current liabilities Finance lease liability 18,225 6,325 Trade and other payables 3.588.949 5.140,070 Total current liabilities 3,607,174 5,146,395 TOTAL LIABILITIES 4,038,485 5,496,156 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 12,033,420 13,774,779 These condenced consolidated interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors and signed on its behalf by the following on 17 July 2019: QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) Q.P.S.C. Condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss For the six month period ended 30 June 2019 All more expressed in thousands of R o chestad) Note Revenues Cost of sales Gross profit For the six months period ended 30 June 2019 2018 (Reviewed) (Reviewed) 10061654 10.817, 151 (10.185.468) (10,250,256) $78,186 566,895 Other income General and administrative expenses Net profit for the period 199,312 (209641) $67857 192.408 (221,607) 537996 Attributable to: Owners of the Company Non-controlling interest Net profit for the period 548,275 19.582 567,857 503.217 34479 $37.646 Basic camings per share (expressed in QR per share) QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) Q.P.S.C. Condensed consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income For the six month period ended 30 June 2019 (All amounts are expressed in thousands of Qatari Riyals unless otherwise stated) 2018 For the six months period ended 30 June 2019 (Reviewed) (Reviewed) 567857 537.696 Net profit for the period Other comprehensive income liems that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Nct change in fair value of investment securities (7.897) lems that will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Net change in fair value of investment securities Other comprehensive income/loss) for the period Total comprehensive income for the period 21,199 21,199 59.046 476 (7.421) 530,275 Attributable to: Owners of the company Non-controlling interest 568.196 20.560 S9056 195.341 34.934 530.275 QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) O.P.S.C. Condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity For the six month periodeaded 30 June 2019 ullam and in hands of Quliya web Attribute to the easy Legal Metained Faire Here Centraling evaluation Surplus Total Capital (45) $31,793 6,014 8.03.240 20932 278.622 the period Balance at Juary 2019 Tal compres Net Sothed Other compre Totalcpre 1857 41294 (1 ) h end ur the period 2021 5629 5513 (795,105) (795.405) (795 005) Cash dividend paid for 2018 Dividends paid to cooling Balance 30 June 2019 (Reviewed 98.915 ST100717810.844 Balance 2018 17123 - 73613 A 70 TI 207100 ) FRS 9 2018 (29 105 34,479 S021901.217 (1290) 2876) $39.86 22421) TIR 874 Net profit for the period Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Sale of fractional shares Cushdvides 2017 Didende 30 June 2013 ( 131.955 207,70 (1942) 3407 6 735814 1995 004 The notes on pages 7 15 form an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) Q.P.S.C. Condensed consolidated statement of cash flows For the six month period ended 30 June 2019 (All m o re expressed in sands of Qatari Riyal weatherwise sale For the six months period ended 30 June 2019 2018 (Reviewed) (Reviewed) 567,857 537,696 9421 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Net profit for the period Adjustments for Depreciation on property, plant and equipment Depreciation on investment properties Provision for dictors and inventories Provision for employees' end of service benefits Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment Dividend income Interest income 109.587 16721 71003 2544 (5.907) (85.478) (328) 618 539 (262) (82.612) (67,329) $74.000 (44,144) Changes in - inventories - trade receivable and prepayments trade and other payables Cash generated from/used) in operating activities Employees' end of service benefits paid Interest received Net cash generated from/used) in operating activities 41552 902.07 (1.458 480) 103.705 (22.402) 81 828 165131 (7085) (62873) (241.812) (16,616) 67.129 (191,099) 7.090 (351.959) 85.478 704 (214,147) 82.612 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment Addition to property, plant and equipment Dividends received Proceeds from sale of fraction shares Purchase of investment securities Proceeds from sale of investment securities Net movement in fixed deposit account Net cash used in investing activities (673.572) 661.865 1416 245,599) (469,632) 611320 (725.586) (692.303) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Dividends paid Dividends paid to non-controlling interest Net cash used in financing activities (795,405) (3851) (879,256) (795.405) (131,955) (927,360) Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at January Cash and cash equivalents at 30 June 1969,724) 3.164 394 2,194,670 (1.810,762) 7.172478 1.361.716 The notes on page 7 to 15 form an integral part of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) O.P.S.C. Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the six month period ended 30 June 2019 Allamar apre in h ofsar R ocher 4 CHANGES IN SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES CONTINUED) d) Impacts on financial statements continued) els for the period As a result of initially applying IFRS 16, in relation to the w h ole previously classified as operating cases, the Group recognised QAR 65,344 thousand of right of OAR 63.586 head of le e s as 30 June D Also in relation to those lases under FRS 16, the Group has is depreciation and interest costs, instead of operating lease expense During the six months and 2019. the Group is QAR 9.419 thousand of depreciation charges and QAR 1617 thousand of i t s from the 5 OPERATING SEGMENTS The Group is mainly engaged in a nd distribution of refined petroleum pro technical inspection of vehicles and marine transportation. More than 95% of the Group's gone through a single segment le sale and distribution of refined petroleum products. The Company's graphical entis Sate of Qatar 6 PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 31 December 30 June 2019 (Reviewed (Audited) 4,189 166 351.959 Con Alt January Additions Revaluation Disposals/ransfers At the end of period/year 1049939 61522 $31,793 (7598) 4,189,356 (60577) Accumulated depreciation At January Depreciation charge for the period / year Dispessis/Transfers At the end of period/year 1.528.203 100 5 (51635) 1.584,195 134502 190.417 (4,716) Net carrying amount 26.05 2.661,183 The Group has received Government and in the form of conta c ts (67 plots of land located in State of Quter) for the purpose of constructing and operating petrol For seven plots of land accounted fair value of OR the title deeds have been transferred to the Group and accounted for using the relation model. A right has been ed by the Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning for sixty plots of land The Group has 8 (2018) vessels that operate mainly leplying bunkers, marine fund bitumen All the vessels are owned by Wood Marine Services Com WLL-W idiary of the Parent INVESTMENT SECURITIES Investment securities represents the investments in shares of listed i n the Enchong. At the reporting date. the details of the closing balances were as follows: 31 December 2018 (Audited) (Reviewed Investments 1,517919 1,485,01$ QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) QPS.C. Notes to the condensed con tent financiam For the month period ended 30 June 2019 ent + INVESTMENT SECURITIES CONTINUED) Fairy The following for dengan segera membuat itory and Level Techniques which s he can let the rear vasar o s As 30 June 2019 d 31 December 2017, the Google e i gimes of financial instruments m ed Financial 30 June 2012 Let ted) PVOCI 31 December Level Level 2 L Incurs FOCI During the periodyear ended June 2019 fair val s ts and transfer December 2011 of nors between level and level 2 m e & GOODWILL 31 December Red 57.700 Relating to star Jet Fuel Company WLL O-let) Relating to Wow Vehicles in eis Com WLL Fhes) As on December 2018, the Group conducted animal e d he owny indication of immen on goodwill. The evaluation was mainly h o l d of the wat er and the moment in which the widescente Bed this is the Group conced 2009 which may mento ring the The m oment will review any changes that may Goodwill CASH AND BANK BALANCES une GTS 11519 219670 18160 Fed h aving more than one QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) QPS.C. Notes to the condensed c a ted interim financial statements For the simonth period ended 30 June 2019 1 STARE CAPITAL 2019 ria Authod dinary shares of OR Tech 2018 100,000,000 shares of OR 10 each) Share ORI each 2018 99,425.576 shares of OR 10 each 256 During the period, the Company has split the existing shares of OR 10 cach to ORI each Referente 14 11 DIVIDENDS The holders of the company proved the Annual General Assembly meeting held on 25 March 2019 a cash dividend of OR & per here to shareholders with a total outing to OR 95A million for the year ended 31 December 2018 2018: the shareholders approved a cash dividend of OR share with a mounting to OR 795.4 million for the year ended 31 December 2017 12 RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURE The Group enter inte transactions with companies and entities that all within the definition of related party co d is omation Accounting Standard No. 24. Related Party D r es Reid parties comprise companies under ownership and common management and control key management procenties in which the shurchilders have controlling interest affiliates and other related parties. The Group enters interactions with Quar Petroleum (OP), Government Department, and other entities which an under significant influence or control of OP. All such transactions are carried out in mal course of business .) Trust made with related parties Significant transactions with related ties included in the interim condensed consolidated statement of income follow 30 June 30. Review 32 Qutar Petroleum / Purchase Out Proleum / Sales i Compensato per months perdenden Review Review 11.584 3 REVENUE Semprended June Review (Revice 10161.451 9 150 QATAR FUEL COMPANY (WOQOD) O.P.S.C. Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial statements For the month period ended 30 June 2019 Allamare l y we are 14 BASIC KARNING PER SHARE Basi carings are is calculated by dividing the profit for the p a the w ww sumber of ordinary e nding was during the periode th own of the Group by See months prided June 2018 SOLIT 90356 Profit for the period with the owners of the Company Welged w h ere he standing during the period Basic coming persone in OR) As per the Marks Authority, the d ryer 10 w i th a pr ofOR I each is change for share with This f ich erous standing the from 45516255 we d u mber of war d ing has been respectively adjusted 25 March 2019 OR 10 cach IS COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Commitment Operating an e minet Group as a lessee The Group has entered into son certain plots of land and some residential properties. These l es have a verge life of tween the five years with renewal options in the contacts There are now t o placed on the Group by caring into the minimum rentals payable under o n e wings 30 June 2019 r. as follows 31 December ( R June 2019 ed) 11 11 Within one year Are you Mathay the five years CA 25,151 17 171 95,789 Opre -Grups The Group and shop s The schemothy Alice 31 Dec 2015 Add 2019 Red 104 05.01 After one year but more than five years 204145 IS Capital commitment 30 June 31 December 2018 (Audited) 216092 (Hoved 01635 Capital comments

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